15-213 Fall 2007: Exam Info

Midterm Exam: Wed Oct 17, 1:00pm-2:20pm, WeH 7500 (our class room)

  • Your TAs will do exam Q&A during recitation on Monday (10/15), answering questions you ask.
  • You are responsible for everything in the lectures and book chapters identified on the syllabus (up thru the 10/12 lecture), as well as the material in the x86-64 handout.
  • The exam is open notes and open book. Calculators are permitted, but no computers or communication devices.
  • To study, read each chapter three times, work the practice problems, and do problems from previous exams.
  • Unlike previous Falls, we are having a single midterm exam rather than two in-term exams. So, the material covered overlaps both of the previous years' in-term exams, as well as the comprehensive final exams.

Final Exam: Thurs Dec 13, 1:00pm-4:00pm, McConomy (in the UC)

  • The final exam is comprehensive (covering all of the material from during the term). The rules will be the same as for the midterm.
  • Old exam #1s:
  • Old exam #2s:
  • Old final exams:

  • Last modified: Fri Oct 12 22:15:43 EST 2007