(Last updated: 10 March 2005) Errata to Karl Crary, Aleksey Kliger, Frank Pfenning, ``A Monadic Analysis of Information Flow Security with Mutable State.'' Journal of Functional Programming, 15(2) 249 -- 291, March 2005. There were several typos in the published version: ---------- Page 255, Figure 2. The typing rules for expressions. The rule (30) for LET VAL has the same type A in the conclusion as the type of the variable x. The second premise should have a type B, and so should the conclusion. A correct version of the rule appears in Appendix B. ---------- Page 271, Figure 10. The \lambda_{SEC}^{REF} base value encoding. The subsumption rule uses a misleading metavariable E in the premise and the conclusion. The translations of base values are terms, so the rule should say M. ----------