PRODIGY Feedforward Control
The PRODIGY/Analogy system takes as input as set of ForMAT commands and
produces as output suggestions to the ForMAT user. If the input command is a set of saved deployment goals, PRODIGY translates
these goals to its own representation in the force deployment domain. The
resultant goals serve two purposes. They are used to form a generative plan
(i.e., one derived from scratch) to assure that the goals are legitimate (see
also resultant goal tree). If
the planning process is successful, then the Analogy component of
PRODIGY/Analogy uses the translated goals to retrieve a set of previous
deployment plans. These previous plans (cases) will have deployment goals most
similar to the current problem's goals. The old plans are then passed back to
ForMAT to be displayed as suggested models when developing a deployment plan
that matches the user's needs.

Last Edited: July 26, 1996