James A. Landay

4902 Forbes Ave., #200
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 422-6776
landay@cs cmu edu
WWW Home Page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~landay/home.html


A research position involving demonstrational programming, user interfaces, or visual programming.


8/90-present CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA
Ph.D. Computer Science (expected), 1996
Thesis: Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design

Research Areas: Gesture-based Interfaces and Demonstrational Programming
Advisor: Brad Myers

M.S. Computer Science, December 1993

B.S. Electrical Engineering/Computer Science with High Honors, May 1990
Cumulative G.P.A.: 3.74/4.0
Upper Division Computer Science G.P.A.: 3.96/4.0


6/92-8/92 XEROX CORPORATION, Palo Alto Research Center, CA
Research Intern: Investigated the user interface problems encountered when running applications on a large (more than 5 foot diagonal) pen-based display. Proposed new forms of user interface components that would solve some of these problems. Built some of the proposed components and a prototype application that incorporated them. Co-authored a technical report and a paper describing our research.

6/91-8/91 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Paris Research Laboratory, France
Summer Research Intern: Designed and implemented Rockit, a software system that identifies the graphical constraints in a scene and allows the user to quickly and easily choose and apply the desired constraints. Used both graphical and written rules to choose the most likely constraints. Wrote a technical report and published a conference paper describing the system.

6/90-8/90 GO CORPORATION, Foster City, CA
Software Engineering Intern: Designed and implemented bug entry data base for the company's products. Design included user interface to and communications with data base residing across a network, as well as extension of commercial data base product to support additional features.

6/89-8/89 ARDENT COMPUTER, Sunnyvale, CA
Member of Technical Staff: Designed and developed ECAD library manager to maintain consistency among different libraries and projects. Programmed CAD utilities for logic designers. Ran test simulations for verification of ASIC designs before release to semiconductor houses.

Software Engineering Intern: Designed and implemented PFS: Professional File 2.0 window manager, which facilitated custom application development through dynamic creation and disposal of menus, pulldowns, and dialogs on various displays. Created utility for use by graphics designer to finalize details of user interfaces. Improved performance of database routines. Implemented routines to import and export data from Lotus 1-2-3. Wrote PostScript printer driver.

President: Founded computer consulting firm specializing in implementing custom applications for businesses. Responsible for all aspects of business operations including finances, customer relations, and engineering.


  • CMU Student Senator, Fall 1993 - Fall 1994
  • Member of Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society)
  • WRCT 88.3 FM Sportsline Host
  • President of Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society), Spring 1990
  • Blue and Gold Phonathon Chair of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society), 1990
  • Honor Roll, Fall 1986 - May 1990
  • Active Member Award - Society of Women Engineers, Berkeley chapter


    Computer Languages: C, C++, Pascal, Lisp, Scheme, Assembly (680X0, PDP-11, 80X86), SQL

    Operating Systems: UNIX, MS-DOS, Macintosh, windowing environments


    James A. Landay and Brad A. Myers. Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design. To appear at CHI '95, Denver, CO, May 1995.

    James A. Landay and Todd R. Kaufmann. "User Interface Issues in Mobile Computing." In the Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems, 1993 (Napa, CA, Oct. 14 - 15, 1993) IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993, pp 40-47.

    Brad A. Myers, Dario Giuse, Andrew Mickish, Brad Vander Zanden, David Kosbie, Richard McDaniel, James Landay, Matthew Goldberg, and Rajan Pathasarathy. "The Garnet User Interface Development Environment." Technical Video Program of the CHI '94 conference, Boston, MA, April 24-28, 1994.

    James A. Landay and Brad A. Myers. "Extending an Existing User Interface Toolkit to Support Gesture Recognition." In Adjunct Proceedings of INTERCHI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1993, pp. 91-92.

    Solange Karsenty, James A. Landay, and Chris Weikart. "Inferring Graphical Constraints with Rockit." Video in Proceedings of INTERCHI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1993, p. 531.

    Ken Pier and James A. Landay. "Issues for Location-Independent Interfaces." Technical Report ISTL92-4, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, December 1992.

    Solange Karsenty, James A. Landay, and Chris Weikart. "Inferring Graphical Constraints with Rockit." In People and Computers VII, Proceedings of HCI `92, York, UK, September 1992, pp. 137-153. (Also appeared as DEC Paris Research Laboratory Research Report 17, March 1992).

    Solange Karsenty, James A. Landay, and Chris Weikart. "Audio Cues For Graphic Design." In CHI `92 Posters and Short Talks, Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 1992.

    James A. Landay. "Tool Review: Serius, A Visual Programming Environment." Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Vol. 2, no. 3, September 1991, pp. 2 97-303.


  • Implemented a single-stroke gesture recognizer and integrated it with the Garnet User Interface Management System. Also wrote Agate, an application that allows developers or end users to train gesture recognizers by giving examples.
  • Designed and implemented a distributed user interface management system for a palmtop computer.
  • Designed and ran a pilot user study of a word processor with demonstrational macros and styles.
  • Designed a MIPS R2000 architecture processor using gate arrays.
  • Implemented a database that included transactions, query optimized 3-way joins , and locking.
  • Designed and implemented a compiler for an object-oriented programming language.
  • Implemented a network file transport program.
  • Designed and built a 4-bit digital computer using TTL parts.


  • Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Systems
  • Distributed Multimedia Systems
  • Measurement & Evaluation of User Interfaces
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Operating Systems
  • Programming Languages
  • User Interfaces
  • Visual Languages & Visual Programming

  • Algorithms & Intractable Problems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Architecture
  • Database Systems
  • Data Structures & Advanced Programming
  • Digital Design
  • Operating Systems & Systems Programming
  • Programming Languages & Compilers
  • Technical Communications
  • Venture Design


    Available on request.