Release notes for CMU Common Lisp 15e, 25 February 92 15e is mainly a bug-fix release; it will probably be the last version 15 release, and is thus the most stable system you're going to see for a while. We're reluctant to call it a "default" release because some things are stably broken: -- There still isn't any good stack overflow detection. Probably stack overflow detection won't appear until the C code rewrite associated with generational GC comes out (version 17 or later.) -- The Alien/foreign function call mechanism is fairly broken. It doesn't work at all in interpreted code, and DEF-C-ROUTINE doesn't work properly for many argument type signatures. We've redesigned and reimplemented our foreign interface for version 16. We are now distributing the CMU CL user manual in Gnu Info format (in doc/ You can either have your EMACS maintainer install this in the info root, or you can use the info "g(/doc/" command. Many thanks to Mike Clarkson (the LaTeXinfo maintainer) who volunteered to convert our Scribe documents. Changes: -- Improved recursive error handling. Errors during reporting of errors are detected and suppressed. Other recursive errors are eventually detected, and hopefully recovered from. This should eliminate some "recursive map failure (stack overflow?)" errors. -- Fixed a bad declaration in CLX which caused an array index error on font attribute queries (such as CHAR-WIDTH.) -- Fixed interpreted (typep x '(and ...)) to not always return NIL. -- Fixed interpreted CLOS methods to work once again. -- Fixed PROFILE to work again, now that argument count information may be missing. -- Changed NCONC to signal an error if a non-null ATOM appears other than as the last argument. -- Changed FEATUREP to signal an error if it is passed a list form with a strange CAR. -- Do type checking on the arguments to %PUTHASH so that (setf (gethash foo 'bar) x) doesn't get a bus error. -- Changed LET* and &AUX to allow duplicate variable names. -- Fixed DEFTYPE to properly invalidate type system caches so that type redefinitions predictably take effect. -- Improvements to MIPS disassembler database. Release notes for CMU Common Lisp 15d, 2 February 92 These release notes cover changes since the beta release of version 15b on 6 June 91. Execpt for Miles Bader's portable disassembler and a few minor performance enhancements, this is mostly a bug-fix release. We've been working on ANSI complaince, foreign function interface and more advanced compiler optimizations, but we're not going to inflict that on the general public just yet. GENERAL SYSTEM CODE Bug fixes: -- (SETF AREF) now checks to make sure that the new value is of the correct type. -- Improved checking for invalid syntax in DEFSTRUCT. In some cases, syntax errors would cause cryptic internal errors due to inadequate type checking. -- DRIBBLE now monitors *ERROR-OUTPUT* (in addition to *STANDARD-OUTPUT*). -- Bignum printing now works correctly in base 36. -- Fixed EXPT to deal with SINGLE-FLOAT x SINGLE-FLOAT arg type combination. -- Fixed TRUNCATE to handle the SINGLE-FLOAT/DOUBLE-FLOAT case. -- The PROFILE package works once again. Enhancements: -- A new retargetable disassembler provides DISASSEMBLE support on the SPARC, and also greatly improved disassembly on the MIPS. The output is annotated with source-code correspondences if debug-info permits. -- Added INLINE MEMBER declarations in definitions of the set functions (UNION, etc.) so that when the set functions are inlined, the MEMBER calls will also. -- Merged Lange's improved type declarations for nthcdr/butlast/nbutlast. Also, NTH-VALUE now doesn't cons for non-constant N less than 3. -- The loader now supports appending fasl files. You can: cat a.fasl b.fasl c.fasl >all.fasl -- Added :UNIX to the features list. The new variable EXT:*TOP-LEVEL-AUTO-DECLARE* controls whether assignments to unknown variables at top-level (or in any other call to EVAL of SETQ) will implicitly declare the variable SPECIAL. These values are meaningful: :WARN -- Print a warning, but declare the variable special (the default.) T -- Quietly declare the variable special. NIL -- Never declare the variable, giving warnings on each use. (The old behavior.) The reader now ignores undefined read macro errors when *read-suppress* is T. All reader character lookup tables are now CHAR-CODE-LIMIT in size. Formerly, some where only 128. In the standard readtable, these additional characters are all undefined. There are various changes in the DEBUG-INTERNALS interface related to breakpoint support, but we haven't yet implemented a satisfactory user interface to breakpoints. Changed name of DI:DO-BLOCKS to DI:DO-DEBUG-FUNCTION-BLOCKS. Added DI:FUNCTION-END-COOKIE-VALID-P and DI:DEBUG-FUNCTION-START-LOCATION. This release fixes a few problems with Aliens, but they are still pretty broken. In particular, Alien and C interface