John McCain

This speech titled 2008.08.20.remarks_to_a_town_hall_meeting_in_new_mexico originally had 10906 tokens. You can view the original text here.

__PUNCT__ join in progress __PUNCT__

immigr won a gold medal in wrestl from right here in la cruce __PUNCT__ henri cejudo __PUNCT__ i believ is the proper pronunci __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i would point out that he grew up in arizona __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__ but as a mediocr high_school and wrestler and at the naval_academi __PUNCT__ i am especi admir of the first gold medal the unit_state ha gotten in __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and i know you proud of henri __PUNCT__

and if you saw hi last night __PUNCT__ it wa quit move __PUNCT__ hi statement about how proud he wa to be an american __PUNCT__

it wa veri nice __PUNCT__ veri nice __PUNCT__

so i want to thank all of you at new mexico state __PUNCT__

and tonight __PUNCT__ there a great program go on __PUNCT__ pete domenici public_polici forum __PUNCT__

and i think it __PUNCT__ it great that we honor pete domenici __PUNCT__ a great member of the unit_state state_senat and a great servant of thi nation __PUNCT__

and i thank you for __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ for your support of him for mani __PUNCT__ mani year __PUNCT__

and so i want to sai thank for be here __PUNCT__

i like to make a few comment __PUNCT__

and then i like to do what thi is suppos to be all about __PUNCT__ and that is listen to your question __PUNCT__ your comment __PUNCT__ your concern __PUNCT__ your view __PUNCT__ your idea __PUNCT__

that what town_hall_meet ar suppos to be __PUNCT__

that __PUNCT__ that what i think america should be about __PUNCT__

and i sorri that senat_obama is not here with me todai __PUNCT__

i ask a long_time time_ago for senat_obama to come and come to town_hall_meet with me __PUNCT__

a littl bit of histori is that barri_goldwat and jack kennedi had agre to fly around the countri __PUNCT__ to town_hall_meet all over america __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ the tragedi of dalla interven __PUNCT__

but that what __PUNCT__ that what it suppos to be about __PUNCT__ not the sound_bite __PUNCT__ not the variou attack_ad __PUNCT__ and all the stuff that seem to go on __PUNCT__ which i don't think inform the american_peopl veri well __PUNCT__

saturdai_night __PUNCT__ i had the opportun at least to respond to the same_question that senat_obama had __PUNCT__ and i think the american_peopl have made a judgment on that __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so i just want to speak briefli with you about a coupl of issu __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ you know that i been call a maverick __PUNCT__

sometim it meant as a compliment __PUNCT__ sometim it not __PUNCT__

but it mean that i understand who i work for __PUNCT__

i work __PUNCT__ i don't work for a parti __PUNCT__

i don't work for a presid __PUNCT__

and i don't work for a special_interest __PUNCT__

i work __PUNCT__ i don't work for myself __PUNCT__

i work for you and the countri that i love __PUNCT__

and that what i been about all my life __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i spoke up against my parti for out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ control_spend __PUNCT__

i think you all know that we spent monei in a wai that ha mortgag our children futur __PUNCT__

it disgrac __PUNCT__

it disgrac __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ ronald_reagan us to sai __PUNCT__ congress spend_monei like a drunken sailor __PUNCT__ onli i never knew a sailor drunk or sober with the imagin of congress __PUNCT__ and that a pretti funni line __PUNCT__

and i us it fairli often __PUNCT__

i us it so often __PUNCT__ i not make thi up when i tell you i got an e __PUNCT__ mail from a gui that said __PUNCT__ as a former drunken sailor __PUNCT__ i resent be compar to member of congress __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ so i spoke up against the pork __PUNCT__ barrel spend __PUNCT__ and it go to stop __PUNCT__

i spoke up against the administr for their mistak in iraq __PUNCT__

and i fought for the surg that go to bring our troop_home with victori and honor __PUNCT__ not in defeat __PUNCT__ as senat_obama want to happen __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i like to talk to you just for a coupl of minut about what you all know ha been go on in a small __PUNCT__ littl countri far awai from the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ the countri of georgia __PUNCT__

georgia wa on of the first christian_nation __PUNCT__

in the third centuri __PUNCT__ the king of georgia convert to christian __PUNCT__

if you go to georgia __PUNCT__ it a beauti littl countri __PUNCT__

there church that go back to the fourth and fifth centuri __PUNCT__

it wa part of thi __PUNCT__ of the russian_empir __PUNCT__

then thei becam part of the soviet_union __PUNCT__

thei broke free __PUNCT__ and thei had a terribl corrupt govern __PUNCT__

and there a young_man name saakashvili who went to school in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

he went to georg_washington univers __PUNCT__ and then he went to columbia __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ where my daughter __PUNCT__ meghan __PUNCT__ went to school __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ meghan __PUNCT__ pleas __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

and tell about the tuition cost there __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i veri __PUNCT__ i veri proud of her achiev __PUNCT__

and anybodi who know of open for art_histori major __PUNCT__ pleas let me know after __PUNCT__ i veri proud that she wa abl to go to such a wonder school and get a great educ __PUNCT__

but so did __PUNCT__ so did misha saakashvili __PUNCT__

and he came back to georgia __PUNCT__ and there wa a whole bunch of other young_peopl like him who want democraci and freedom __PUNCT__

thei had a corrupt govern head by a gui name shevardnadz __PUNCT__ who you mai rememb from the dai of the cold_war __PUNCT__

and thei had a peac revolut __PUNCT__ and thei took over __PUNCT__ and thei were put democraci and freedom and human right __PUNCT__

and thei were prosper __PUNCT__

and guess who didn't like it __PUNCT__ vladimir_putin didn't like it __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we read about it in the histori_book __PUNCT__ but we go through it __PUNCT__ and as we pars what happen __PUNCT__ and i sure that there wa some provoc __PUNCT__

but the fact is __PUNCT__ russian aggress wa overwhelm __PUNCT__ brutal __PUNCT__ loot __PUNCT__ murder __PUNCT__ kill __PUNCT__ and thei still to thi dai __PUNCT__ even though have sign a ceas __PUNCT__ fire agreement __PUNCT__ ar not leav __PUNCT__

why do we care __PUNCT__ of cours we alwai care about ani countri in the world where democraci and freedom is mayb strangl in the cradl __PUNCT__

but we also care becaus of what happen in the region __PUNCT__

the old russian ambit pre __PUNCT__ date the soviet_union is to control that part of the world __PUNCT__

it not an accid that five presid of five countri __PUNCT__ ukrain __PUNCT__ poland __PUNCT__ lithuania __PUNCT__ latvia __PUNCT__ and estonia __PUNCT__ all came __PUNCT__ all came to tbilisi when that countri wa under attack __PUNCT__

and thei did it becaus thei know that their countri is go to be under pressur from the russian __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ and ukrain especi __PUNCT__

and why els do we care __PUNCT__ there a pipelin that goe through __PUNCT__ goe through that __PUNCT__ goe through georgia __PUNCT__ which is liter __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ is __PUNCT__ for all intent and purpos __PUNCT__ the onli oil pipelin that doesn't go through russia __PUNCT__

you have seen the russian us oil as a weapon __PUNCT__

when the czech agre with us to put some missil_defens radar in their countri __PUNCT__ the russian cut_back on their oil suppli __PUNCT__

so it also got to do with energi __PUNCT__

it got to do with energi __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ and world_market __PUNCT__

and on thing i want to assur you of is that i will __PUNCT__ as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ achiev energi_independ __PUNCT__

we cannot afford to send __MONEY___billion a year oversea to countri who don't like us veri much __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and so keep the brave georgian in your thought and prayer __PUNCT__

and we have to take certain action as to whether russia should be in the world_trade_organ __PUNCT__ whether thei should be in the g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ or now __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ be g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and other action that need to be taken __PUNCT__

but thi kind of provoc is not accept in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ an activ __PUNCT__

and just let me remind you __PUNCT__ and i do not make ani predict __PUNCT__ i hope that we can modifi russian behavior __PUNCT__ but i would remind you that war __PUNCT__ those of us that studi histori __PUNCT__ war and conflict have start at other obscur place in the world __PUNCT__

and we want to keep thi on under control __PUNCT__

yesterdai __PUNCT__ i wa at an oil rig __PUNCT__

yesterdai __PUNCT__ i wa at an oil rig off __PUNCT__ shore in louisiana __PUNCT__

it wa quit an impress technolog marvel __PUNCT__

thei __PUNCT__ i think it __NUM__ barrel a dai of oil come through that oil rig __PUNCT__

and so my point is that thei do it off the coast of louisiana __PUNCT__ thei do it off the coast of texa __PUNCT__ and we need to drill off __PUNCT__ shore __PUNCT__ and we need to do it now off our shore __PUNCT__

and we can becom energi_independ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ senat_obama sai he want energi_independ __PUNCT__ but he oppos to new drill at home __PUNCT__ he oppos to nuclear_power __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ we have to have nuclear power __PUNCT__

nuclear power ha got to be part of ani wai of us be energi_independ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ why should it take the french five year to build their nuclear_power_plant and us __NUM__ or more __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ the french now reprocess their spent nuclear_fuel __PUNCT__

we can do that __PUNCT__

we could do that __PUNCT__

eighti percent of the french electr is gener by nuclear_power __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we alwai want to be like the french __PUNCT__ but the fact is __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ in case you miss it __PUNCT__ we now have a pro __PUNCT__ american_presid of franc __PUNCT__ which show you __PUNCT__ if you live long enough __PUNCT__ anyth can happen in the world __PUNCT__

but the fact is __PUNCT__ we need nuclear_power __PUNCT__

but we need all of the abov __PUNCT__

we need wind __PUNCT__ tide __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__

where better place for solar than new mexico and arizona __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ tide __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ nuclear __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__

we need all of the abov __PUNCT__

america sit on the largest reserv of coal in the world __PUNCT__

we can develop clean __PUNCT__ coal technolog and becom independ __PUNCT__

we cannot afford thi __PUNCT__

we cannot afford thi __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ a lot of time i hear that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we can't do thi __PUNCT__ we can't reprocess __PUNCT__ we can't store __PUNCT__ we can't build nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__ we can't drill off __PUNCT__ shore __PUNCT__ we can't do thi __PUNCT__ we can't __PUNCT__ that not america __PUNCT__

that not what america is all about __PUNCT__

we met everi challeng __PUNCT__ and we can do it __PUNCT__ and we will do it __PUNCT__

and as presid __PUNCT__ we will do it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ anywai __PUNCT__ senat_obama think that rais_tax on oil is go to bring down the price at the pump __PUNCT__

he claim that put air in your tire is the equival of new off __PUNCT__ shore drill __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ that not an energi plan __PUNCT__

that a public_servic announc __PUNCT__

and i all for it __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ but to think that it go to replac off __PUNCT__ shore drill obvious is not someth we agre to __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ biofuel __PUNCT__ other __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ we go to solv thi problem __PUNCT__ as i said __PUNCT__ by all of the abov __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ on iraq __PUNCT__ senat_obama sai he want peac __PUNCT__ but he still oppos the surg that succeed __PUNCT__

he oppos the surg __PUNCT__

he said that it wouldn't work __PUNCT__

he announc hi polici toward iraq the dai befor he left for the first time in over __NUM___dai to visit iraq and then refus to acknowledg that the surg ha succeed __PUNCT__

remark __PUNCT__

remark __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ no ration observ could go to iraq and see what we succeed in do in the last two year and sai that the surg hasn't succeed __PUNCT__

that what thi is all about __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__

thi is what it all about __PUNCT__ secur our nation __PUNCT__

even in retrospect __PUNCT__ with all we know todai __PUNCT__ he still choos the path of retreat and failur __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ yesterdai __PUNCT__ senat_obama got a littl testi on thi issu __PUNCT__

he said i question hi patriot __PUNCT__

let me be veri clear __PUNCT__ i am not question hi patriot __PUNCT__

i am question hi judgment __PUNCT__

i am question hi judgment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ senat obama ha made it clear he valu withdraw from iraq abov victori in iraq __PUNCT__

even todai __PUNCT__ with victori in sight __PUNCT__ over and over again __PUNCT__ he advoc uncondit withdraw __PUNCT__ regardless of the fact on the ground __PUNCT__

and he vote against fund for troop in combat after he said it would be wrong to do so __PUNCT__

he made these decis not becaus he doesn't love_america __PUNCT__ but becaus he doesn't think it matter whether america win or lose __PUNCT__

i go to end thi war __PUNCT__ and i go to bring them home __PUNCT__ and thei come home with honor in victori __PUNCT__ leav_iraq secur as a democrat alli in the arab heartland __PUNCT__

that what i go to do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so beyond all the commerci and all the word and the campaign back __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ forth __PUNCT__ senat_obama obama_agenda can be summar at thi __PUNCT__ govern is too big __PUNCT__ he want to grow it __PUNCT__

tax ar too high __PUNCT__ he want to rais them __PUNCT__

congress spend too much __PUNCT__ and he propos more __PUNCT__

we need more energi __PUNCT__ and he against produc it __PUNCT__

we final __PUNCT__ we final win in iraq __PUNCT__ and he want to forfeit __PUNCT__

the bottom_line is that senat_obama word __PUNCT__ for all their eloqu and passion __PUNCT__ doesn't mean all that much __PUNCT__

and that the problem with washington __PUNCT__

it not just the bush_administr and it not just the democrat_congress __PUNCT__

it that everybodi in washington sai whatev it take to get elect or to score the polit point of the dai __PUNCT__

