I am sorry I quoted the announcement in the abbreviated form, so I'll send all the announcement again. In fact, this E-mail was originally sent to only the recipients of the Asian Fuzzy Mailing System. Mikio ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Announcement of the Formatin of a New Society: Canadian Society for Fuzzy Information and Neural Systems (CANS-FINS) ------------------------------------------------ During the recent years, several technological inovations have emerged in the fields of fuzzy logic and neural networks around the globe. The most important industrial applications of these emerging technologies are in the fields of process control, intelligent robotic systems in space and manufacturing, health sciecnces, financial markets, and expert systems for industrial applications. Our goal is to integrate these two areas, including the genetic algorithms, into the field of fuzzy neural systems. The scientific success and marvelous technological progress of fuzzy neural networks may be attributed to the flexibility and softness reflected in the notion of graded memberships and scientific talents, missionary zest and the great energy of Professor Lofti A. Zadeh. This field will evolve into a new discipline of computing - the soft computing, and may witness another exponential growth in the decade to come. Neural-fuzzy technology is on its way to becoming a multi-billion dollar business in North America and around the world. We are pleased to announce the formation of a new society: CANS-FINS - the Canadian Society for Fuzzy Information and Neural Systems. Although the idea of this Society was conceived during the Second IRIS-PRECARN Conference in June, 1992, in Montreal, its official formation took place only during the Third IRIS-PRECARN Conference on June 9, 1993. The inaugral meeting was chaired by Dr. Madan M. Gupta and was attended by both academic and industrial researchers attending the conference. After several discussions on the mission statement, name of the society and other related meatters, the following people were elected to the executive. ----------------------------------------------------------- Executive: Honorary President: Professor Lofti A. Zadeh Univ. of California, Berkley,USA Phone: (510)526-2569 President: Dr. Madan M. Gupta Univ. of Saskatchewan, Sakatoon, Canada Phone: (306)966-5451 Fax: (306)966-8710 Vice-President: Dr. Clarence de Silva Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Phone: (604)822-6291 Fax: (604)822-2403 Secretary/Treasure: Dr. Ralf O. Buchal Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Canada Phone: (519)679-2111 Ext.8454 Fax: (519)661-3375 News Bulletin Editor: Dr. Marin Laplante RES Policy Research Inc., Ottawa, Canada Phone: (613)238-3690 Fax: (613)235-5889 International Liaison: Dr. I. Burhan Turksen Univ. of Tronto, Toronto, Canada Phone: (416)978-0880 Fax: (416)978-1280 Regional Vice-Presidents To coordinate the activities in various regions across the country (i) Atlantic Region: ------------------------- (ii) Quebec Region: Prof. V. Rajagopalan Univ. of Quebec, Trois-Rivieres, Canada Phone: (819)376-5701 Ext. 3912 Fax: (819)376-5152 (iii) Ontario Region: Dr. Grantham Pang Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada Phone: (519)885-1211 Ext.3994 Fax: (519)746-3077 (iv) Central Region: Dr. George K. Knopf Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Phone: (306)966-5458 Fax: (306)966-8710 (v) Mission Statement To promote education, research and industrial applications in Canada in the emerging fields of fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithm, and their integration-thefuzzy neural systems - a new discipline of soft computing. ------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP IS FREE ALL INTERESTED IN THE FIELD ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THE SOCIETY - CANS-FINS ------------------------------------------- For further details, please contract: (i) Dr. Madan M. Gupta, Director Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory College of Engineering Sakatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N OWO Phone: (306) 966-5451 Fax:(306)966-8710 E-Mail: guptam@sask.usask.ca (ii) Dr. Ralph O. Buchal Department of Mechanical Engineering Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ontario, N6A 5B9 Phone: (519)679-2111, Ext.8454 Fax:(519)661-3375 E-mail: rbuchal@charon.engga.uwo.ca (iii) Dr. Martin Laplante RES Inc. Suite 501, 100 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ont. KIP-5B7 Phone:(613)238-3690 Fax:(613)235-5889 ================================================================ ================================================================ Rewritten by Mikio Prof. Mikio Nakatsuyama Department of Electronic Engineering Yamagata University 4-3-16 Jonan, Yonezawa 992 Japan Tel: +81-238-22-5181 EXT 329 Fax: +81-238-24-2752 E-mail: nakatsu@ea5.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp