Orbital library

Class BranchAndBound

  extended by orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
      extended by orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralBoundingSearch
          extended by orbital.algorithm.template.BranchAndBound
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, AlgorithmicTemplate, EvaluativeAlgorithm, HeuristicAlgorithm
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BranchAndBound
extends GeneralBoundingSearch
implements HeuristicAlgorithm

Branch-and-bound (B&B).

B&B is complete, optimal, and has a time complexity of O(bd) and a space complexity of O(b*d).

André Platzer
See Also:
"Lawler, E.L. and Wood, D.E. Branch-and-bound methods: A survey. Operations Research. 14(4):699-719. 1966.", Serialized Form
is a basic aspect of bounding the search space by the best known solution. This is automatically satisfied by several other search algorithms.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.HeuristicAlgorithm
HeuristicAlgorithm.Configuration, HeuristicAlgorithm.PatternDatabaseHeuristic
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.EvaluativeAlgorithm
Constructor Summary
BranchAndBound(Function heuristic, double maximumUpperBound)
          Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use BranchAndBound(Function,Real) instead.
BranchAndBound(Function heuristic, Real maximumUpperBound)
          Create a new instance of Branch and Bound search.
Method Summary
 Function complexity()
          O(bd) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.
protected  java.util.Iterator createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
          Define a traversal order by creating an iterator for the problem's state space.
 Function getEvaluation()
          f(n) = g(n) + h(n).
 Function getHeuristic()
          Get the heuristic function used.
 Real getMaxBound()
          Get the maximum upper bound for a solution.
 boolean isOptimal()
          Whether this search algorithm is optimal.
protected  java.lang.Object processSolution(java.lang.Object node)
          Updates bound to solution cost.
 void setHeuristic(Function heuristic)
          Set the heuristic function to use.
 void setMaxBound(double maximumUpperBound)
          Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use setMaxBound(Real) instead.
 void setMaxBound(Real maximumUpperBound)
          Set the maximum upper bound for a solution.
protected  java.lang.Object solveImpl(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
          Implements the solution policy.
 Function spaceComplexity()
          O(b*d) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.
Methods inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralBoundingSearch
getBound, isContinuedWhenFound, isOutOfBounds, search, setBound, setBound, setContinuedWhenFound
Methods inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
getProblem, solve
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.AlgorithmicTemplate
solve, spaceComplexity

Constructor Detail


public BranchAndBound(Function heuristic,
                      Real maximumUpperBound)
Create a new instance of Branch and Bound search.

heuristic - the heuristic cost function h:S→R embedded in the evaluation function f.
maximumUpperBound - is a sufficiently high upper bound for a solution. If there is no solution below this bound, the search will fail.
See Also:


public BranchAndBound(Function heuristic,
                      double maximumUpperBound)
Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use BranchAndBound(Function,Real) instead.

Method Detail


public Real getMaxBound()
Get the maximum upper bound for a solution.


public void setMaxBound(Real maximumUpperBound)
Set the maximum upper bound for a solution.

maximumUpperBound - is a sufficiently high upper bound for a solution. If there is no solution below this bound, the search will fail.


public void setMaxBound(double maximumUpperBound)
Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use setMaxBound(Real) instead.


public Function getHeuristic()
Description copied from interface: HeuristicAlgorithm
Get the heuristic function used.

Specified by:
getHeuristic in interface HeuristicAlgorithm
the heuristic cost function h:S→R estimating h*.


public void setHeuristic(Function heuristic)
Description copied from interface: HeuristicAlgorithm
Set the heuristic function to use.

An heuristic cost function h:S→R is estimating the cost to get from a node n to a goal G. For several heuristic algorithms this heuristic function needs to be admissible

h ≤ h*
i.e. h is a lower bound for the effective cost function h*. Then the pathmax heuristic f(s') := max {f(s), g(s') + h(s')} (for transitions s→s'=t(s,a) with a∈A(s)) is monotonic.

A heuristic cost function h is monotonic :⇔ the f-costs (with h) do not decrease in any path from the initial state ⇔ h obeys the triangular inequality

∀s∈S,a∈A(s) h(s) ≤ h(s') + c(s,a) with s' = t(s,a)
i.e. the sum of the costs from A to C and from C to B must not be less than the cost from A to B.

A simple improvement for heuristic functions is using pathmax.

Specified by:
setHeuristic in interface HeuristicAlgorithm
heuristic - the heuristic cost function h:S→R estimating h*. h will be embedded in the evaluation function f.
See Also:
"Pearl, J. Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. 1984."


public Function getEvaluation()
f(n) = g(n) + h(n).

Specified by:
getEvaluation in interface EvaluativeAlgorithm
Specified by:
getEvaluation in interface HeuristicAlgorithm
the evaluation function f:S→R used to evaluate (either utility or cost) value of states.


public Function complexity()
O(bd) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.

Specified by:
complexity in interface AlgorithmicTemplate
the function f for which the solve() method of this algorithm runs in O(f(n)) assuming the algorithmic problem hook to run in O(1).
See Also:


public boolean isOptimal()
Description copied from class: GeneralSearch
Whether this search algorithm is optimal.

If a search algorithm is not optimal, i.e. it might be content with solutions that are sub optimal only, then it can at most reliably find solutions, not best solutions. However, those solutions found still provide an upper bound to the optimal solution.

Specified by:
isOptimal in class GeneralSearch
whether this search algorithm is optimal, i.e. whether solutions found are guaranteed to be optimal.


protected java.lang.Object processSolution(java.lang.Object node)
Updates bound to solution cost. Since better solutions can only be found below this bound.

processSolution in class GeneralBoundingSearch
node - the node describing the solution.
the solution after processing it.
See Also:
Template Method


protected java.lang.Object solveImpl(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
Description copied from class: GeneralSearch
Implements the solution policy.

Like the default solution policies, this implementation will

  1. Fetch a traversal order policy by calling GeneralSearch.createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem).
  2. Then call GeneralSearch.search(Iterator) to search through the state space in the traversal order.
However, sophisticated search algorithms may want to change that policy and iterate the above process, resulting in a sequence of calls to those methods. They may do so by by overwriting this method.

solveImpl in class GeneralSearch
the solution found by GeneralSearch.search(Iterator).
See Also:


public Function spaceComplexity()
O(b*d) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.

the function f for which the solve() method of this algorithm consumes memory with an amount in O(f(n)) assuming the algorithmic problem hook uses space in O(1).
See Also:


protected java.util.Iterator createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
Description copied from class: GeneralSearch
Define a traversal order by creating an iterator for the problem's state space.

Lays a linear order through the state space which the search can simply follow sequentially. Thus a traversal policy effectively reduces a search problem through a graph to a search problem through a linear sequence of states. Of course, the mere notion of a traversal policy does not yet solve the task of finding a good order of states, but only encapsulate it. Complete search algorithms result from traversal policies that have a linear sequence through the whole state space.

Specified by:
createTraversal in class GeneralSearch
problem - the problem whose state space to create a traversal iterator for.
an iterator over the options of the problem's state space thereby encapsulating and hiding the traversal order.
See Also:
Factory Method, GeneralSearch.OptionIterator

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.