Internal fMRI Fastmap Experiments Page

This page is for internal use by members of this project only.

Experiment Description

The experiments described here utilized the Fastmap utility from Professor Christos Faloutsos. This code implements a fast multi-dimension scaling algorithm. It is able to project a high dimensional data set into a low dimensional space such that the distance between individual data points in the low dimensional space is as close as possible to what it was in the original high dimensional space. This can be useful for visualizing large high dimensional data sets as well as accelerating certain types of processing. In these experiments it was used as an aid to visualization.

As per Christos' suggestion, a new data set was generated from the original fMRI voxel data such that each point in the new data set contained all of the values for a single voxel over a single trial. Specifically, if 100 voxels were being examined in a trial with 15 times slices, the new data set would contain 100 data points each with 15 values - a 15 dimensional data set. This new data set was presented to fastmap and it would map it to a lower dimensional space.

I tried mapping down to two and three dimensional spaces, but the results did not seem meaningful for this data set. So I tried mapping to a one dimensional space. The result is that only one value per voxel is generated by fastmap and these values can be visualized as an image. This mapping is such that voxels with similar trajectories through time will be mapped to similar values. If these values are visualized using a "spectrum" color map, then voxels with similar colors are the ones that have similar activations over time. The actual value (color) is not important, just the relationship between voxels. The result is an image which can be visually used to identify clusters in the data without committing to a specific number of clusters and using a standard clustering algorithm.

It was decided to try normalizing the data before using fastmap. Two possibilities were explored: zero mean only normalization and both zero mean and unit variance normalization. In both cases the data for each voxel was normalized independently and the normalization calculations only included the data from that trial.


Following this section are example images as well as links to the full data set. In each case the image plots a subset of "interesting" voxels values from a single trial. The following is the file naming code is what has been used before on this project.

Name breakdown for the file "02882_lb_i525_c05_n17.031":

02882subject number
lbbrain area (lb = left broca, lt = left temporal)
i525original image index (time) of the first image in this subsequence
c05experimental condition
n17number of images in this subsequence
.031index of the trial for this subject (begins with trial 000)
The experimental codes are as before and are as follows:
0bad data - ignore
2PP preferred
3PP unpreferred
4RRC preferred
5RRC unpreferred
6blocked RR pref (ignore)
7blocked RR pref (ignore)
I believe the results are interesting. Even though only a single trial is presented here as an example, the relationship between voxels seems to be stable across trials and is also stable for the fixation trial. Someome who is familiar with the anatomy may find something useful in these images.

Because fastmap does not have a problem handling this amount of data, I also performed experiments which included the region of interest voxels. This is the full block of pixels manually marked as LB or LT, not just the ones which passed the t-test. I also tried the full brain data from one trial. The resutls from the full brain data do not seem conclusive, because the color mapping used is not good for differentiating many finely spaced values.

A single trial from each of the experiments is included as a trial on this page as well as a link to the full directory of images.

Example Images

above image name = 02882/lb/02882_lb_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif
brain area = LB, experimental condition = 4, more LB images

above image name = 02882/lt/02882_lt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif
brain area = LT, experimental condition = 4, more LT images


above left image name = 02882/lblt/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif - raw data
above mid image name = 02882/lblt_nmean/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif - normalized to zero mean only
above right image name = 02882/lblt_norm/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif - normalized to zero mean and unit variance
brain areas = LB & LT, experimental condition = 4
more LBLT images of raw data
more LBLT images of mean only norm data - a page with all LBLT images grouped by condition
more LBLT images of full norm data - a page with all LBLT images grouped by condition

above image name = 02882/lb_roi/02882_lb_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif
brain area = LB ROI, experimental condition = 4, more LB ROI images

above image name = 02882/lt_roi/02882_lt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif
brain area = LT ROI, experimental condition = 4, more LT ROI images


(if you make the window wide enough, all images will be on the same line)
above left image name = 02882/lblt_roi/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif- raw data
above mid image name = 02882/lblt_nmean_roi/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif - normalized to zero mean only
above right image name = 02882/lblt_norm_roi/02882_lblt_i021_c04_n17.001.fm1_t000.gif - normalized to zero mean and unit variance
brain area = LB & LR ROI, experimental condition = 4
more LBLT ROI images of raw data
more LBLT ROI images of mean only norm data - a page with all LBLT ROI images grouped by condition
more LBLT ROI images of full norm data - a page with all LBLT ROI images grouped by condition

above left image name = 02882/lblt-all-nmfm1.gif
this is the LBLT ROI data, normalized to zero mean only, includes the entire time series

(if you make the window wide enough, both images will be on the same line)
above left image name = full-fm1_t000.gif source data = 02882_full_i372_c05_n16.022.fm1, raw data
brain area = FULL, experimental condition = 5

(if you make the window wide enough, both images will be on the same line)
above left image name = full-nmfm1_t000.gif
source data = 02882_full_i372_c05_n16.022.nmfm1, normalized to zero mean only
brain area = FULL, experimental condition = 5

(if you make the window wide enough, both images will be on the same line)
above left image name = full-nfm1_t000.gif
source data = 02882_full_i372_c05_n16.022.nfm1, normalized to zero mean and unit variance
brain area = FULL, experimental condition = 5

above image name = 02882_mean_inv.gif
source data = simple mean (no fastmap processing) of all brain images for subject 02882
brain area = FULL, experimental conditions = all

Last updated 3/11/99 by Chuck