Subject: Make-image and ACL 4.3 From: (Russell Almond) Date: 1997/07/21 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: I checked my version of opal:utils.lisp and I think I did need to hack opal:make-image to make it work under Allegro CL 4.3. Here is my patched version if anybody else needs this fix. --Russell Almond (defun make-image (filename &rest args) #-(or cmu allegro lucid lispworks clisp apple) (error "Don't know how to automatically save an image for this lisp. Please consult your lisp's user manual for instructions.~%") #+clisp (declare (compile)) (multiple-value-bind (quit gc verbose libfile flush-source-info? extra-args) (Extract-Image-Args args) #+apple (declare (ignore quit)) #-presto (declare (ignore libfile)) #-allegro (declare (ignore flush-source-info?)) ;; When the image is restarted, we want *readtable* to be restored to its ;; current value, instead of being reinitialized to the default. This will ;; keep the #k<> and #f() reader macros active in the saved image. #+allegro (progn (if verbose (format t "~%Copying readtable...")) (copy-readtable *readtable* user::Garnet-Readtable) (setf (cdr (assoc '*readtable* excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*)) 'user::Garnet-Readtable) (if verbose (format t "copied.~%"))) (progn (if verbose (format t "Disconnecting Garnet...")) (opal:disconnect-garnet) (if verbose (format t "disconnected.~%"))) (setf garnet-image-date (time-to-string)) ;; RGA --- kills extra source file info, which is not useful when ;; making a portable image. #+allegro (when flush-source-info? (format t "Flushing source file info . . .") (excl:discard-all-source-file-info) (format t "Fssssh-gurgle-hisss!~%")) ;; LispWorks and CLISP GC are done below, during the save #+(or allegro lucid cmu apple) (when gc (if verbose (format t "Garbage collecting...")) #+allegro (excl:gc T) #+cmu (ext:gc T) ; There is no equivalent of "total" garbage collection in Lucid #+lucid (lcl:gc) #+apple (ccl:gc) (if verbose (format t "collected.~%"))) ;; RGA added code for prestoized lisp images. #+presto (when libfile (if verbose (format t "Saving stub functions . . .")) (sys:presto-build-lib libfile)) (if verbose (format t "Saving image...")) #+(and allegro (version>= 4 3)) (setq excl:*read-init-files* t) #+(and allegro (version>= 4 3)) (setq excl:*restart-init-function* #'garnet-restart-function) #+(and allegro (version>= 4 3)) (apply #'excl:dumplisp :name filename :checkpoint NIL extra-args) #+(and allegro (not (version>= 4 3))) (apply #'excl:dumplisp :name filename :restart-function #'garnet-restart-function :checkpoint NIL :read-init-file T extra-args) #+lucid (apply #'lcl:disksave filename :restart-function #'garnet-restart-function extra-args) #+cmu (apply #'ext:save-lisp filename :init-function #'(lambda () (garnet-restart-function) #-cmu17 (return-from make-image T) #+cmu17 (cl::%top-level)) extra-args) #+lispworks (apply #'system:save-image filename :gc gc :restart-function #'garnet-restart-function extra-args) #+CLISP (let* ((old-driver system::*driver*) (system::*driver* #'(lambda () (setq system::*driver* old-driver) (garnet-restart-function) (funcall system::*driver*)))) (apply #'system::saveinitmem extra-args) (rename-file "lispinit.mem" filename)) #+apple (progn (pushnew #'garnet-restart-function ccl:*lisp-startup-functions*) (apply #'ccl:save-application filename extra-args)) (if verbose (format t "saved.~%")) ;; Mac Lisp always quits #-apple (cond (quit (if verbose (format t "Quitting lisp...~%")) #+allegro (excl:exit) #+lucid (lcl:quit) #+cmu (ext:quit) #+lispworks (system:bye) #+clisp (system::exit) ) (t (if verbose (format t "Reconnecting Garnet...")) (opal:reconnect-garnet) (if verbose (format t "reconnected.~%")) )) ))