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Why the Problems

Although major initiatives are currently missing, certainly a great deal of effort has been and still is being applied to these problems. Why are we still having trouble building embedded software?

One answer to this question is that we have made progress, but the problems we are facing are increasing at a faster rate. The term ``software crisis'' to describe the problems of software engineering was introduced in the late 1960s and still is being used. However, this usage is misleading. Today we have relatively few problems building the typical software systems of the 1960s. Man's reach always outdistances his grasp--as we learn how to build one type of software system successfully, we immediately want to accomplish more.

But we cannot blame all our limitations on increasing expectations. Although a large number of researchers have been working on software engineering, their results have had limited use in real systems. There may be several reasons for this.

First, we have concentrated on the mathematical aspects of problems and solutions while ignoring human factors and the necessarily informal aspects of software development. While mathematical techniques are useful in some parts of the process, informal techniques will always be a large part (if not the majority) of any software development effort. Researchers often focus exclusively on formal or on informal aspects of software development without considering their interaction.

Formalism is crucial in developing software for critical systems, but the limits of modeling reality must be taken into account: (a) the actual system has properties beyond the model, and (b) mathematical methods cannot handle all aspects of system development. No comprehensive approach to developing critical systems will, in the foreseeable future, be entirely formal while informal approaches alone are inadequate for providing adequate confidence. Our approaches must be driven by the need to systematically and realistically balance and integrate mathematical and nonmathematical aspects of software development.

Often the result of research is methodologies that cannot be incorporated into practice by developers and maintainers. Developing understanding about how to build critical software is not enough. The methodologies must include training and technology transfer and be usable by those with typical software engineering backgrounds. The methodologies must also incorporate models that are closely related to the problem domain and the way that application experts think about their problems, not necessarily the way that researchers look at the problems.

One serious drawback of past and current software engineering research is lack of scalability. Researchers have developed techniques that work only on small systems. Mathematical techniques have, for the most part, been used only on very limited properties and on unrealistically small problems. Most any analysis technique works on a toy problem. There is reason to believe that software development in the large is so different than the toy problems found in most research papers that many published techniques may not apply to real projects. We need to find a balance of formal and informal techniques that scale by considering, from the start, problems of realistic size and complexity. Software engineering researchers rarely validate their techniques and theories on realistic software. Given the complexity of the systems we are attempting to build, the only convincing argument that an approach works is to validate techniques on real systems.

Successfully building software for complex systems demands that qualities such as reliability, safety, security, and timing be rigorously addressed and systematically built into the software from the beginning. In addition, simply concentrating on initial development is not enough: These qualities must be preserved as the software evolves during its lifetime. Independent efforts to ensure individual qualities in narrow domains, e.g., security, have made significant progress. However, no approach exists that combines diverse techniques into an integrated methodology for developing and maintaining software for critical systems. Furthermore, the methodologies that are developed must be usable by other than their developers and must be able to be incorporated into practice by software developers.

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Jeannette Wing
Wed Apr 17 09:16:52 EDT 1996