The alternate final exam will be held on Wednesday, May 7, from 1-4pm
This will be an open book/open notes exam.
This will be a comprehensive exam.
You may want to review past finals:
Spring01 (solutions),
Fall01 (solutions),
Spring02 (solutions),
Fall02 (solutions).
You may find the following problem sets helpful when studying:
threads (solutions),
caches (solutions),
exceptional control flow (solutions),
virtual memory (solutions),
assembly (solutions),
structured data (solutions),
floating point (solutions).
------------------------------------------------------------ Mean Median Midpoint Geometric Harmonic 45.631 48.000 39.500 43.712 41.349 ------------------------------------------------------------ SD Quart Dev Range SE mean 12.135 8.000 57.000 0.994 ------------------------------------------------------------ Minimum Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Maximum 11.000 37.000 48.000 53.000 68.000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Midpt Freq 12.500 1 * 15.500 0 18.500 2 ** 21.500 3 *** 24.500 8 ******** 27.500 7 ******* 30.500 5 ***** 33.500 6 ****** 36.500 6 ****** 39.500 11 *********** 42.500 10 ********** 45.500 13 ************* 48.500 18 ****************** 51.500 23 *********************** 54.500 6 ****** 57.500 11 *********** 60.500 9 ********* 63.500 6 ****** 66.500 4 ****
This will be an open book/open notes exam.
You may find the following problem sets helpful when studying: caches (solutions), exceptional control flow (solutions), virtual memory (solutions).
You may also want to review past exams: Spring01 (solutions), Fall01 (solutions), Spring02 (solutions), Fall02 (solutions)
------------------------------------------------------------ Mean Median Midpoint Geometric Harmonic 40.148 40.000 37.000 38.620 36.916 ------------------------------------------------------------ SD Quart Dev Range SE mean 10.563 8.625 45.000 0.838 ------------------------------------------------------------ Minimum Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Maximum 14.500 32.000 40.000 49.250 59.500 ------------------------------------------------------------ Midpt Freq 15.000 2 ** 17.000 0 19.000 4 **** 21.000 3 *** 23.000 2 ** 25.000 5 ***** 27.000 7 ******* 29.000 6 ****** 31.000 12 ************ 33.000 10 ********** 35.000 9 ********* 37.000 12 ************ 39.000 8 ******** 41.000 9 ********* 43.000 12 ************ 45.000 9 ********* 47.000 8 ******** 49.000 8 ******** 51.000 8 ******** 53.000 8 ******** 55.000 10 ********** 57.000 5 ***** 59.000 2 **
There will be a review session Wednesday (Feb 26) at 7pm in Wean 7500. Bring your questions.
The exam will cover everything up to and including lecture 11.
This will be an open book/open notes exam.
You may find the following problem sets helpful when studying: assembly (solutions), structured data (solutions), floating point (solutions).
You may also want to review past exams:
Spring01 (solutions),
Fall01 (solutions),
Spring02 (solutions),
Fall02 (solutions).