so i want to assur you we don't need anoth politician in washington who put self __PUNCT__ interest and polit_expedi ahead of problem __PUNCT__ solv __PUNCT__

we want to start put our countri first and come togeth to keep american_famili safe and help them realiz their dream for a better life __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so with that __PUNCT__ i like __PUNCT__ i like to stop by just sai __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ when we have an energi_crisi and you pai___MONEY__ a gallon for ga __PUNCT__ whatev it is __PUNCT__ peopl who ar the lowest incom_american ar drive the furthest in the oldest automobil __PUNCT__ bear a crush blow __PUNCT__

what doe congress do __PUNCT__ five __PUNCT__ week vacat __PUNCT__

five __PUNCT__ week vacat __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ if i were presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and when i presid of the unit state __PUNCT__ i call them back to town and tell them to go to work and solv america energi problem and start go to work for america __PUNCT__

and do it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and do it in a bipartisan fashion __PUNCT__

can't we work togeth for the good of america __PUNCT__ can't we reach our hand out to each other and work togeth __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ my whole life __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ i put my countri first __PUNCT__

i want to assur you __PUNCT__ as presid of the unit state __PUNCT__ i will put my countri first __PUNCT__

with that __PUNCT__ i want to sai thank for come __PUNCT__ and we like to respond to ani question or comment that you have __PUNCT__

and we have a person right there __PUNCT__ if you bring the microphon __PUNCT__

we had a microphon person __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ sinc we don't have a microphon person __PUNCT__ i give you mine __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i want to sai you realli were fantast at the rick_warren forum __PUNCT__

and on of the reason wa your answer weren't memor __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__ mike __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ your answer weren't memor __PUNCT__

thei were your core valu __PUNCT__

thei were from your heart __PUNCT__ and that great __PUNCT__

in the earli __PUNCT__ 90 __PUNCT__ the soviet_union economi wa in shambl __PUNCT__

and by less than __NUM___year later __PUNCT__ thei a strong __PUNCT__ dynam __PUNCT__ vibrant economi __PUNCT__ build up their militari with oil_reserv __PUNCT__

what is it go to take for nanci_pelosi and senat reid to get out of their cone of silenc __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ and listen to you and the american_peopl and drill here __PUNCT__ drill now __PUNCT__ pai less __PUNCT__ what is it go to take for someth like that to happen __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ it mai take an elect __PUNCT__

and let me just sai __PUNCT__ where __PUNCT__ mai have miss a comment __PUNCT__ but russia now ha __PUNCT__ is a veri wealthi_countri __PUNCT__

thei onli wealthi for on reason __PUNCT__ on reason __PUNCT__ over __MONEY__ price of oil __PUNCT__

that the onli reason why the russian economi is strong __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ some of their thing that thei done __PUNCT__ drive major_corpor out of their countri and some of the other measur that thei take __PUNCT__ make them more and more depend on the petro __PUNCT__ dollar __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ it realli is anoth compel argument for us to becom energi_independ __PUNCT__

we ar the world_largest consum of oil __PUNCT__

so if we becom independ __PUNCT__ then it obvious go to lower the price of oil __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ it just __PUNCT__ it simpl mathemat and econom __PUNCT__

so i think that the european ar move in that direct __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ becaus thei don't like thi depend on russian oil __PUNCT__

but for a period of time __PUNCT__ thei go to be __PUNCT__

thei go to be __PUNCT__

and so the unit_state of america obvious ha to embark on the __PUNCT__ in the path that i just mention __PUNCT__

and that realli doe mean __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ all of the abov __PUNCT__

natur_ga is great __PUNCT__

you mai have seen boon picken __PUNCT__ commerci __PUNCT__

you should have __PUNCT__

he spend_million of dollar on them __PUNCT__

and he right __PUNCT__

he right __PUNCT__

but i also would add that not onli is he right __PUNCT__ but also we need all those other thing __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ could i just sai __PUNCT__ i think the automot industri in america ha a shot with hybrid electr and flex __PUNCT__ fuel car to regain their supremaci __PUNCT__

i realli do __PUNCT__ becaus we still have the most product_worker in the world in __PUNCT__ resid in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

next question __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ as a student attend new mexico state_univers who also declar a french major __PUNCT__ i like to thank you for be here todai __PUNCT__

i also would like to add on to that last man comment __PUNCT__

i think you did an amaz job at the forum __PUNCT__

i wa veri __PUNCT__ veri impress with your answer __PUNCT__

i thought you did an amaz job __PUNCT__

i also would like to ask my question is __PUNCT__ is that the __PUNCT__ what is your plan of attack to actual help make these pork __PUNCT__ barrel legisl be complet done awai with __PUNCT__ for the most part __PUNCT__ becaus million of u. __PUNCT__ tax_dollar ar wast yearli on these __PUNCT__

and i also like to thank you for not actual vote for ani of these legisl for yourself __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ for a long_time __PUNCT__ we thought that __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ pork __PUNCT__ barrel __PUNCT__ earmark spend wa just some power member of congress that got a project for hi home_state or hi or her district and it wasn't a big_deal __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ now it is like ani other evil __PUNCT__ it grown and grown and grown and grown __PUNCT__

ten of billion __PUNCT__ billion and billion of dollar __PUNCT__ and thei for project that we neither want nor need __PUNCT__

and you know what my friend senat tom_coburn of oklahoma call it __PUNCT__ he call it a gatewai drug __PUNCT__

it a gatewai to corrupt __PUNCT__

and i don't sai that word lightli __PUNCT__ but we have former member of congress resid in feder_prison who embark in thi process and end up basic sell their __PUNCT__ themselv for variou earmark project __PUNCT__

and it like ani other evil __PUNCT__

ani other evil we all know in life __PUNCT__ you either erad it or it grow __PUNCT__

and that what happen with thi pork __PUNCT__ barrel spend __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the other night __PUNCT__ i joke about the __PUNCT__ on of my favorit __PUNCT__ the __MONEY___million to studi the dna of bear in montana __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ as i said __PUNCT__ i don't know if it a patern issu or a crimin issu __PUNCT__ but it __PUNCT__ but it make you laugh and it make you cry __PUNCT__ becaus it your monei __PUNCT__

it your monei __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ million for a bridg in alaska to an island with __NUM___peopl on it __PUNCT__

how do you justifi that when next time you stuck in traffic __PUNCT__ and so __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and it your monei __PUNCT__

so let me sai thi __PUNCT__

the time is ripe in america for us __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ to stop that __PUNCT__ two __PUNCT__ for us to work togeth __PUNCT__ work togeth for the good of the countri in these difficult_time __PUNCT__

i wa ask thi morn by someon who said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ china is go to be a bigger and more power countri than the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i said __PUNCT__ i don't accept that __PUNCT__

