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Role Type


A role defines the responsibilities and the requirements for a player involved in an interaction among components. Role types are primitive typing units used to (1) identify players that can play a given role in a connection and (2) define their responsibilities and requirements in such a connection. Each role type in UniCon has a pre-defined set of player types that it may be associated with in a connection, and each defines the semantics of the responsibilities of the players in the connection.

Every role definition has a type. In UniCon, there are eleven pre-defined role types. The specification of the type appears immediately following the keyword IS in a UniCon role definition.


The following is the syntax for specifying a role type:

  <role_type> :== 
    | Definer
    | Load
    | Participant
    | Readee
    | Reader
    | Sink
    | Source
    | User
    | Writee
    | Writer

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Author: Gregory Zelesnik

Last Modified: May 12, 1996