Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Signature
orbital.logic.imp Defines a generic interface to (symbolic) logic systems. 
orbital.logic.sign Defines generic interfaces for formal languages. 
orbital.moon.logic Contains implementations of some logics as well as a logic and mathematical expression parser. 
orbital.moon.logic.resolution Provides resolution inference theorem prover implementation and clause management. 

Uses of Signature in orbital.logic.imp

Methods in orbital.logic.imp that return Signature
 Signature InterpretationBase.getSignature()
          Get the signature interpreted.
 Signature Interpretation.getSignature()
          Get the signature interpreted.

Methods in orbital.logic.imp with parameters of type Signature
static Interpretation InterpretationBase.EMPTY(Signature sigma)
          The empty interpretation ∅ for the given signature.
 void InterpretationBase.setSignature(Signature sigma)
          Set the signature interpreted.
 void Interpretation.setSignature(Signature sigma)
          Set the signature interpreted.

Constructors in orbital.logic.imp with parameters of type Signature
InterpretationBase(Signature sigma)
          Construct a problem specific interpretation source.
InterpretationBase(Signature sigma, java.util.Map associations)
          Construct a new Interpretation with the given map of associations.
InterpretationBase(Signature sigma, java.util.SortedMap associations)

Uses of Signature in orbital.logic.sign

Classes in orbital.logic.sign that implement Signature
 class SignatureBase
          A basic signature implementation.

Methods in orbital.logic.sign that return Signature
 Signature ExpressionSyntax.coreSignature()
          Get the core signature which is supported by the language of this expression syntax.
 Signature SignatureBase.difference(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.difference(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the difference to another signature.
 Signature Expression.getSignature()
          Get the subsignature appearing in this expression.
 Signature SignatureBase.intersection(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.intersection(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the intersection of two signatures.
 Signature ExpressionSyntax.scanSignature(java.lang.String expression)
          Scan for the signature Σ of all syntactic symbols in an expression.
 Signature SignatureBase.symmetricDifference(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.symmetricDifference(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the difference to another signature.
 Signature SignatureBase.union(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.union(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the union of two signatures.
static Signature SignatureBase.unmodifiableSignature(Signature s)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified signature.

Methods in orbital.logic.sign with parameters of type Signature
 Signature SignatureBase.difference(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.difference(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the difference to another signature.
 Signature SignatureBase.intersection(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.intersection(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the intersection of two signatures.
 Signature SignatureBase.symmetricDifference(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.symmetricDifference(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the difference to another signature.
 Signature SignatureBase.union(Signature sigma2)
 Signature Signature.union(Signature sigma2)
          Returns the union of two signatures.
static Signature SignatureBase.unmodifiableSignature(Signature s)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified signature.

Uses of Signature in orbital.moon.logic

Methods in orbital.moon.logic that return Signature
 Signature ModalLogic.coreSignature()
 Signature MathExpressionSyntax.coreSignature()
 Signature FuzzyLogic.coreSignature()
 Signature ClassicalLogic.coreSignature()
 Signature MathExpressionSyntax.scanSignature(java.lang.String expression)

Uses of Signature in orbital.moon.logic.resolution

Methods in orbital.moon.logic.resolution that return Signature
 Signature ClauseImpl.getFreeVariables()
 Signature Clause.getFreeVariables()
          Get the free variables of a formula represented as a clause.

Methods in orbital.moon.logic.resolution with parameters of type Signature
 Clause ClauseImpl.variant(Signature disjointify)
 Clause Clause.variant(Signature disjointify)
          Get a variant of this clause with the given variables renamed.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.