operations don't work at all in interpreted code. We are in the process of integrating a new-and-improved implementation of Aliens that works much more smoothly with C. COMPILER Enhancements: -- Various SPARC-specific reductions in spurious type checks and coercions. -- FTYPE declarations on local functions are now propagated to the variables of the local definition. -- Improved representation selection by not totally ignoring references by move VOPs. This is particularly useful for avoiding spurious number consing of float arguments that are passed on as arguments. -- The warning about assignments to the arguments of functions having FTYPE declarations is now suppressed when the FTYPE declaration gives no useful information. -- Improved readability of *COMPILE-PROGRESS* output. -- Fixed TYPES-INTERSECT to consider any supertype of T to definitely intersect with anything (including unknown or not-yet-defined types.) Bug fixes: -- Fixed some bugs in dead code deletion. -- Lambdas with &KEY and no specified keywords are now compiled correctly (instead of the &KEY being ignored.) -- The compiler now knows that INTERN can return NIL as its second value. -- Global FTYPE declarations on DEFSTRUCT slot accessors are now quietly ignored, instead of causing the structure definition to be removed. -- Fixed a problem with resulting from an interaction between block compilation and global FTYPE declarations. -- Fixed TAGBODY not to consider NIL to be a tag. -- Fixed an internal error during register allocation which could happen when compilation-speed > speed. -- If we undefine a structure type, unfreeze it also. -- Fixed TYPEP SATISFIES to always return T-or-NIL, regardless of what the predicate returns. PCL/CLOS: -- Added generalized source context parsing with EXT:DEF-SOURCE-CONTEXT. Added a parser for DEFMETHOD that gets qualifiers and specializers. -- FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-P is now compiled much more efficiently. -- Fixed SET-FUNCTION-NAME to correctly set the name of interpreted methods, instead of clobbering the name of an internal interpreter function. HEMLOCK Bug fixes: -- Changed X font specs in the generic site-init file to use point size instead of pixel size so that they work on 100dpi devices. -- Added :INPUT :ON wm-hints to Hemlock windows, which is necessary to receive input in OpenLook windowing systems. -- Fixed Lisp mode indentation for FLET&c to check that we are actually in the first arg form before doing funny indentation. Generalized to reference the variable "Lisp Indentation Local Definers", and also to recognize LABELS (as well as MACROLET and FLET.) -- When we reallocate string-table vectors to grow them, clear the old vector so that it won't hold onto garbage (in case the vector was in static space, but pointed to dynamic values.) This was a major cause of memory leakage in Hemlock. -- Fixed sentence motion to work at the end of the buffer. Enhancements: -- The site file now contains a template for file directory translation (for "Edit Definition"), and some of the comments have been improved. -- There's a new "Buffer Modified Hook" function that raises the "Echo Area" window when it becomes modified. You can control this with the Hemlock variable: "Raise Echo Area When Modified". -- In "Edit Definition" and related commands, before doing directory translations, try a probe-file of the source file first. This can reduce the number of translations needed. -- Added DEFINDENT's for the "WIRE" package. -- Made the X visual bell look less spastic by adding a finish-output. -- The termcap parser now recognizes entries for things like begin/end bold, underline, etc. Fixed a problem with font halding in TTY redisplay. -- The MH interface now uses the correct name for the MailDrop profile component. -- The netnews interface has been improved in various ways, including the addition of server timeouts, but should still be considered experimental. Release notes for CMU Common Lisp 15b, 19 October 91 These release notes cover changes since the beta release of version 14c on 6 June 91. SPARCstations and Sun4's are now supported under SunOS (as well as Mach), which makes CMU CL more usable outside of the CMU environment. CMU CL also runs on Mach (or OSF/1) DECstations, and IBM RT support is coming real soon now. GENERAL SYSTEM CODE Bug fixes: -- MAKE-ARRAY now to allows :INITIAL-CONTENTS any kind of of sequence, not just a list. -- VECTOR-PUSH and VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND now return the original fill pointer, not the new fill pointer. -- VECTOR-POP now returns the value indexed by the new fill pointer, not the original fill pointer. -- Fixed two bugs in bignum division. -- FORMAT-PRINT-NUMBER now correctly inserts commas for negative numbers (don't print -,123). -- Fixed GET-SETF-METHOD to only inhibit setf macros when there is a local