Radiator version 2.2.0 (c) Andrew Willmott 2000 Usage: radiator [options], where options are as follows: -v show current version [%S] input scene file --- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------- -mat use matrix radiosity -prog use progressive radiosity -hprog use progressive radiosity with substructuring -hier use hierarchical radiosity -ana use 1st-order analytical solver --- Params --------------------------------------------------------------------- -sub %F set patch subdivision density -esub %F set element subdivision density -alpha %F set alpha -terr %F set termination error -ferr %F set transport error -ferrRel %F set relative transport error -aerr %F set min patch size -derr %F set singularity threshold --- Visibility------------------------------------------------------------------ -verr %F wavelet visibility error -quadLevel %d quadrature level -visInQuad do visibility testing in quadrature -vis_none no visibility testing -vis_1 single ray visibility -vis_16 use 16 rays from source -> centre of dest -vis_44 use 16 rays distributed over both patches -visReuseArea %F area below which to reuse visibility samples -favourReceiver %F amount by which to favour subdividing receiver --- Meshing -------------------------------------------------------------------- -mesh_share ensure all coincident mesh vertices are shared -mesh_noAnchor don't enforce elimination of t-vertices -mesh_noGrading don't enforce a graded mesh -mesh_noConnect don't calculate mesh connectivity -mesh_noGrid don't use gridding, only hierarchical refinement -mesh_nonLin mesh more heavily at edges -mesh_random vary 'sub' parameter randomly --- Complexity ----------------------------------------------------------------- -meshComp %F complexity for creating radiosity mesh -rtComp %F complexity for raytracing (if different.) --- Misc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -conjGrad use conjugate gradient solver (matrix radiosity) -ambient add ambient term -maxShots %d max shooting steps to perform -noDirect no direct illumination -no_refWait don't wait for all links to be refined before stopping -normalise rescale scene first --- Cluster/FCR ---------------------------------------------------------------- -doFinal do final 'best' pass -finLevels %d extra levels to subdivide -finVis recalc visibility -finVRI use vector irradiance interpolation -noCluster don't use clustering -fcr use FCR -scheduled use scheduled solver [default] -interleaved use interleaved solver -twoStage use two-stage solver -schedIters %d max scheduled iterations to perform --- Avars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -set ... set avar, e.g. -set light 0.5 height 0.2 --- Output --------------------------------------------------------------------- -slice %F time slice: output stats at this interval -limit %F time limit: halt after this much time -dumpObj output final mesh as .obj [default] -dumpSL output final mesh as .sl -updateScene update final mesh file at each slice -dumpScenes output separate numbered mesh file for each slice -dumpMatrix output form-factor matrix -dumpHier output solution hierarchy -o %S output file name --- Signals -------------------------------------------------------------------- killall -HUP radiator stops simulation killall -CONT radiator print simulation status --- Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------- radiator scene.sl -hprog -error 0.001 -ferr 0.01 radiator scene.mgf -hier -ferrRel 0.01 -schedIter 5 -set avar1 0.2 -o wombat