From Mon Mar 21 13:19:33 EST 1994 Article: 8454 of comp.lang.scheme Xref: comp.lang.scheme:8454 comp.lang.scheme.c:515 gnu.emacs.sources:3252 Path:!!!MathWorks.Com!!world!!spdcc!!grapevine!mernst From: (Michael Ernst) Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme,comp.lang.scheme.c,gnu.emacs.sources Subject: Scheme inspector (runs under Emacs) Date: 18 Mar 94 11:41:19 Organization: MIT Lab for Computer Science Lines: 496 Distribution: comp Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: When I want to examine a Scheme data structure, I get tired of continually typing (pp form) to see its subparts. This Emacs Lisp code lets me mouse on a structure to have it pretty-printed into an inspector buffer, which can contain the representations of multiple structures simultaneously. It works under Emacs 18 or 19, but has only been tested with MIT Scheme. -Michael Ernst ;;; scheme-inspector.el -- View and navigate among Scheme values under Emacs ;;; Michael D. Ernst ;;; 6/30/93 ;;; Process code and Emacs 18 mouse handling corrected by Roger Crew, 7/1/93. ;; This mode lets you pretty-print the values of Scheme expressions and ;; navigate among them using keystrokes or mouse clicks. An arbitrary ;; number of Scheme values may be displayed at a time. It is somewhat ;; reminiscent of the Inspector that came with the Lisp Machine and other ;; Lisp systems and is very useful for examining structure values. ;; To invoke, type M-x scheme-inspector RET. ;; For more details, see the documentation for scheme-inspector-mode. ;; Install this file in your load-path and add the following to your .emacs: ;; (autoload 'scheme-inspector "scheme-inspector" "Scheme inspector" t) ;; Perhaps also do this: ;; (autoload 'si-jump "scheme-inspector" "Scheme inspector" t) ;; and, in your xscheme-start-hook: ;; (define-key scheme-interaction-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) ;; Currently I add an expression to the history when it is obscured from ;; the buffer rather than when it is displayed. Is this the right thing? ;; Note also that the entries killed by si-last are gone forever; I don't ;; see how else to do this, though, so it seems like the right thing. ;; It would be nicer if there was a full history list which could be ;; traversed in both directions. ;; This package works under Emacs 18 and 19. Currently it supports only ;; MIT Scheme; extensions to other Schemes would be welcomed. ;; LCD Archive Entry: ;; scheme-inspector|Michael Ernst|| ;; View and navigate among Scheme values under Emacs| ;; 16-Mar-94|1.1|~/interfaces/scheme-inspector.el.Z| ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Utilities ;;; ;;; Lifted from util-mde.el (defun si-match-string (n &optional source) "Return the string matched by parentheses number N. If there is a SOURCE string, return the substring of that string; else, return substring of the current buffer." (cond ((stringp source) (substring source (match-beginning n) (match-end n))) (t (buffer-substring (match-beginning n) (match-end n))))) ;;; This assumes that the entire region can fit onscreen, not necessarily a ;;; true assumption; no serious ill comes if it can't, however. (defun si-make-region-visible (begin end) (cond ((save-excursion (move-to-window-line 0) (> (point) begin)) (goto-char begin) (recenter 0)) ((save-excursion (move-to-window-line -1) (end-of-line) (< (point) end)) (goto-char end) (recenter -1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Scheme inspector mode ;;; (defvar si-history '()) (defvar scheme-inspector-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (defun scheme-inspector () "View Scheme values, especially structures. See documentation for `scheme-inspector-mode'." (interactive) (pop-to-buffer "*Scheme-inspector*") (scheme-inspector-mode)) (defun scheme-inspector-mode () "Major mode for viewing and traversing Scheme values, especially structures. This mode lets you pretty-print the values of Scheme expressions (usually structures) and navigate among them using keystrokes or mouse clicks. An arbitrary number of Scheme values may be displayed at a time. Type e or v to display the value of an expression or variable. Type #, h, or n to display the value associated with a hash number. Type SPC or mouse-1 to display the value of the structure under point. The above arguments replace the current entry by default. With a prefix argument or capital letter, they insert a new entry at buffer end instead. \(mouse-2 is the \"capital\" of mouse-1.\) Type l or p to display the most recently obscured entry. Type d or mouse-3 to delete an entry from the buffer. Ordinary movement commands work. Use TAB to move to the next entry and Shift-TAG to move to the previous entry. Type q to bury the buffer. Type ? or C-h m to see this help. Turning on Scheme inspector mode calls the value of the variable `scheme-inspector-mode-hook', if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (if (not (eq major-mode 'scheme-inspector-mode)) (progn (message "Welcome to Scheme inspector mode. Type ? or C-h m for help.") (kill-all-local-variables) (make-variable-buffer-local 'si-history) (setq si-history nil) (setq buffer-read-only t) (use-local-map scheme-inspector-mode-map) (setq mode-name "Scheme inspector") (setq major-mode 'scheme-inspector-mode) ;; (setq local-abbrev-table scheme-inspector-mode-abbrev-table) ;; (set-syntax-table scheme-inspector-mode-syntax-table) (run-hooks 'scheme-inspector-mode-hook)))) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "#" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "h" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "n" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "e" 'si-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "v" 'si-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "H" 'si-add-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "N" 'si-add-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "E" 'si-add-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "V" 'si-add-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map " " 