Introduction to PyTorch

For the remainder of this course, we will be using the PyTorch library to implement virtually all the use PyTorch for the remainder of the course. The library is chosen for its automatic differentiation capabilities, which are essential for implementing neural network architectures. It also contains the nn.Module class, a nice abstraction for building self-contained layers that can easily enumerate parameters.

Automatic Differentiation

Automatic differentiation is a key feature in PyTorch, facilitated by the use of tensors. Tensors are the fundamental data structures in PyTorch, capable of representing multidimensional arrays. They can be created using various functions such as torch.zeros(), which creates a tensor filled with zeros, or torch.randn(), which creates a tensor with entries drawn from a standard normal distribution. The dimensions of the tensor are specified by passing a list of sizes to these functions. For example, torch.randn(3, 4) creates a 3x4 matrix with entries from a normal distribution.

To enable gradient accumulation, a tensor’s requires_grad attribute must be set to true. This can be done by setting requires_grad=True when creating a tensor or by calling the requires_grad_() method on an existing tensor. In PyTorch, methods with an underscore at the end, such as requires_grad_(), modify the tensor in place.

When a tensor is marked to require gradients, it is flagged to accumulate gradients through operations. For example, if tensor A requires gradients and tensor W does not, and they are multiplied element-wise and then summed to produce a scalar F, the gradient of A with respect to F can be computed. This is done by calling the backward() method on F, which populates the .grad attribute of all tensors in the computational graph that have requires_grad set to true.

The gradient of A after calling F.backward() will be equal to W, assuming A and W were multiplied element-wise and then summed. This is because the gradient of the sum with respect to each element of A is simply the corresponding element of W.

The following code illustrates this usage of automatic differentiation within PyTorch.

A = torch.randn(5,4).requires_grad_()
W = torch.randn(5,4)
f = (A*W).sum()

print(A.grad - W)

Autograd Functions in PyTorch

In PyTorch, functions are implemented using a class called Function from the torch.autograd library. This class allows users to define custom operations with both forward and backward passes. The forward pass computes the operation, while the backward pass computes the gradients through the vector-Jacobian product.

To create a custom function, one must define a class that inherits from Function and implement two static methods: forward and backward. The forward method computes the output of the function given the inputs, and the backward method computes the gradient of the function with respect to its inputs, given the gradient of the output.

This mechanism is essential for building complex neural networks with custom operations, as it seamlessly integrates with PyTorch’s automatic differentiation system. However, most common functions already have their forward and backward passes implemented in PyTorch, so users rarely need to define their own unless they require a specialized or more efficient version of an operation.

Example implementation of matrix multplication

The following implementation would implement a basic matrix multiplication function with PyTroch.

from torch.autograd import Function

class MatMul(Function):
    def forward(context, X, Y): 
        # X: m x n,  Y: n x p
        return X@Y
    def backward(context, grad):
        # grad: m x p
        X,Y = context.saved_tensors
        return grad @ Y.T, X.T @ grad

The forward function takes two arguments, X and Y, along with a context variable. The context is used to store additional information required for the computation graph. Specifically, the context.save_for_backward method is used to save the inputs for later use in the backward pass.

The backward function also takes the context and the incoming backward gradient (grad) as arguments. It retrieves the saved tensors X and Y from the context and computes the vector Jacobian product with respect to X and Y, as derived in the previous set of notes.

Gradient Checking

Gradient checking is a crucial step in verifying the correctness of the gradients computed by the backward function. PyTorch provides a utility function called gradcheck for this purpose. It is recommended to use double precision inputs when using gradcheck to avoid errors due to finite differencing in single precision.

The gradcheck function can be used as follows:

from torch.autograd import gradcheck

A = torch.randn(5,4, dtype=torch.double).requires_grad_()
B = torch.randn(4,3, dtype=torch.double).requires_grad_()
gradcheck(MatMul.apply, (A,B))

If the gradients are correct, gradcheck will return True. Otherwise, it will raise an error indicating that the gradients are incorrect.