i don't accept that __PUNCT__

i think that the most product and best and most __PUNCT__ most innov part of the unit state of america is the unit state of america __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ there anoth person here who i like for you to sai hello to __PUNCT__

and i think she is __PUNCT__ i don't see __PUNCT__ meg whitman is here __PUNCT__

meg __PUNCT__ where ar you __PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__ mike __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ that meg whitman __PUNCT__

meg whitman __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ is the ceo of ebai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ these number ar roughli correct __PUNCT__

twelv_year year_ago __PUNCT__ there were five peopl that work for ebai __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ __NUM___million_peopl peopl_make a live off ebai __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ you tell meg whitman that america best dai ar behind us __PUNCT__

i don't think __PUNCT__ i don't think __PUNCT__ i think she can make a case that that __PUNCT__ that that not true __PUNCT__

so all i can sai is that __PUNCT__ that i got an old pen that ronald_reagan gave me year_ago __PUNCT__

and i go to veto everi on of these bill __PUNCT__

and i go to __PUNCT__ you go to know their name __PUNCT__

i will make them famou __PUNCT__

you know everi on of them name __PUNCT__

and if thei overrid my veto __PUNCT__ i veto the next on __PUNCT__

that how we go to do it __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ i heard __PUNCT__ i heard a rumor that you go to pick a pro __PUNCT__ life v.p __PUNCT__

is that true __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

we go through the process __PUNCT__

i said on saturdai_night that i have a proud pro __PUNCT__ life record in congress __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i am proud of that __PUNCT__

i respect the view of other __PUNCT__ but i also happen to believ that the noblest word ever written in histori were those that said __PUNCT__ we hold these truth to be self __PUNCT__ evid __PUNCT__ that all of us ar creat_equal and endow by our creator with certain inalien right __PUNCT__

among these ar life __PUNCT__ i think liberti and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__

i believ that life appli to those that ar not born __PUNCT__ as well as those that ar born __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and so __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ so we not talk about the process of the vice presidenti situat __PUNCT__ except that i would remind you that the vice_presid of the unit_state realli onli ha two duti __PUNCT__ when you think about it __PUNCT__

on is in case there a tie vote in the senat __PUNCT__ he come to the floor __PUNCT__ he or she come to the floor of the senat and cast the tie __PUNCT__ break vote __PUNCT__

that the constitut duti __PUNCT__

the other duti of the vice_presid of the unit_state is to inquir daili as to the health of the presid __PUNCT__

so that will obvious make my pick veri import __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ he go to bring it right there __PUNCT__

these ar work __PUNCT__ releas program peopl here __PUNCT__ so thei do a great job __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ i truli hope you get the opportun to chase bin_laden right to the gate of hell and push him in __PUNCT__ as you state on your forum __PUNCT__

i do have a question __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__

the disabl veteran __PUNCT__ especi in thi state __PUNCT__ have horribl condit __PUNCT__

their medic is substandard __PUNCT__

thei drive four hour on wai to albuquerqu for a simpl doctor appoint __PUNCT__ which is often cancel __PUNCT__

our v.a __PUNCT__ hospit is dirti __PUNCT__

it understaf __PUNCT__

it run on maximum overload __PUNCT__

the prescript medicin ar __NUM___year behind standard medic_care __PUNCT__

we have __NUM__ claim stack up at the v.a __PUNCT__ offic in albuquerqu __PUNCT__

some of them ar __NUM__ and __NUM___year old __PUNCT__ wait to be process __PUNCT__

in the meantim __PUNCT__ these peopl ar homeless __PUNCT__

my son is an offic in the air_forc __PUNCT__

i a vet __PUNCT__ and i wa rais in a militari famili __PUNCT__

and i think it a sorri state of affair when we have illeg_alien have a medicaid card that can access specialist __PUNCT__ top physician __PUNCT__ the best of medic __PUNCT__ and our vet can't even get to a doctor __PUNCT__

and these ar the peopl that we ti yellow ribbon for and bush pat on the back __PUNCT__

if we don't re __PUNCT__ enact the draft __PUNCT__ i don't think we have anyon to chase bin_laden to the gate of hell __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ let me sai that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

i don't disagre with anyth you said __PUNCT__

and thank you __PUNCT__

and i grate for your support of all of our veteran __PUNCT__

i carri with me quit often a quot from gener __PUNCT__ from georg_washington __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ he said __PUNCT__ the willing with which young_american will serv their countri in futur war is directli relat to the treatment of those who have previous serv and sacrif in conflict __PUNCT__

he wa right in __NUM__ and he right todai __PUNCT__

all too often __PUNCT__ our veteran ar __PUNCT__ do not receiv the care that thei have earn __PUNCT__

and the scandal of walter reed is a blot on the honor of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ and we can never let it happen again __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ here __PUNCT__ here what i __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__

make as short as possibl __PUNCT__ our veteran have earn our highest prioriti __PUNCT__

and yet we know that there is also routin health_care need that veteran have that __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ thei should not have to go to the v.a __PUNCT__ to receiv __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ we have __PUNCT__ tragic and unfortun in thi war __PUNCT__ a dramat __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we go to have a lot of ptsd __PUNCT__

we also have sever combat injuri __PUNCT__ becaus thank god we abl to get the wound from the battlefield to medic_treatment more quickli than anytim in histori __PUNCT__

but that put an increas burden on our medic __PUNCT__ militari medic_care __PUNCT__ as well as our v.a __PUNCT__

so you mention albuquerqu v.a __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__

i could take you to the albuquerqu v.a __PUNCT__ or the phoenix v.a __PUNCT__ quit often __PUNCT__ and the wait room is crowd __PUNCT__

the veteran ar stand in line to stand in line to get an appoint __PUNCT__ to get an appoint __PUNCT__

that not the fault of the peopl that work there __PUNCT__

the peopl that work there ar some of the finest in the world __PUNCT__

it just that thei ar overload __PUNCT__

so we have to focu our attent __PUNCT__ expand our capabl to treat ptsd __PUNCT__ combat __PUNCT__ relat injuri __PUNCT__ brain injuri __PUNCT__ et cetera __PUNCT__ that we best at __PUNCT__

and for a veteran with a routin health_care need __PUNCT__ why shouldn't we give that veteran a card and take it to the health care provid or the doctor of their choic __PUNCT__ and get the routin health care that thei need __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that what __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that wai we could util the v.a __PUNCT__ and medic __PUNCT__ the militari medic_system to it greatest effect and also reliev thi burden __PUNCT__

i don't ever again want to have a veteran to stand in line __PUNCT__ to stand in line __PUNCT__ to get an appoint __PUNCT__ to get an appoint __PUNCT__

that not __PUNCT__ that just not accept in america __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i do prais the peopl who work there __PUNCT__

thei some of the most dedic peopl i ever known in my life __PUNCT__

the problem is there ar just not enough of them __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i like to sai thank you for come to la cruce __PUNCT__

and senat_obama tend to be the favorit among colleg_student __PUNCT__

and as a colleg student __PUNCT__ i feel that you do care about us __PUNCT__ becaus we ar the futur of america __PUNCT__

so i like to give you a brief respit from polit_question and controversi and ask you what the singl best piec of advic you can give colleg_student with polit aspir __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ unknown __PUNCT__ polit advic to colleg student with polit aspir __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ get involv __PUNCT__

the futur of thi countri rest with you __PUNCT__

i would not be run for presid of the unit_state if it wa not that i believ the next gener of american deserv a better __PUNCT__ freer __PUNCT__ more prosper nation than the on that i inherit __PUNCT__

i think that now you have enorm increas wai of commun over the internet __PUNCT__

whether you happen to like blog or not like blog __PUNCT__ the fact is that thei have chang polit in america in mani wai __PUNCT__

the dialogu and the discuss and the broaden of it ha been enorm __PUNCT__

i also think that you ought to be associ either with a campaign or a caus that you believ in __PUNCT__

i think there noth more illumin __PUNCT__ there noth more educ __PUNCT__ and there noth more benefici than to support someth that __PUNCT__ that you believ in __PUNCT__ in a polit_campaign __PUNCT__ and watch __PUNCT__ and watch thi flaw and problem __PUNCT__ fill process of our go forward and the american_peopl reach decis and conclus __PUNCT__ and pick their leader __PUNCT__ and decid on our futur __PUNCT__

and i hope that __PUNCT__ that the messag to all young_american __PUNCT__ as well as all __PUNCT__ but particularli the next gener __PUNCT__ is that it doe matter __PUNCT__ it doe matter what decis ar made now __PUNCT__ becaus the decis_made now ar go to directli impact your futur and your children and your grandchildren __PUNCT__

i happi __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ with the new mean of commun that we have __PUNCT__ the internet and a lot of other wai __PUNCT__ and a prolifer of televis camera __PUNCT__ channel __PUNCT__ and a lot of other thing that we now have greater sourc of inform and knowledg __PUNCT__

some of them i strenuous disagre with __PUNCT__ but the fact is that all i can sai __PUNCT__ that i believ __PUNCT__ as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ my first job is to inspir a gener of american to serv a caus greater than their self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__

and i believ that that is true of america_todai probabl more than at anytim in the past __PUNCT__

you look at the men and women in the militari __PUNCT__

you look at peac corp __PUNCT__ americorp __PUNCT__ teach for america __PUNCT__

you look at all of these volunt activ that young_american have engag in __PUNCT__ that it my job to provid them with the abil to particip __PUNCT__

and thank you for be here __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ thank you for come out __PUNCT__

in the past __PUNCT__ you alien a great_deal of conserv who believ that conserv_principl ar alwai the answer by step across the aisl __PUNCT__

and the third point of a vice_presid is the opportun to groom himself to be presid in the next cycl __PUNCT__

ar you go to pick a conserv __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ or the cycl after that __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__

ar you go to pick a vice presid that conserv can actual ralli around in the futur __PUNCT__ or ar you go to give us someon who will caus us to want to stai_home __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ mai i sai __PUNCT__ at least accord to the poll data we have __PUNCT__ we do veri well with our base __PUNCT__

we have a lot more work to do to energ our base __PUNCT__

we also have to energ our base who care a lot about our lack of fiscal_respons who ar veri angri __PUNCT__

we also __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we also go to have to energ our base that care about thi nation_secur __PUNCT__ which is probabl __PUNCT__ and when we look at the mani challeng we face __PUNCT__ ar probabl veri signific __PUNCT__

i will choos a presid __PUNCT__ i will nomin a __PUNCT__ a person to be vice_presid __PUNCT__ my run_mate __PUNCT__ who share my principl __PUNCT__ my valu __PUNCT__ and my prioriti __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and that the best that i __PUNCT__ that i can tell you __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__

here she come __PUNCT__

thi is the slowest on here __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ i want to __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ she from phoenix __PUNCT__

that why __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ i want to thank you not just come from __PUNCT__ to la cruce __PUNCT__ but i know you land in el_paso __PUNCT__ so you get to see the border __PUNCT__

and i am from el paso __PUNCT__

my husband wa a former mayor of el paso __PUNCT__ and he us to sai that when __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ sneez __PUNCT__ el paso wa catch a cold __PUNCT__

so i want to thank you again __PUNCT__

and my question deal with health_care __PUNCT__

my husband wa diagnos with a brain disord __PUNCT__ the same on that afflict senat domenici __PUNCT__

and at __NUM__ he did not have long __PUNCT__ term care and it wa so devast that it total destroi our financ __PUNCT__

so i had to take him to my famili countri home __PUNCT__ which is spain __PUNCT__

i got to see firsthand how social care wa so much afford __PUNCT__

he wa a fighter __PUNCT__ although it undermin hi muscl __PUNCT__

he lost hi voic __PUNCT__

i wa abl to provid better care for him in anoth countri than in our own __PUNCT__

and so i want to know about your health_care_plan __PUNCT__ how can it be afford __PUNCT__ how can we chang that __PUNCT__ why did i have to take him some place els so he could die in a better place than in hi own countri __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

and pleas accept the sympathi of all of us __PUNCT__

and thank you for hi servic __PUNCT__

i veri grate __PUNCT__

there is a health care crisi in america __PUNCT__

we would be __PUNCT__ if it were not for the energi_crisi __PUNCT__ we be talk a lot more about health_care issu __PUNCT__

and we have to reform health care in america __PUNCT__

and we have to make insur avail and afford for all american __PUNCT__

i do not believ that that mean a govern __PUNCT__ run health_care_system is the most effici __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ or what we need __PUNCT__

and we need to have polici that encourag home health care as oppos to institution care __PUNCT__

and we need to treat peopl on an outcom basi that don't pai for everi test or everi procedur __PUNCT__ everi visit to the doctor __PUNCT__ but treat them for a period of time __PUNCT__ and then pai that provid __PUNCT__

give __PUNCT__ there a __PUNCT__ there a program now for senior_citizen that is __PUNCT__ that is not as wide as i like to see __PUNCT__ where it call cash __PUNCT__ counsel __PUNCT__

and senior ar given monei everi month __PUNCT__ and then thei abl to decid how thei want to pai for their own health_care __PUNCT__

it remark the save that have been realiz __PUNCT__

but in case like your husband __PUNCT__ where thei basic __PUNCT__ uninsur __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ uninsur __PUNCT__ peopl with chronic diseas and such as the terribl afflict that befel your husband __PUNCT__ and i know he appreci your love and care __PUNCT__ but we should have what we call govern __PUNCT__ approv plan so that we pool feder and state monei togeth and establish wide risk pool so that there is afford and avail health_insur for peopl like you and your husband __PUNCT__