function, not also when there is a local macro. -- Changed the debugger to use *READ-SUPPRESS* when skipping over top-level forms in the source file to prevent spurious read errors. -- In the printer, deleted an incorrect and questionably optimal optimization of symbol package qualification. -- When printing characters, prefer the semi-standard character-names NEWLINE, ESCAPE and DELETE to the old LINEFEED, ALTMODE and RUBOUT. -- Fixed one-off error in list REMOVE-DUPLICATES :FROM-END. Fixed SUBSTITUTE & friends to pass arguments to the TEST in the right order. Fixed SUBSTITUTE not to randomly apply the KEY to the OLD value. Changed LIST NSUBSTITUTE & friends to work in the :FROM-END case. -- Several bug-fixes to RUN-PROGRAM and subprocess I/O. -- Fixed all recursive READ calls in sharp-macros to specify eof-error-p T, so that EOF errors are signalled when appropriate. -- The REMOTE RPC protocol (used for slave control) can now send bignums. -- Passing of unused arguments to interpreted functions now works. Previously the variables would be bound to the wrong arguments. -- Many fixes to the time parsing and printing extensions. X3J13 cleanups: -- Added #P pathname read syntax, and changed the pathname printer to use it. -- Added :KEY argument to REDUCE. Enhancements: -- Added code to compile the argument to TIME when possible, and print a warning when it isn't. Optimized the TIME macro to keep the consing overhead of using it zero. -- Changed all places absolute pathnames were used to indirect search-lists, mostly library:. "lisp" must now be findable on your PATH for Hemlock to be able to start slaves. -- Increased readability of DESCRIBE function output by printing function and macro doc strings before arg and result info. -- The CMUCLLIB search path environment variable is now used to find lisp.core and other library files, instead of always assuming the path /usr/misc/.cmucl/lib. COMPILER Bug fixes: -- EVAL now uses the constant value recorded in the compiler environment that compile-time references to constants works better. Now (defconstant a 3) (defconstant b (+ a 4)) works again. -- Don't try to infer the bounds of non-simple arrays, since they can change. -- Fixed some problems with block compilation, maybe-inline functions and unused function deletion. -- DEFMETHODs can now use &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS without killing the compiler. -- Fixed VALUES declaration to work correctly when zero values are specified. -- The FORMAT transform now warns if there are to many or too few args. -- Changed SYMBOL-MACRO-LET to SYMBOL-MACROLET. X3J13 cleanups: -- Make all non-symbol atoms self-evaluate. Enhancements: -- Made the default for COMPILE-FILE's :error-file argument be nil. -- Changed notes about incompatible changes in function arguments lists to be a warning rather than a note. -- Source-level optimization efficiency notes now print out a transform-specific string to describe what the transform was trying to do, instead of just saying "unable to optimize." HEMLOCK This is version 3.5. Note: The default value of "Slave Utility" is now just "lisp" which hopefully will be found on path:. If you don't have lisp on your path, you need to set "Slave Utility" to the full pathname of lisp, /usr/misc/.cmucl/bin/lisp on CMU machines. Bug fixes: -- Under TTY screen management, a MAKE-WINDOW - DELETE-WINDOW sequence now leaves the screen unchanged. -- Fixed some character attribute constants to make 8-bit chars work. -- "Center Line" now works when invoked on the last line of the buffer. -- Fixed "Move Over )" to use a permanent mark instead of a temporary mark because it deletes text. -- Fixed sentence motion to be able to move to the end of the buffer. -- Fixed the hemlock banner in the status line to not have "!" after the date. Enhancements: -- Removed the definitions of the obsolete COMMAND-CHAR-BITS-LIMIT and COMMAND-CHAR-CODE-LIMIT. -- Modified "Visit File" to issue a loud message whenever another buffer already contains the file visited. The quiet message often went unnoticed, defeating its purpose. -- The definitions in FLET, LABELS and MACROLET are now indented correctly. -- Added DEFINDENT's for the "DEBUG-INTERNALS" interface. -- Modified Lisp indentation to check if the mark in was in a string context. If it is, then we go to the column after the opening double quote. Otherwise, we use the first preceding non-blank line's indentation. This fixes the problem with doc strings and ERROR strings which got indented respectively at the beginning of the line and under the paren for the ERROR call. -- Added some prototype netnews support. Details to be anounced later. -- Added font support for the TTY. Allow active region highlighting and open paren highlighting when on the TTY, as they now work. -- Changed the compile-in-slave utilities to count notes and display in completion