Operator: Return-Operator

Operator: return-operator

Problem space: create-operator
Operator Overview:
This operator is used to return a u/s-constructor to the top-space.

Since there are now two basic types of u- and s-constructors (one that is just an empty op and the other consists one or more link/snip operators) we have two slightly different proposals and applications of the return-operator (see below).

Operator Proposal:
The first type of return-operator gets proposed when the ^annotation empty-op-applied appears on the state of the create-operator problem space.

The second type of return-operator gets proposed when the ^annotation construction-done on the state (and there is no ^annotation empty-op-applied) in the create-operator problem space.

Operator Application:
Proposes a new u/s-constructor in the top space.

If the u-constructor or s-constructor is an empty op, then return-operator also places the ^annotation empty and the word-id on the u- or s-constructor. The first annotation is used to trigger the completed operator in the completion space and word-id is used as one of the conditions for the marking of u/s-model-succes of the current word.

Operator Reconsider:
Upon application.
Productions are in file: create-operator.return-operator.soar

Back to the operator hierarchy.

This page written by Jill Fain Lehman (jef@cs.cmu.edu) and Han Ming Ong (hanming@cs.cmu.edu)

Updated by Julie Van Dyke (vandyke@cs.cmu.edu), August 1997.