Lab Partner Names: ________________________________________________

15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics Lab 10:
Finishing Up Cube Detection

I. Software Update, SDK Update, and Initial Setup

Note: You can do this lab/homework assignment either individually, or in teams of two.

At the beginning of every lab you should update your copy of the cozmo-tools package. Do this:

$ cd ~/cozmo-tools
$ git pull

II. Experiments with Cube Detection

  1. Make a lab10 directory.

  2. Copy the files from the class lab10 directory to your lab10 directory.

  3. Examine the code in, which creates the training data we'll be using for our cube detector.

  4. Read over the cube detector code in and run the demo by typing python3 -i and then call train() several times until all patterns are recognized correctly.

  5. Do show_pattern(54) to show an example pattern and test the cube detector; look at the output on the console to verify that a cube was detected. Do show_pattern(2900) to test a pattern with no cube.

  6. Run python again, and this time train the model with a learning rate that is too low by typing train(lr=0.001). Why does the model get exactly 2700 patterns correct?

  7. Run python again, and this time train the model with a learning rate that is too high by typing train(lr=0.9). What do you observe?

III. Completing the Cube Detector

  1. The code in uses only the 9 background images in the "snaps" directory. Replace this with the larger set of background images that you collected.

  2. The code in only shifts cubes down and to the right. Generalize this code so it can shift cubes in any direction.

  3. Another issue with is that it doesn't shift cubes far enough that they fall partially out of the camera frame. Correct this problem.

  4. Rerun on your expanded training set and demonstrate that the model can detect cubes even when they are partially out of frame.

  5. Create a separate test set consisting only of images with cubes that are partially out of the camera frame, plus images with no cubes. Run your trained model on the test set.

Hand In

Create a file containing the following:

  1. The source code for your modified,, and the code that created the test set.

  2. A brief report describing the training of your model (how many epochs, what was the final percent correct on the training set), and the performance of your model on the test set.

Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Wed Mar 8 01:47:37 EST 2017