DOCUMENTATATION FOR THE "JAPANESE FUZZY INFERENCE LIBRARY" John Nagle July, 1993 INTRODUCTION A "General Purpose Fuzzy Reasoning Library" is available from the University of Tokyo. The documentation is in Japanese. This is a set of English-language documentation for that library. HOW TO GET THE LIBRARY The "General Purpose Fuzzy Reasoning Library" is available via anonymous FTP from Server: [] File: fj/fj.sources/v25/2577.Z This yields the "General-Purpose Fuzzy Inference Library Ver. 3.0 (1/1)". Use "uncompress" to decompress it, then "uudecode" to convert it from text to a binary file, then "uncompress" again, and finally "tar" to unpack the resulting file. The program is in C, with English comments, but the documentation is in Japanese. ----- THE ORIGINAL "README" FILE, translated to English. (Translation by Michiaki Nakayama at the Stanford Computer Systems Laboratory) General Purpose Fuzzy Reasoning Library Ver.3.0 (c) 1991 Kohichi Numata If you use "rule read-in" functions of the general purpose fuzzy reasoning library, it reads fuzzy reasoning information from a certain format file (rule file) and returns that to a structure. Therefore, only editing the rule file enables you try and error. Reasoning functions of this library return the reasoned value of the output variables when you input an array of every input variable and a structure, which was mentioned before, as parameters. So, it makes fuzzy reasoning operation blackbox-like. This library includes some sped-up operations in which inner operations are done with integers. I intended to write it according to ANSI standard; most compilers might be able to compile this library. Programming of fuzzy reasoning is quite troublesome, if you would do it from the beginning. I would be happy if this library reduces your effort. This has nothing to do with those people who has nothing to do with fuzzy reasoning, but I'd like to recommend to touch it before it disappears(??). University of Electric and communications Kohichi Numata ----- Documentation for the program obtained by analyzing the code. (by John Nagle, Stanford CSL) SUMMARY This is a simple implementation of standard fuzzy inference, implemented as a C function library. It reads fuzzy rules from a text file, and initializes a data structure based on that file, after which a function can be called with a set of values from which a single output value, inferred according to the rules, will be generated. No "adaptive" or "learning" capability is provided. The implementation is straightforward, and does not use known optimizations of the algorithm. The code is well-written and easy to follow, with comments and variable names in English, even though the original documentation is in Japanese. FORMAT OF THE RULE FILE The rule file is divided into three sections. The first section defines the variables. There can be up to MAX_N_IN_VAR (a constant in "infer3.h") input variables, and there is exactly one output variable, which must be the last variable defined. For each variable, there is a line of the form: varname lowbound highbound which defines the range of the input or output variable. For input variables, this range is used only by the integer version of the package, which scales input variables into the range 0..255 based on these bounds. For output variables, this value will be used in conjunction with the "NEP" value set below to divide the output range into N equal parts. So variable ranges should be as narrow as possible to cover the expected values of the variables. Overly large ranges will reduce output resolution. The range line is followed by a block of fuzzy value name definitions of the form: valuename a b c d The trapezoid defined by a,b,c,d determines the translation from the input numeric value to the fuzzy value named "valuename". The values a,b,c,d define a trapezoid, in the usual fuzzy rule sense, as shown below. o ________ u / \ t / \ ___/ \___ in A B C D Each block of fuzzy value name definitions is terminated by a blank line. There must be at least one fuzzy value name line; it may be be preceded by blank lines. The second section of the file defines the rules, and begins with a line of the form SW varname varname varname ... for which the "varname" names must be the ones defined above, in the same order. This line forms the header for the rule table to follow. Rules are of the form ON var1valuename var2valuename var3valuename... or OFF var1valuename var2valuename var3valuename... and a blank line ends the rule section. Only lines beginning with "ON" are actually used. A "valuename" of "IG" indicates that the input for that column is to be ignored. The third and last section is one line of the form NEP nnn which defines the "number of equal parts" used for the brute-force integration to find the centroid of the output fuzzy result. The range specified for the output variable is divided into this number of equal parts. Thus, the specified output range and the number of equal parts sets an upper limit on the precision of the output. AN ANNOTATED SAMPLE RULE FILE A sample rule file is provided with the program, and it is reproduced here with comments. Unfortunately, comments in rule files are not supported by the program, so this text with comments is not a valid rule file in this form. Everything after a "--" is a comment. SL -100 1400 -- Defines input variable SL, range -100..1400 -- Optional blank line S -1e38 -1e38 600 800 -- Fuzzy value S for variable SL L 600 800 1e38 1e38 -- Fuzzy value L for variable SL -- Required blank line ends variable block D -800 800 -- Defines input variable D, range -800..800 N1 -1e38 -1e38 -800 400 -- Fuzzy value N1 P1 -400 800 1e38 1e38 -- Fuzzy value P1 -- Required blank line BL -3 3 -- Defines the output variable BL, range -3..3 N2 -3 -1 -1 1 -- Fuzzy value N2 P2 -1 1 1 3 -- Fuzzy value P2 Z2 -2 0 0 2 -- Fuzzy value Z2 -- Required blank line SW SL D BL -- Rule header line -- Optional blank line ON S N1 Z2 -- Rule: S and N1 implies Z2 ON L P1 Z2 -- Rule: L and P1 implies Z2 ON L N1 N2 -- Rule: L and N1 implies N2 ON S P1 P2 -- Rule: S and P1 implies P2. -- Required blank line. NEP 256 -- Number of equal parts for integration. ---- CALLING THE FUNCTIONS Usage is very simple. There are two sets of functions, one which does all calculations in floating point and one which does the time-consuming calculations in integer arithmetic. The latter functions begin with "u", but take the same arguments and return the same results as the floating point forms. ReadRule reads in a rule file, as defined above. It initializes and fills in the FUZZ_INFO structure. ReadRule returns one of the following values RR_OK 0 Rules read successfully RR_OVER_MAX (-1) Table sizes in infer3.h overflowed. RR_SHORT_FILE (-2) EOF before rule file complete RR_SHORT_LINE (-3) End of line before rule line complete RR_UNDEFINED_KEYWORD (-4) Unknown keyword where keyword required RR_UNDEFINED_SYMBOL (-5) Undefined variable name where required Infer does one fuzzy inference. It takes an array of floating point values, one for each input variable, and returns a single floating-point result. uReadRule and uInfer operate similarly, but use mostly integer computations. /* Exported functions -- floating point version */ extern int ReadRule(FILE *fp, FUZZ_INFO *fzf); extern float Infer(const float InVar[], const FUZZ_INFO *fzf); /* Exported functions -- integer version */ extern int uReadRule(FILE *fp, uFUZZ_INFO *fzf); extern float uInfer(const float InVar[], const uFUZZ_INFO *fzf); PERFORMANCE Performance is not especially fast, primarily because of the brute-force approach to finding the centroid of the summed result. The algorithm is a naive implementation of the classic fuzzy logic inference technique.