Parsing in Andrew Andrew has a number of tools for generating parsers and assisting in compilation. Bison Bison is the parser generator provided by the Free Software Foundation. The Andrew version supports a few additional switches and has improved error checking capabilities for reading grammars. Documents installed in: $ANDREWDIR/doc/syntax/bison.* Source directory: overhead/bision Parser (C) This package processes Bison output to produce a C source file for a parser for a particular grammar. The source file has unique names and multiple parses can be in progress simultaneously. Documents installed in: $ANDREWDIR/doc/syntax/parser.doc Source directory: overhead/mkparser ParserClass (C++) The mkparserclass script processes Bison output to produce the .H and .C files for a C++ object which parses lexemes in the language described by the Bison input grammar. Documents installed in: $ANDREWDIR/doc/syntax/prsclass.doc Source directory: atk/syntax/parser Symbol Table (C++) Symbol table object. Documents installed in: $ANDREWDIR/doc/syntax/sym.doc Source directory: atk/syntax/sym Token Scanner (C++) Gentlex, part of the tlex package, processes a set of lexeme descriptions and produces a token scanner for those lexemes. The lexeme language is more limited than lex in that full regular expressions are not supported; however, the user can incorporate C routines to process the tail end of a tokern once the front end has been identified. The entire scheme is integrated with Bison so there is little effort to generate the token numbers necessary. Documents installed in: $ANDREWDIR/doc/syntax/tlex.doc Source directory: atk/syntax/tlex