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Flite system

The Flite core library consists of a core architecture of fundamental objects. These objects often reflect the basic objects in the Edinburgh Speech Tools. That part of the system has been termed CST which stands for C Speech Tools.

these object offer a basic object that can contains, integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and other objects. Having a type-neutral object makes many functions much easier to define. cst_val's are used to hold values of features. cst_val's also support a cons cell object allowing arbitrary lists of these objects. Typed lists require multiple instance of code, while using the cons cell model many function can operate on generic lists. Although cst_val lists code be used for trees etc, unlike in Festival, Flite does not make such extensive use of them but they are crucial in many places. User objects may also be defined as cat_val's;
basic lists of attribute value pairs.
cst_item, cst_relation, cst_uttrance
These objects provide the basic HRG structure used for representing utterances.
for regular expression support without which no system is complete.
cst_wave, cst_track
offers support for waveforms and multi-channel data vectors.
cst_cart, cst_viterbi
offering various statistical related objects.
Higher level more specific to speech synthesis are also provided including lexicons, phonesets, voice definitions and general signal processing routines.

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Alan W Black 2001-08-26