SPEAKER: Katrina Ligett TIME: Wednesday 12-1pm, December 13, 2006 PLACE: NSH 1507 TITLE: Approximate Online Optimization ABSTRACT: Imagine a FedEx driver who must repeatedly choose a route to visit a set of cities. Each day, she chooses a tour and then finds out the total time that it took. The time a street takes may vary unpredictably from day to day due to traffic, construction, accidents, or any other cause. Her goal is to achieve low average time over many days. More generally, in an online sequential linear optimization problem, a decision-maker selects daily from a known (possibly infinite) set of decisions, and experiences a cost determined by the next function in an unknown sequence of cost functions chosen from a known family of linear functions. The offline version of the FedEx driver''''s problem is simply the Traveling Salesman Problem, where the edge costs are known in advance. In previous work, Kalai and Vempala (COLT ''''03) showed how to convert any exact offline algorithm for a linear optimization problem into an algorithm for the online sequential version of the problem. They also applied their technique to a special class of approximation algorithms. Unfortunately, many problems (e.g. the TSP above) cannot be solved efficiently offline, and many approximation algorithms do not fall into this special class. In this talk, we show how to convert any approximation algorithm for a linear optimization problem into an algorithm for the online sequential version of the problem. Our reduction maintains the asymptotic approximation guarantee of the original algorithm, relative to the average performance of the best static decision in hindsight (e.g. best TSP tour). Our approach is based on a geometric interpretation of this class of problems. Joint work with Sham Kakade and Adam Tauman Kalai.