Practical Usage

In practice, PyTorch has built-in functions for common operations, and the need to define custom forward and backward functions arises only when dealing with new functions not yet implemented in PyTorch. When implementing new functions, it is essential to ensure that the forward and backward passes are correctly defined and that the gradients are accurate. The gradcheck utility is invaluable in this process, providing a means to numerically verify the correctness of the gradients.

PyTorch Modules

PyTorch modules are a key concept for encapsulating computations and parameters. They are particularly useful for defining neural network layers with learnable parameters. The Module class from torch.nn is the base class for all neural network modules, and it is common to subclass it to create custom layers or models.

Implementing a Linear Layer

A linear layer, also known as a fully connected layer, is one of the simplest and most commonly used types of layers in neural networks. It applies a linear transformation to the incoming data. In PyTorch, this can be implemented by subclassing the Module class.

The linear layer is defined by two main parameters: the input dimension (in_dim) and the output dimension (out_dim). Additionally, a bias term can be included, which is typically initialized to True. The weights of the layer are represented by a matrix, and the bias is a vector if it is used.

The initialization of the weights is an important step that can significantly affect the performance of the neural network. A common practice is to initialize the weights as random normal variables, scaled by the square root of the input dimension, and multiplied by an initialization factor. This factor is often set to 2.0 for networks using ReLU activation functions.

Here is the example of how to define a custom linear layer in PyTorch:

from torch.nn import Module, Parameter

class Linear(Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, bias=True, init_factor=2.0):
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.randn(in_dim, out_dim) * np.sqrt(init_factor / in_dim))
        if bias:
            self.bias = Parameter(torch.zeros(out_dim))
            self.bias = None
    def forward(self, X):
        out = X @ self.weight
        if self.bias is not None:
            out += self.bias[..., :]
        return out

In this implementation, the Parameter class is used to wrap the tensors that should be considered as parameters of the layer. This allows PyTorch to track gradients for these tensors during the training process.

The forward method applies the linear transformation to the input X using the weight matrix and adds the bias if it is present.

By defining the forward pass and initializing the parameters, the backward pass (gradient computation) is automatically handled by PyTorch’s autograd system, provided that the operations used in the forward pass are differentiable and supported by autograd.

ReLU Layer

The ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) layer is implemented as a module without any parameters, thus not requiring an initialization method. The forward pass function takes an input X and returns the element-wise maximum between X and a tensor of zeros, effectively applying the ReLU activation function.

class ReLU(Module):
    def forward(self, X):
        return torch.maximum(X, torch.tensor(0.))

Cross-Entropy Loss Layer

The cross-entropy loss is implemented as a module with a forward pass function that takes predictions H and target labels Y. The loss is computed by indexing into the predictions H using the target labels Y and taking the negative log likelihood. Additionally, the log sum exponent of the predictions is computed and added to the loss. The mean of the loss is returned.

class CrossEntropyLoss(Module):
    def forward(self, H, Y):
        return -H[torch.arange(len(Y)),Y].mean() + torch.logsumexp(H, -1).mean()

Two-Layer Neural Network

Finally, we can now define a two-layer neural network as a Module with an initialization method that sets up two linear layers (self.linear1 and self.linear2) and a ReLU activation (self.relu). The first linear layer maps the input dimension to the hidden dimension, while the second linear layer maps the hidden dimension to the output dimension. The ReLU activation does not require any parameters.

The forward pass of the two-layer neural network takes an input X and applies the first linear layer, followed by the ReLU activation, and then the second linear layer. The output of the second linear layer is returned as the final output of the network.

class TwoLayerNN(Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        self.linear1 = Linear(in_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.linear2 = Linear(hidden_dim, out_dim, init_factor=1.0)
        self.relu = ReLU()

    def forward(self, X):
        return self.linear2(self.relu(self.linear1(X)))

Additional Notes

There are a new items to highlight in this implementation

Optimizers and Gradient Updates

While torch has a number of built-in optimizers, to make this element more explicit, we can define our own class to perform SGD as follows, which roughly mirrors the structure of the optimizers within PyTorch

class SGD:
    def __init__(self, params, lr=1.0):
        self.params = list(params) = lr

    def step(self):
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param in self.params:
                param -= * param.grad

    def zero_grad(self):
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param in self.params:
                if param.grad is not None:

The optimizer takes a list of parameters to be updated (then converts it to a list, to handle generator objects). The step() method is wrapped in a with torch.no_grad() block to ensure that the parameter updates do not track gradients, which would unnecessarily increase memory usage and computation. This is crucial for efficient training, as it prevents the entire history of parameter updates from being stored in the computation graph. The zero_grad() sets all the gradients for parameters updated by optimizer to zero, which is important to call because PyTorch accumulates gradients each time you call .backward().