we cannot leav the __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ uninsur __PUNCT__ or chronic diseas victim without the access to care __PUNCT__

and so it go to have to be a feder and state combin __PUNCT__ provid signific feder_monei from the feder_govern __PUNCT__ and we ar go to have to have that as a major_part of health_care_reform __PUNCT__ becaus we can't allow ani american __PUNCT__ ani american_citizen to experi what your husband experienc __PUNCT__

and i sorri that it happen __PUNCT__

and i __PUNCT__ pleas accept my deep sympathi and our prayer __PUNCT__

i thank you for hi servic __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ for come __PUNCT__

also __PUNCT__ we prai for you everi dai __PUNCT__ my famili and i __PUNCT__ just to make sure you safe and secur in your health and everyth __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__ i like to ask a question __PUNCT__

my dad us to work for earthlink __PUNCT__ and now thei move to india __PUNCT__

so what would you do __PUNCT__ what step would you take to ensur that multin compani would stai in america __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thank you for bring that up __PUNCT__ becaus busi tax in america ar __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

thei the second __PUNCT__ highest in the world __PUNCT__

onli the japanes pai higher busi tax than we do __PUNCT__

you know what the tax is in ireland that had a boom economi __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ at least up until recent __PUNCT__ eleven percent __PUNCT__

so you own a busi __PUNCT__ and you have the abil to go oversea or stai in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ what ar you go to do __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ that ha taken busi and job and job and job out of the unit state of america __PUNCT__

so i would reduc that tax immedi to __NUM__ percent and even bring it lower as soon as we could __PUNCT__ becaus it doe mean that job leav thi countri __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i believ that the american_worker is the most product __PUNCT__ the most innov __PUNCT__ and the best in the world __PUNCT__

but if you own a busi and you want to make a profit __PUNCT__ becaus that why we in the capitalist busi of capit then __PUNCT__ and you see a place where you can go __PUNCT__ then i understand why you might __PUNCT__

so we have to lower that tax in order to keep a more level plai_field __PUNCT__

and the businesspeopl i talk to __PUNCT__ thei want to stai in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

thei would rather stai here __PUNCT__ for a whole varieti of reason __PUNCT__ not the least of which is patriot __PUNCT__ but also becaus the product of the worker __PUNCT__

but when thei see these kind of incent __PUNCT__ then obvious thei have a tendenc to leav __PUNCT__

so i would reduc thi busi tax __PUNCT__ and i would do it immedi __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ that anoth differ between myself and senat_obama __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ nice to meet you __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__

on behalf of boi nation __PUNCT__ which i just return from __PUNCT__ a great program __PUNCT__ i glad that the govern sponsor that so much __PUNCT__

i veri thank that we have system like thi that can promot youth understand in our govern __PUNCT__

my question for you is __PUNCT__ what ar your plan for social_secur __PUNCT__ sinc we go to be swamp by the babi_boomer veri soon __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i like to give you a littl straight talk __PUNCT__

and i sorri to have to do it __PUNCT__ but you probabl know it __PUNCT__

otherwis you wouldn't ask the question __PUNCT__

in it present fiscal statu __PUNCT__ social_secur will not be there in it present form as it is for retire todai __PUNCT__

is that right __PUNCT__ is that the right thing to do to thi young_man __PUNCT__ peopl ar work or pai into a system that thei not go to get the same benefit from as present __PUNCT__ dai retire __PUNCT__

it a disgrac __PUNCT__

it a disgrac __PUNCT__

and i want to tell you __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i call in the democrat __PUNCT__ or i go see them __PUNCT__ i don't care __PUNCT__ and republican __PUNCT__ and we sit around the tabl __PUNCT__ and we sai __PUNCT__ we fix social_secur __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ a long_time time_ago __PUNCT__ social_secur wa go broke __PUNCT__

it wa go broke __PUNCT__ and it wa __PUNCT__ that just a fact __PUNCT__

and arm with a studi by alan_greenspan __PUNCT__ presid_reagan and tip_o'neil __PUNCT__ who wa the liber_democrat from massachusett __PUNCT__ sat down togeth __PUNCT__

thei walk out togeth into the rose garden and said __PUNCT__ we go to fix social_secur __PUNCT__

and thei did __PUNCT__ for about __NUM__ or __NUM___year __PUNCT__

so what do we do now __PUNCT__ noth __PUNCT__

noth __PUNCT__

we get into a big fight about privat save_account and other aspect of the issu __PUNCT__ when realli what we should be do is sit down across the tabl and recogn that our oblig is to you __PUNCT__

our oblig is to you __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i give them all the credit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if thei want all the credit when we fix it __PUNCT__ fine __PUNCT__

i give it to them __PUNCT__

but the point is that american want us to work these thing out __PUNCT__

and onc we work on of them out and get approv __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ did you notic late the approv_rate of congress is at __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ anybodi in that __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ pleas rais your hand __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ you get down that low __PUNCT__ you get down to paid staffer and blood rel __PUNCT__

you don't get much lower than that __PUNCT__

so i think that __PUNCT__ work togeth __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ congress can regain some of that approv __PUNCT__ by work togeth for our countri for a chang __PUNCT__

but your point is exactli accur __PUNCT__

right behind you is a young_woman there __PUNCT__

mayb i could hear from her __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ thank you for come __PUNCT__

what specif ar you go to do for the commun that don't have anyth __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i sorri __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ what specif ar you go to do for the commun that don't have anyth __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ let me just __PUNCT__ thank you for the question __PUNCT__

and i sorri that acoust ar a littl poor __PUNCT__

but thank you __PUNCT__

i think on of the __PUNCT__ on of the most import_thing i can do for these commun that you talk about is to make sure that thei have an educ opportun that in wealthier commun that thei have __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ we have __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ ha now the right after a struggl to attend_school __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what kind of a benefit is that if thei __PUNCT__ if their onli choic is a fail school __PUNCT__ and it a fact __PUNCT__ it a fact that at lower econom area have wors school_system than higher_incom area __PUNCT__

it just a fact __PUNCT__

so what i want to do is make sure that everi child in america and everi parent in america ha the same choic that i and my wife __PUNCT__ cindi __PUNCT__ did and senat_obama and mr __PUNCT__ obama had __PUNCT__ and that is to send your child to the choic __PUNCT__ the school of your choic __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ that mean charter_school __PUNCT__

it mean public_school __PUNCT__

it mean home __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__

it mean vouch __PUNCT__

it mean __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ it mean to give them a choic __PUNCT__

those commun that you talk about __PUNCT__ unless we provid a train and educ_program for them __PUNCT__ will never becom econom better __PUNCT__

and so __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ just two quick point __PUNCT__

on __PUNCT__ new orlean __PUNCT__

i think mani of you mai know that new orlean wa __PUNCT__ as we all know __PUNCT__ wa wipe out __PUNCT__