message. Also fixed not to print echo area messages "Error in NIL ..." New commands: "Fill Lisp Comment Paragraph" Lisp: M-q Fills a flushleft or indented Lisp comment, or lines all beginning with the same initial, non-empty blankspace. When filling a comment, the current line is used to determine a fill prefix by scanning for the first semicolon, skipping any others, and finding the first non-whitespace character; otherwise, the initial whitespace is used. "Shell Complete Filename" Process: M-Escape In a shell buffer, attempts to complete the filename immediately before point. The commands that start "Process" buffers with shells establish a stream with the shell that tries to track the current working directory of the shell. It uses the variable "Current Working Directory" to do this. For it to work, you should add the following to your .cshrc file: if ($term == emacs) then alias cd 'cd \!* ; echo ""`pwd`"/"' alias popd 'popd \!* ; echo ""`pwd`"/"' alias pushd 'pushd \!* ; echo ""`pwd`"/"' endif "Manual Page" Runs man(1) in a scratch buffer and displays it in the current window. "Typescript Slave Status" Typescript: H-s Interrupt the slave and cause it to print status information. Hemlock-internals changes: -- CREATE-WINDOW-FROM-CURRENT now creates a window according to its new proportion argument instead of simply splitting the current window in two. It returns nil without doing anything if either window is too small. -- WINDOW-GROUP-CHANGED no longer unifies the sizes of window when the user resizes a group. It now tries to distribute the new size of the group according to the proportions of the old size consumed by the windows. -- Changed ARRAY-ELEMENT-FROM-MARK to use AREF for the Netnews stuff. I documented this to be an internal interface since a few other modes use it. -- WRITE-FILE now takes an :append argument. -- Modified %SET-MODELINE-FIELD-FUNCTION to allow its function argument to be a symbol or function since the purpose is to FUNCALL the thing. Since the new system is up to spec on the disjointedness of functions, this needed to be fixed for usefulness. Release notes for CMU Common Lisp 14c, 6 June 91 ** The FASL file format has changed, so all files must be recompiled. ** These notes describe changes since the beta release of 3 February 91. This is the first CMU CL release to run on Mach SPARCs as well as on PMAXen (DECstation 3100 or 5000). Version 14c will go out to both beta and default, since there is currently no default release. This release has a substantial space reduction due to compiling with debug-info 1 and reduced safety. The core is currently 19.2 meg, which is 7 meg smaller than the last beta release (despite added functionality.) Major parts of the system are now compiled with no error checking. Users should not notice any reduction in safety, since user visible interfaces are supposed to be fully checked. Standard functions that users can cause to get unbound symbol or array index errors needed to be changed to either do explicit error checks or locally use a safe policy. Some of these cases may have been missed. Let us know if you get any less-than-informative error messages (segmentation violation) inside standard functions. New packages: The X based graphical inspector is now available. It now uses standard fonts (courier) and has a bigger help window. An improved version of the profile package (previously in the library) is now in the core. It now compensates for recursive calls or nested calls, and interacts better with TRACE and function redefinition. The old profile documentation is in: /afs/cs/project/clisp/library/profile/profile.doc Code: Argument type checking for Common Lisp functions is now driven by the compiler's function type database (the types reported by DESCRIBE.) This means that some type errors might be detected that were previously unnoticed. Changed the internal WITH-ARRAY-DATA macro to do bounds checking. This causes various string functions to give better error messages when an :END arg is out of bounds or :START is greater than :END. Tuning: Some tuning in SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT which reduces consing and speeds up Hemlock and terminal I/O. Changed GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME to subtract out the time of the first call to minimize the probability of bignum results. Also some other tuning that reduced the consing of this function to 0. Tuned bignum code and added declarations to reduce number consing. DEFSTRUCT: Fixed default-structure-print to work when *print-circle* is T. Merged fix to DEFSTRUCT constructor parsing that allows multiple default constructors, or none at all. Merged bug fixes from old RT system: STANDARD-CHAR-P no longer returns T for #\return. Fixed a bug in format regarding ~@*. Fixed the read-eval-print loop to frob +, ++, +++ correctly. Fixed a bug in Y-OR-N-P. It