Implementing the epoch function

We now have all the elements we need to implement an MNIST classifier in PyTroch. We will use the same method for iterating over data as before, though later will use PyTorch wrappers for this. An function that performs a single epoch of training can be written as follows:

def epoch(model, X_full, Y_full, opt=None, batch_size=100):
    mean_err, mean_loss, batches = 0., 0., 0

    for X,Y in zip(X_full.split(batch_size), Y_full.split(batch_size)):
        H = model(X)
        loss = CrossEntropyLoss()(H, Y)
        mean_err += loss_01(H, Y).item()
        mean_loss += loss.item()
        batches += 1

        if opt:
    return mean_err / batches, mean_loss / batches

The epoch function is defined to take several parameters: a model, full datasets X_full and Y_full, and an optimizer. The function is designed to be flexible, allowing for the possibility of not updating parameters if no optimizer is passed by setting the optimizer to None. This feature is particularly useful for computing test error without training the network.

The training process begins by initializing error and loss accumulators to zero. The function then iterates over the entire dataset in batches, applying the model to each batch to generate hypotheses. For each batch, the cross-entropy loss is computed between the model’s output and the true labels. Additionally, the 0-1 loss, which represents the mean error, is also computed and accumulated.

If an optimizer is provided, the gradients are zeroed out before backpropagation with loss.backward(). After backpropagation, the optimizer’s step function is called to update the model’s parameters. This process is a common usage pattern in PyTorch for training models.

After processing all batches, the function returns the mean error and mean loss, both divided by the number of batches. This accounts for the average performance over the entire dataset. However, it is noted that the last batch might be smaller and thus could be counted more, but this detail is not addressed in the current implementation.

Implementing the Network in PyTorch

We can use this code to train a two-layer neural network in PyTorch. The network is trained on a training dataset (X_train and Y_train) for a specified number of epochs. After training, the network is evaluated on a test dataset (X_test and Y_test) without an optimizer to compute the test error and loss.

dataset = MNIST('.', train=True, download=True)
X_train =,784)/255.
Y_train = dataset.targets

dataset_test = MNIST('.', train=False, download=True)
X_test =,784)/255.
Y_test = dataset_test.targets

model = TwoLayerNN(784, 100, 10)
opt = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.5)
for i in range(20):
    epoch(model, X_train, Y_train, opt)

Sequential Module

If we don’t want to define a new subclass for every new network architecture, a convenient tool is the Seuential module. This module simplifies the process of applying one layer’s output as the input to the next layer, making it a convenient tool for building neural networks. We can implement it as follows:

from torch.nn import ModuleList

class Sequential(Module):
    def __init__(self, *layers):
        self.layers = ModuleList(layers)

    def forward(self, X):
        out = X
        for layer in self.layers:
            out = layer(out)
        return out

In this definition, *layers is an argument in PyTorch that allows passing a list of items to a function argument. This is a common Python feature known as argument unpacking, which is used here to pass multiple layer instances to the sequential module. The forward pass of a sequential module is implemented by iterating over each layer and applying it to the input. The output of one layer becomes the input to the next. In this code snippet, x is the input to the first layer, and out is the output of the last layer, which is returned as the final output of the sequential module.

model = Sequential(
    Linear(784, 100),
    Linear(100, 10)

There is a subtlety when using the sequential module as defined above. To ensure that the layers are properly registered as submodules so that their parameters are recognized by PyTorch’s infrastructure, we have to use the ModuleList class, so that elements in self.layers are recognized as modules (and will thus have their parameters also propagated to the parameters of the Sequential object).