CS 213 Spring '01
Homework 1a
Due: Monday, Feb. 5, 11:59PM
Revisions and Updates:
- The handin script works for H1a as of Friday, February 2.
- Running "make" alone generates a probs.s, which you can use
to compare your solution to probs-solve.s
This homework, like all the homeworks, is meant as an excercise,
and we are not trying to make this difficult for you.
We will therefore give full credit as long as you pass atest.
This means, for example, that you can leave the whilecode function
and still get full credit (it happens that the whilecode function always
returns 0).
However, keep in mind that there will be very similar questions to H1a
on the first exam and probably the final. It is therefore in your own
to actually try to match our code, which we will post once everyone
in the assignment.
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