Reduced Relative Clause

Ambiguous Preferred

The cotton farmers warned about bad floods just before harvest time.

The sick child washed early every morning in the hospital room.

The teenage girls called in the hallway while the principal watched.

The young children watched in the hallway while the adults argued.

The Indian children washed in the steam after their mothers left.

The evil genie served the golden figs in the ancient temple.

A yellow frisbee dropped from the roof onto the narrow driveway.

The convicted criminal watched in the cell during the parole hearing.

The head coach watched from the sideline as the game dragged on.

The older kids taught all the dances for the spring recital.

Ambiguous - Unpreferred

The silly boys called during the play quickly left the auditorium.

The horse raced past the barn escaped from his trainer.

The brown sparrow watched on a branch pecked at an insect.

The frightened kid pushed through the crowd got separated from Jane.

A small dog pushed through the fence hurt his hind leg.

An impatient shopper pushed through the doors complained to the manager.

The young technician taught the computer program caught on right away.

The kitchen staff served in the cafeteria soon got very sleepy.

The sunburned boys served the hot dogs got a stomach ache.

The thoughtless secretaries called on the balcony returned to their desks.

PP attachment sentences


The little girl tried to cut the apple with plastic knives though she wasn't very successful.

Scott played the compact discs with Jim's CD player to see how bad they sounded.

The executive only called people on the intercom because he was paranoid.

The kids played all the albums on the stereo before they went to bed.

Rob bought a new television with his credit card and took advantage of the free delivery.

Anne arranged the colorful pamphlets on her floor before she left for the protest.

Alice nursed the sick cat with warm milk before trying to find a new owner.

The bitter wife killed her husband with a machete after she caught him cheating on her.

The disgusted student threw the book on the ground but picked it up moments later.

Emily hung the informative article on the board after leaving her history class.


The overworked scientist only read news reports on tornados because he had so little time.

The landlord painted all the walls with cracks though it didn't help the appearance of the place.

The salesman annoyed the woman with the red blouse because she couldn't stand his loud voice.

The spy saw the cop with a revolver but the cop didn't see him.

We watched the magic acts with rabbits and clapped loudly when the act was over.

The rescue crew reached the victim in the suit but had difficulty pulling him from the water.

The police protected the witness from New York because he alone could identify the murderer.

Sandy named her first son from her second husband as soon as the boy was born.

The baby disgusted the woman with the tailored suit because she never had children herself.

That kid hit the girl with the long hair before he got off the subway and ran up the stairs.