was calling WHITESPACEP on a symbol. Fixed READ-QUOTE to call READ with t for eof-errorp which it previously failed to do. fixed READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE to no longer screw with eof-errorp based on recursivep Package system: Changed DEFPACKAGE to expand into stuff that will have the package effect at compile time as well as at load time. Fixed DEFPACKAGE to deal more correctly with finding symbols that must exist. Fixed package system code to not destructively modify the USE, USED-BY and SHADOWING-SYMBOLS lists so that they don't get retroactively modified when we hand them off to the user. Also, in SHADOW, when symbols is NIL, shadow no symbols, not NIL. Fixed a bug in RENAME-PACKAGE that happened when the new name was one of the old nicknames. Streams: Tweaked handling of LISTEN a bit to allow READ-CHAR-NO-HANG to work correctly. Fixed the listen method for concatenated streams. It failed to step to the next stream when the current one hit eof. Make two-way streams force-output on the output side before passing any input requests on to the input side. Made *standard-output* a two-way stream so that reading *standard-input* will force output on standard output. This eliminates the need for explicit calls for FORCE-OUTPUT when prompting. Some tuning and bug fixes to FD-STREAMS (file descriptor streams) which are used for file I/O (and now for communication with the X server.) Also, now OPEN complains if you try to open a non-writable file for output with :RENAME or :RENAME-AND-DELETE. Previously this would succeed as long as the directory was writable. SYSTEM:READ-N-BYTES on FD streams is now more efficient, but does *not* wait using SERVE-EVENT; it blocks instead. TRACE: Use FORCE-OUTPUT instead of FINISH-OUTPUT to prevent gratuitous slowdowns when running in a slave. If we enter trace recursively (due to the printer calling the traced function), then just quietly call the function, instead of signalling an annoying "unable to trace" error. LOAD: Changed load to look at the file contents for the "FASL FILE" header to determine whether to fasload or slow load, instead of forcing use of a single fasl file type. Also, when the given filename doesn't exist and doesn't have a type, try ``fasl'' in addition to the machine specific fasl file type. Eliminated the "feature" whereby zero-length fasl files were considered to be valid (doing nothing). Now if you try to load a file with a fasl file type, but that doesn't have a valid fasl header, then you will get an error (proceeding loads as a source file.) When the loader prints comments about loading progress, the number of leading semicolons is now the depth of recursive loading. Added a CONTINUE restart in LOAD that returns NIL. GC: Fixed some bugs in control of garbage collection that should solve some problems with GC failing to be triggered automatically. Also, GC no longer implicitly reenables automatic GC if it has been disabled with GC-OFF. Changed the default GC notify function to not beep. The old behavior can still be obtained by setting *GC-VERBOSE* to :BEEP. Note that this only affects use on TTYs, since slave GC notification works differently. Wrapped a without-interrupts around the guts of maybe-gc so that the notify messages and state updates don't get seperated from the actual gc. Removed the icache flushing stuff from GC, because it was unneeded (and sometimes printed annoying messages that it didn't work). X3J13 cleanups: The non-destructive string functions now accept characters as well as strings and symbols. MACROEXPAND now expands symbol macros. Now almost all Common Lisp functions which are SETFable have a (SETF name) function. The exceptions are functions where it makes no sense (LDB, GETF), and a few other functions (GET, GETHASH.) Now SETF of APPLY works for any function which has a setf function. Changed GET-SETF-METHOD to ignore setf macros (always global) when there is a local macro or function of the place function. [An x3j13 cleanup] Fixed the LOOP THEREIS keyword. Changed a null test in LOOP into an endp test. Other bug fixes: Fixed sequence functions with output type specifiers to handle DEFTYPE'ed types and other complex types correctly. (COERCE still can't hack DEFTYPEs, though.) Fixed typep of (satisfies (lambda (obj) ...)) to coerce the form into a function so that "object not function" errors don't result. Fixed DOCUMENTATION to return only one value. Enhancements: ROOM is now much more verbose, displaying a breakdown of memory usage by object type. Changed the printer to print the name of code objects and the value of value cells. CLX: Modified EXT:OPEN-CLX-DISPLAY to set XLIB:DISPLAY-DEFAULT-SCREEN to the screen specified by the user before returning the display. Merged in a bug-fix to EVENT-LISTEN to make it return the right number of events when called when there is a current event (i.e. in an EVENT-CASE.) Fixed the CLX X interface to be much more efficient, as well as fixing some bugs. The low-level I/O to the server is now faster and conses much less. Enabled some code speeds up pixarray read/write (though it could still be much better.) Also, eliminated redundant type checking and fixed some broken declarations. This fixes problems with CLX sometimes not working with some X servers (like the RT server.) Compiler: Bug fixes: Fixed incorrect argument type information for some standard Common Lisp functions. Fixed PROCLAIM to work correctly when the argument isn't a constant. Fixed the DEBUG optimize quality to be called DEBUG instead of DEBUG-INFO. Fixed the compiler to not flame out if it sees a SATISFIES type specifier where the predicate function is undefined, and generally to deal better with testing whether a compile-time constant is of some type that may not be properly defined yet. Fixed a number of bugs in the handling of closures over top-level variables. Fixed a problem with semi-inline functions. The compiler note count is no longer incremented when notes are suppressed by INHIBIT-WARNINGS 3. Some fixes that should eliminate spurious undefined-function warnings. In particular, definitions of functions in non-null lexical environments will be noticed. Also, now if a function is defined incompatibly with previous calls, the warning will have proper source context. Fixed a bug in accessors for 1,2, and 4 bit arrays that was causing #* to generate incorrect bit vectors. Changed the type system to consider #(:foo :bar) to be a subtype of (vector keyword). In other words, array subtype relations are determined according to the specialized element types actually present in this implementation, rather than assuming that all element types can be discriminated. Fixed a problem that could cause type checks to be spuriously deleted in some contexts where there is a local change in the SAFETY optimization policy. DECStation (PMAX) specific changes: Representation conversion of a SAP (system area pointer) to a pointer representation now results in an efficiency note. Fixed EQL (and =) on integers to not unnecessarily cons a word-integer argument just because one argument is known to be a fixnum. New version of the assembler with instruction scheduling (no-op deletion) support. This reduced the size of the core by 1.3 meg, and makes everything run faster too. Fixed TRUNCATE on floats to truncate instead of rounding. SPARC notes: The SPARC port is not yet as highly tuned as the PMAX port. In particular, no instruction scheduling is done yet. This is probably a 10% performance penalty. Enhancements: Made forms within a LOCALLY be recognized as "top-level" so that subforms can be compiled separately. The compiler now ignores assignments to special variables when determining which representation to use for a variable. Also, we don't print representation selection efficiency notes about coercion that are due to error checking code. Added support for the EXT:CONSTANT-FUNCTION declaration (already in the documentation.) When a DEFUN is compiled and the name has a FTYPE declaration, then a note is printed if any arguments to the function are assigned to (i.e. SETQ) in the body, as this inhibits application of the FTYPE declaration to the argument variables. (-P x) structure predicates are now just as efficient as (TYPEP x '). Added type inference methods for sequence functions, and various functions that return an argument as their result value. A number of improvements to register allocation. Added a new optimization of MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL which converts MV calls having a known number of arguments into MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND/FUNCALL. Combined with some other existing optimizations, this allows functions like to be efficiently inline expanded (i.e. the APPLY turns to a FUNCALL): (defun foo (&rest x) (apply #'glorp x)) Reduced the size of debug information for OPTIMIZE DEBUG <= to 1. If debug-info is < 1, then don't dump debug-args or function type. Disabled the compiler's internal consistency checking by default. These phases are only useful for locating compiler bugs. X3J13 cleanups: The :VERBOSE and :PRINT keyword arguments are now supported by COMPILE-FILE. The :PROGRESS keyword is a CMU extension that provides an even higher level of verbosity. The *COMPILE-VERBOSE*, etc., variables are also now supported. Changed declaration processing to treat FUNCTION declarations as ordinary variably type declarations. The old semantics is still obtained when the second arg to the declaration is a list (as it always would be in the old usage.) Block compilation: Added new START-BLOCK and END-BLOCK declarations to allow portions of a file to be block compiled (instead of only entire files.) This mechanism also allows the entry points to a block to be specified, allowing improved compilation of non-entry-point functions. Fixed many bugs that appeared once block compilation was actually used. COMPILE-FILE now has :ENTRY-POINTS and :BLOCK-COMPILE keywords. :BLOCK-COMPILE NIL will totally inhibit compile-time resolution of function names (including self-calls.) The default (:SPECIFIED) allows compile time resolution, but still compiles one top-level form at a time, preventing local calls between top-level forms. In this mode, a (BLOCK-START Entry-Point*) declaration will start block compilation. Block compilation is terminated by BLOCK-END, or the BLOCK-START of the next block. See also the COMPILE-FILE doc string. Context sensitive declarations: Added the OPTIMIZE-INTERFACE declaration, which is just like OPTIMIZE, but specifies the policy for function argument syntax checking and checking of any declared argument types, allowing it to be distinct from the general compilation policy. This allows debugged code to be compiled with lowered safety in its "guts", while still doing checking on the arguments that users may supply (incorrectly.) Any quality not separately specified defaults to the normal OPTIMIZE quality. Fixed WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT keyword to be :OVERRIDE instead of :FORCE. Also, added :OPTIMIZE and :OPTIMIZE-INTERFACE for changing the "global" compilation policy within the dynamic extent. Added :CONTEXT-DECLARATIONS, which provides a way to insert declarations conditional on pattern matching of the context in which the definition appears. So you can compile all external functions safe, or whatever. See the doc string for WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. Hemlock: Tuning: Changed typescript streams to cache the line length. This greatly speeds up slave output. Several changes to allow redisplay to be delayed until process output (i.e. in a shell buffer) is complete. This allows the editor to catch up with output by only displaying the final state of the shell buffer, instead of forcing every line of output to be displayed. This is very nice with slow terminals or large outputs. TTY redisplay: Changed TTY redisplay to get the terminal size and speed from Unix using the appropriate "ioctl" calls. The speed of a PTY (and hence any telnet or MCN connection) is infinite by default. For best results with TTY redisplay, it is crucial to set the terminal speed with the Unix "stty" command: stty 2400 stty 9600 etc. Setting the speed allows the editor to keep in synch with the terminal so that typing a command will temporarily abort redisplay until until there is no typeahead. This way, if you type C-v C-v in succession, output of the first screen will stop when you type the second C-v. Fixed several bugs in TTY redisplay. "Unexpected zero transition delta" is gone. Also, fixed some problems with the screen not being updated properly after redisplay has been aborted. (When you type several commands in quick succession.) REDISPLAY now returns T, NIL or :EDITOR-INPUT. T is returned when redisplay changed the screen. NIL is returned when there was no change. :EDITOR-INPUT is returned when redisplay tried to update the screen, but was aborted due to pending editor input. Fixed REDISPLAY-WINDOWS-FROM-MARK so that process output won't cause redisplay when we aren't in Hemlock. Bug fixes: Modified MAKE-BUFFERS-FOR-TYPESCRIPT to make sure the user supplied slave-name is free for use, so we don't clobber currently existing slaves. Fixed a bug in completion mode (didn't previously work in the new-compiler system.) Enhancements: There is a new command "Set Buffer Writable", and the obsolete command "Connect to Registered Eval Server" has been removed. Added "Slave GC Alarm" variable (default :MESSAGE) which controls how obnoxious the slave GC notification is. Other values are like for "Input Wait Alarm", :LOUD-MESSAGE and NIL. Made the slave switch demon set debug:*help-line-scroll-count* to most-positive-fixnum, since the editor can do the scrolling for us. SYSTEM, EXTENSIONS: Made SYSTEM:BITS, BYTES, etc., be defined in the null environment so that they can be inline expanded. This was causing spurious consing in various system code. Fixed EXT:CONNECT-TO-INET-SOCKET to check that we successfully looked up the name so that we don't get segment violations on unknown hosts. Fixed DI:FUNCTION-DEBUG-FUNCTION (though it still returns the XEP.) Some fixes to DI: condition report methods Added support for the MACH:TIOCGWINSZ and MACH:TIOCSWINSZ ioctls. In the Unix interface, extended the length of pathnames from 64 to 1024. EXT:ONCE-ONLY now does sequential variable binding. This can't cause any problems, since all names are gensyms, and is often useful. Added :TIMEOUT argument to SYSTEM:MAKE-FD-STREAM. The SYSTEM:IO-TIMEOUT condition is signalled if a timeout is specified and exceeded. ----------