SPEAKER: Aaron Roth. TIME: Wednesday 12-1pm, May 16, 2007. PLACE: NSH 1507 TITLE: Selfishness without Nash: Two Alternatives to Price of Anarchy ABSTRACT: Price of Anarchy aims to measure the cost to a system when decisions are made by local, selfish agents, rather than mandated by a central authority. How do selfish agents behave? Traditionally, it is assumed that they play according to a Nash equilibrium -- but this is unrealistic, because in general, Nash equilibria can be both hard to compute and to coordinate. We study a much weaker and more realistic assumption about selfish behavior, introducing the term "Price of Total Anarchy" and show that in several broad classes of games, these weaker assumptions are enough to derive guarantees for the price of total anarchy that match the price of anarchy exactly, even though play provably does not necessarily converge to Nash equilibria. We do not assume that agents play using any particular algorithm, or that they have more than local information about the game state. We also show that our guarantees are resilient to the presence of Byzantine players -- additional agents about whom we make no assumptions, who may be nonrational or adversarial. When studying -anarchy-, it seems essential to account for players who do not behave according to any fixed set of assumptions, but this has been largely ignored up until now. We also survey a recent independent generalization of price of anarchy by Goemans, Mirrokni, and Vetta, the "price of sinking", and use Valid Games (which have been analyzed to get tight bounds for their price of anarchy, price of total anarchy, and price of sinking) as a lens through which to observe the differences between models. Joint work with: Avrim Blum, Katrina Ligett, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi