Phillip Compeau Associate Teaching ProfessorTeaching Faculty Research Areas: Computational biology Computer-assisted instruction Mathematics and statistics
Veronica Hinman Voting Faculty Research Areas: Computational biology Genomics Life and medical sciences
Irene Kaplow Lane Fellow Research Areas: Computational biology Genomics Life and medical sciences Machine Learning Algorithms Probability and statistics
Carl Kingsford Director of CmlhHerbert A. Simon Professor of Computer Science Research Areas: Automatic programming Cancer Computational biology Design and analysis of algorithms Genomics Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Scaling
Christopher Langmead Special Faculty Research Areas: Active learning Algorithmic game theory Computational biology Genomics Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Medical technologies Modeling and simulation
Robert Murphy Ray And Stephanie Lane Professor of Computational Biology Emeritus Research Areas: Automated Science Biology-related information processing Computational biology Computer Vision in Medicine Machine learning Medical technologies
Andreas Pfenning Assistant Professor Research Areas: Computational biology Degenerative Diseases Drug Discovery Genetics Genomics Life and medical sciences
Roni Rosenfeld Affiliated FacultyDepartment Head, Machine Learning DepartmentProfessorProfessor Research Areas: AI for Good Computational biology Computer Science Human and societal aspects of security and privacy Life and medical sciences Public Health Speech recognition
Russell Schwartz Affiliated FacultyDepartment Head, Computational BiologyProfessor Research Areas: Computational biology Genomics Machine Learning Optimization Machine Learning Scaling Medical technologies
David Touretzky Courtesy FacultyResearch Professor Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Computational biology Computing education Human Robot Interaction K-12 education Neural networks Robotics Robotic autonomy
Wei Wu Senior Systems Scientist Research Areas: Computational biology Genetics Life and medical sciences Machine learning Cell LIbraries
Min Xu Assistant ProfessorCourtesy Faculty Research Areas: Active learning Computational biology Computer vision Machine learning Physical sciences and engineering Reinforcement learning Robotic control