and so thei start from squar on __PUNCT__

and guess what __PUNCT__ there over __NUM__ charter_school in new orlean todai __PUNCT__

and guess what __PUNCT__ their educ is improv dramat __PUNCT__

new york_citi __PUNCT__ new york citi __PUNCT__ thei took over the school_system __PUNCT__ and thei been close fail school __PUNCT__ and thei been reward good_teacher for good perform __PUNCT__ and good princip __PUNCT__ and good school __PUNCT__

and guess what __PUNCT__ the test_score ar go up __PUNCT__

so it all got to do __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ with provid parent and children with a choic __PUNCT__

and that competit then increas educ __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__ that what __PUNCT__ what i like to do __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ as a third __PUNCT__ gener new mexican __PUNCT__ i appreci you come __PUNCT__

my famili ha been here for a long_time __PUNCT__

and we have a lot of problem across the border __PUNCT__

we had over __NUM___women over the last __NUM___year kill and across thi border __PUNCT__

we have town right across the border __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ where the polic_depart ha abandon their posit __PUNCT__

we had over __NUM___peopl peopl_kill sinc christma __PUNCT__

we had a pastor shot down __PUNCT__ gun down in hi rehab to defend the children that were under hi care __PUNCT__

we need a surg on the border __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i thank you __PUNCT__

as you know __PUNCT__ twice __PUNCT__ i tri to get __PUNCT__ in a bipartisan fashion __PUNCT__ immigr_reform pass by the congress of the unit_state __PUNCT__

and we fail twice __PUNCT__

and we fail becaus the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and it is a feder_respons __PUNCT__ not a local respons __PUNCT__ not the sheriff __PUNCT__ respons __PUNCT__ not the legislatur __PUNCT__ state_legislatur __PUNCT__ respons __PUNCT__

it a feder_respons __PUNCT__

we fail becaus the american_peopl didn't believ us when we said we would secur the border __PUNCT__

so it clear that we have to get our border_secur __PUNCT__ have a temporari __PUNCT__ worker_program that truli temporari __PUNCT__ and address the issu of the __NUM___million to __NUM___million_peopl who ar alreadi in thi countri_illeg __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i be glad to go through all the detail with you __PUNCT__ but i would also like to point out __PUNCT__ and i know that you includ thi in your remark __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ on the other side of the border __PUNCT__ and everybodi in thi room know the border __PUNCT__

you know the problem __PUNCT__ you know the challeng __PUNCT__

i don't have to tell you __PUNCT__ that we now have corrupt polic __PUNCT__ and we have a struggl between the mexican_govern and these drug_cartel for supremaci in mexico __PUNCT__

some week_ago or a coupl of month_ago __PUNCT__ on of the highest rank feder polic offici in mexico_citi went to hi apart __PUNCT__ which wa suppos to be total anonym __PUNCT__

he wa shot eight time in the head __PUNCT__

and the gui who shot him had the kei to hi apart __PUNCT__

the corrupt is a battl that thei ar in todai __PUNCT__

and i happi to sai that i think that presid calderon __PUNCT__ the presid of mexico __PUNCT__ is dedic to try to regain control of hi side of the border from the drug_cartel __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ here in new mexico and in arizona __PUNCT__ standard procedur of the drug_dealer __PUNCT__ the cartel is to send __NUM__ or so illeg across the border __PUNCT__ call the border_patrol __PUNCT__

the border patrol come and round up the illeg __PUNCT__

thei leav __PUNCT__ and the drug_dealer come across __PUNCT__

so thi is not just the illeg_immigr immigr_problem __PUNCT__

it is these __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ these ar the __PUNCT__ it hard to __PUNCT__ the brutal and cruelti practic by these peopl in the drug_cartel is beyond our imagin __PUNCT__

so we now have for the first time a plan call the merida initi with the mexican_govern __PUNCT__

and we go to spend___MONEY__ __MONEY___million at least of american dollar to try to coordin with the mexican_govern to get these drug_cartel and the border under control __PUNCT__

and it is a nation_secur secur_issu __PUNCT__

we all know that __PUNCT__

that why it a feder_respons __PUNCT__

so let give presid calderon a littl credit __PUNCT__ becaus i think __PUNCT__ for the first time __PUNCT__ if not the first time __PUNCT__ it the first time a most seriou effort is be made to combat these drug_cartel and control the border on their side __PUNCT__

how much easier would the job be of control our border if we had the mexican serious control the border on that side __PUNCT__ as the canadian do __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ so let give them a littl credit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ we go back at thi issu __PUNCT__

we go back at thi issu __PUNCT__ becaus it a feder_respons and we must do it __PUNCT__

and i also like to sai __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ what everybodi in thi room know __PUNCT__

these ar god_children __PUNCT__

these peopl that come here ar come for a job __PUNCT__

thei come for the same reason why we did __PUNCT__

and when i see stori of a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old girl that di in the desert with a rosari around her neck __PUNCT__ then we have an oblig __PUNCT__ becaus we ar a judeo __PUNCT__ christian __PUNCT__ valu nation __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__

and we valu and cherish in thi part of the countri __PUNCT__ new mexico __PUNCT__ arizona __PUNCT__ texa __PUNCT__ we valu and cherish our hispan heritag __PUNCT__

but we also understand that we have to have secur border and we have to do it becaus it a nation_secur respons __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ a piec of paper __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ i want to turn the topic back to educ __PUNCT__

i an associ professor here at new mexico state_univers __PUNCT__

and i like to ask that __PUNCT__ as no child_left behind is reauthor __PUNCT__ that gift educ be part of the mandat __PUNCT__ becaus we focus our attent on struggl student and student with disabl __PUNCT__ which is critic __PUNCT__ but we also need to focu our attent on gift student __PUNCT__

gift student can make signific contribut to our societi and do mani of the thing that you been talk about in scienc and industri __PUNCT__

and if we deni the fact that thei think differ and provid them differ servic through educ __PUNCT__ then thei have a more difficult_time accept the fact that thei ar differ __PUNCT__

and without that person accept __PUNCT__ thei cannot make the signific contribut that thei capabl of __PUNCT__

here in new mexico __PUNCT__ thei try to pass a new fund formula which will elimin the add __PUNCT__ on fund for gift educ __PUNCT__

and if there were a nation mandat for gift educ __PUNCT__ then thing like that wouldn't happen in a state like new mexico __PUNCT__ where altern assess ar critic to make sure the underrepres popul that ar gift ar also serv __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

mai i sai that you were veri gift in your present __PUNCT__ and i thank you __PUNCT__

and i mean that __PUNCT__

i agre with you __PUNCT__

and i would also make two addit point __PUNCT__

first of all __PUNCT__ we need to provid more incent and abil for math __PUNCT__ scienc and engin student __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ becaus we ar fall behind in that area __PUNCT__

everybodi know that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we should __PUNCT__ we should reach a point at least where peopl with those specialti ar abl to secur a full and complet educ __PUNCT__

but i also like to mention on other aspect of the issu of educ __PUNCT__ two point __PUNCT__

on __PUNCT__ no child_left behind need to be reauthor __PUNCT__

we need to learn the lesson __PUNCT__

we don't need to discard it complet __PUNCT__

the second thing is __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ a terribl_thing that happen in america recent __PUNCT__ as i know you all know __PUNCT__ is the rise of autism __PUNCT__

we don't know __PUNCT__

we don't know what caus it __PUNCT__

there a huge debat go on now about vaccin __PUNCT__

and i read and studi and gotten brief __PUNCT__ and i don't know all the answer __PUNCT__

but i do know it a fact that autism is on a dramat rise in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

and we got to find the caus of it __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ meanwhil __PUNCT__ we go to have to increas fund for special_educ __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ it just __PUNCT__ it just a fact __PUNCT__

and that expens __PUNCT__ but it seem to me the kind of countri we ar __PUNCT__ that that should have on of our prioriti __PUNCT__ along with our most gift __PUNCT__

so thank you __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ i am __PUNCT__ thank you for come __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i want to sai that __PUNCT__

but i want to ask you __PUNCT__ there seem to be a lot of controversi about peopl who ar vote who shouldn't be vote __PUNCT__ peopl who ar not citizen of our countri __PUNCT__ citizen vote who ar __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ under dead peopl name __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__ there a huge controversi __PUNCT__ i watch glenn_beck the other night __PUNCT__ and he wa talk about how mani of the vote_machin in the unit_state ar not function properli __PUNCT__

how can we be assur that we even go to have an elect that go to have an accur result __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think it go to be veri tough __PUNCT__

in case you miss it __PUNCT__ thei had a film on hbo about the __NUM___elect __PUNCT__

i think it wa call __PUNCT__ recount __PUNCT__ as i recal __PUNCT__

whatev it wa __PUNCT__ it wa realli a compel film about what happen as a result of the __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ rememb __PUNCT__ hang chad __PUNCT__ rememb that __PUNCT__ and back and forth __PUNCT__ and the __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ it wa __PUNCT__ it wa incred __PUNCT__

and i worri a lot about it __PUNCT__ to tell you the truth __PUNCT__ becaus i believ that thi is go to be a close elect __PUNCT__

i believ that i the underdog __PUNCT__

i believ that new mexico will be on of those state __PUNCT__ on of those few state __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ that we up late and thei sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we still wait for new mexico to come in to see who the next presid of the unit_state is __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i think on wai is that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i think our elect board __PUNCT__ our local_elect board can alwai us volunt and peopl to help out __PUNCT__

thei can alwai us peopl to be there to monitor the poll and to __PUNCT__ and to see that everyth goe well __PUNCT__ and that all the procedur ar correct __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i hear stori that some of these vote_machin __PUNCT__ as you have heard __PUNCT__ and i read __PUNCT__ and there have been variou hear in congress about some of these machin that aren't accur __PUNCT__

there onli __NUM___dai left __PUNCT__

who count __PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ so you have motiv me again to look at thi situat to see what els that we can do to make sure that there a minimum of it __PUNCT__

but while i at it __PUNCT__ while i at it __PUNCT__ the union __PUNCT__ the organ_labor want to have a procedur where a union_organ can go to a person or to someon hous and sign them up in public to be member of that union __PUNCT__

thei call it __PUNCT__ card_check __PUNCT__

i think it a violat of the fundament right of american to have a secret_ballot __PUNCT__

and i intend to fight that as hard as i can __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ can we do on more here __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ma'am __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i like to thank you for come down here and give me such a wonder reason to actual skip school __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ there ha been talk that there ar peopl who want to have the vote ag lower from __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and be a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old myself __PUNCT__ i want to know what your opinion is on that __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ i think i know your __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ i think __NUM__ is appropri __PUNCT__

that __PUNCT__ that the ag at which peopl volunt to serv in the militari __PUNCT__

and so i think __NUM__ is probabl appropri __PUNCT__

there ar some peopl that sai that it should be higher __PUNCT__

that usual older_peopl that sai that __PUNCT__

i think that __PUNCT__ i think that __NUM__ is probabl the most appropri ag for that avail __PUNCT__

could i __PUNCT__ could i just sai on of the thing about thi great state __PUNCT__ if i might mention __PUNCT__ there a lot of militari instal here in new mexico __PUNCT__

there a lot of servic __PUNCT__ a lot of servicemen and women __PUNCT__

and the new mexico guard and reserv ha serv incred __PUNCT__

thei been back __PUNCT__ and back __PUNCT__ and back __PUNCT__ and back __PUNCT__ and back __PUNCT__ and back __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so i want to be presid of the unit_state becaus i want to inspir a gener of american to serv a caus greater than their self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__

and i alwai put my countri first __PUNCT__

but everi time i in the compani of these young_peopl __PUNCT__ i inspir __PUNCT__

i inspir becaus of their willing to serv and to sacrific __PUNCT__

i like to tell you just on brief stori __PUNCT__

the fourth of __DATE__ befor last __PUNCT__ senat lindsei_graham of south_carolina and i were in baghdad __PUNCT__

gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ the temperatur wa about __NUM___degre __PUNCT__ as i recal __PUNCT__ that dai __PUNCT__ these troop __PUNCT__ these men and women serv ar put on __NUM___pound of bodi armor and then __NUM__ pound or more of equip __PUNCT__ and go out on __NUM__ __PUNCT__ hour_dai __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ anywai __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu ask senat graham and i to attend a ceremoni and ask me to speak at a ceremoni where __NUM__ brave young_american decid that thei would re __PUNCT__ enlist and stai and fight __PUNCT__ rather than come home at the expir of their enlist __PUNCT__

it wa still on of the most move experi of my life __PUNCT__

and everi onc in a while __PUNCT__ when we get in the back __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ forth of a polit_campaign __PUNCT__ and we have these downer and up __PUNCT__ and there attack __PUNCT__ and all that kind of stuff __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i start feel a littl self __PUNCT__ piti __PUNCT__

and then i think back to that dai in baghdad when gener_petraeu spoke to those young_peopl who ar will to serv again and again on behalf of our freedom and somebodi els __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ i believ america best dai ar ahead of us __PUNCT__

and i want to assur you that i need your vote and i need a big voter_turnout __PUNCT__

and i do not take thi elect lightli __PUNCT__

we the underdog __PUNCT__

i the underdog __PUNCT__ have no doubt about it __PUNCT__

but i will count on you to get out the vote __PUNCT__

and i promis you that i will put my countri first __PUNCT__ and i never let you down __PUNCT__

thank you for be here __PUNCT__

and thank you __PUNCT__

and i be __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__