Only one InitActuals property is accepted by the UniCon compiler for a given executable. Therefore, if an InitActuals property is specified in both the <component_implementation> and the <variant> property lists in the primitive implementation of a component, the UniCon compiler accepts only the one in the <component_implementation> property list.
The InitActuals property is typically specified in the <component_implementation> property list when the component has a composite implementation. It is otherwise generally found in the <variant> property list.
There is no default value for the InitActuals property.
Subsequent specifications of the InitActuals property in a single property list replace earlier specifications (i.e., the last specification is the one that the UniCon compiler uses).
VARIANT My_Sort_Filter IN "sort" IMPLTYPE (Executable) INITACTUALS ("-f") END My_Sort_FilterThe second example is embedded in the <component_implementation> property list of a composite implementation:
IMPLEMENTATION IS INITACTUALS ("-f") USES main INTERFACE Sort_Main USES sort INTERFACE Sort USES libc INTERFACE Libc BIND input TO ABSTRACTION MAPSTO (main.libc.fgets) END input BIND output TO ABSTRACTION MAPSTO (main.libc.fprintf) END output ESTABLISH C-PLBundler WITH main.sort_routines AS participant sort.sort_routines AS participant END C-PLBundler ESTABLISH C-PLBundler WITH main.libc AS participant libc.libc AS participant END C-PLBundler END IMPLEMENTATION
Last Modified: May 12, 1996