'si-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "\C-i" 'si-next-entry) (if (string-match "^19" emacs-version) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [S-tab] 'si-previous-entry)) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "d" 'si-delete) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "l" 'si-last) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "p" 'si-last) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "q" 'bury-buffer) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Process munging ;;; (defvar si-process-output) ; quiet the byte-compiler (require 'xscheme-proc) (if (not (fboundp 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output)) (if (not (fboundp 'xscheme-process-filter-output)) (error "You must load xscheme.el before scheme-inspector.el") (fset 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output (symbol-function 'xscheme-process-filter-output)))) (defun si-xscheme-process-filter-output (&rest args) (setq si-process-output (append si-process-output args))) ;; Returns a string, the pp description. (defun si-value (expression) (let* ((si-process-output '()) ; list of strings result ; single string (si-done nil) ) (fset 'xscheme-process-filter-output 'si-xscheme-process-filter-output) ;; When Scheme writes ESC E exp ESC, Emacs evaluates expression exp. ;; A similar thing could probably be done by having ;; si-xscheme-process-filter-output set si-done when it sees ;; ";No value" as an argument, and omitting that string from the output. (setq xscheme-silent-value t) (xscheme-send-string (format "(begin (pp %s)(write-string \"\eE(setq si-done t)\e\"))" expression)) (unwind-protect (while (not si-done) (accept-process-output (get-process xscheme-process-name))) (fset 'xscheme-process-filter-output 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output)) (setq result (apply (function concat) si-process-output)) (if (string-match "\C-G" result) (error "Scheme error in %s: %s" expression (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))) result))) ;; (progn (setq foo (si-value "#@15")) (describe-variable 'foo)) ;; (progn (setq foo (si-value "#@62")) (describe-variable 'foo)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Internals for displaying entries ;;; ;; The space between entries belongs to the previous entry. ;; Beware: the end of one entry is the beginning of the next! `si-end' ;; belongs to the next entry, so always call it after `si-beginning'. ;; Go to the beginning of the current entry. (defun si-beginning () (forward-line 2) (if (search-backward ":\n\n" nil t) (beginning-of-line 1) (goto-char (point-min))) (point)) ;; Go to the end of the current entry. (defun si-end () (forward-line -1) (if (not (search-forward "\n\n\n" nil t)) (goto-char (point-max))) (point)) ;; Insert a formatted value at a particular buffer location. (defun si-insert (expression value begin end) (let ((buffer-read-only nil)) (delete-region begin end) (goto-char begin) ;; VALUE begins with a newline. (insert expression ":\n" value "\n\n\n") (si-tighten-region begin (point)) (si-make-region-visible begin (- (point) 3)) (goto-char begin))) ;; Get rid of extraneous vertical whitespace. Leave point at end of region. (defun si-tighten-region (begin end) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region begin end) (goto-char begin) (while (re-search-forward "(\\(define-global-macro\\|lambda\\|if\\)\n" nil t) (delete-indentation)) (goto-char (point-max)))) (defun si-current-exp-to-history () (si-beginning) (if (looking-at "\\(.*\\):$") (setq si-history (cons (si-match-string 1) si-history)))) (defun si-replace (expression value &optional add) "Replace the current entry with EXPRESSION and VALUE. With optional argument ADD, insert at the end of the buffer instead." (or (si-goto expression value) (if add (si-insert expression value (point-max) (point-max)) (progn (si-current-exp-to-history) (si-insert expression value (si-beginning) (si-end)))))) (defun si-location (expression) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward (concat "\\(\\`\\|\n\n\n\\)" (regexp-quote expression) ":$") nil t) (match-end 1)))) ;; Return t if successful. (defun si-goto (expression value) (let ((loc (si-location expression))) (if loc (progn (goto-char loc) ;; The value might have changed since it was last displayed. ;; (si-make-region-visible loc (- (si-end) 3)) ;; (goto-char loc) (si-insert expression value (si-beginning) (si-end)) t)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Miscellaneous ;;; (defun si-next-entry (arg) "Go to the beginning of the next entry. With a prefix arg, go forward that many entries." (interactive "p") (si-beginning) (while (< arg 0) (if (bobp) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -1)) (si-beginning) (setq arg (1+ arg))) (while (> arg 0) (si-end) (if (eobp) (goto-char (point-min))) (setq arg (1- arg))) (let ((begin (point))) ;; Don't check for end of buffer because there are three newlines at the ;; end of the buffer. (re-search-forward "\n\n\n") (si-make-region-visible begin (match-beginning 0)) (goto-char begin))) (defun si-previous-entry (arg) "Go to the beginning of the previous entry. With a prefix arg, go backward that many entries." (interactive "p") (si-next-entry (- arg))) (defun si-quit () "Bury the current buffer." (bury-buffer)) (defun si-last (arg) "View the Scheme value previously viewed. With a prefix arg, go back that many values, discarding intervening values." (interactive "p") (let ((pared-history (nthcdr (1- arg) si-history))) (if (null pared-history) (error "No previous Scheme value to edit.") (setq si-history pared-history))) (let ((last (car si-history))) (si-expression last) ;; Get rid of two expressions, the restored one and the clobbered one. (setq si-history (cdr (cdr si-history))))) (defun si-delete () "Remove the entry under point." (interactive) (let ((buffer-read-only nil)) (si-current-exp-to-history) (delete-region (si-beginning) (si-end)) (if (and (eobp) (not (bobp))) (si-next-entry 0)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; User interface for viewing values ;;; (defun si-unhash (hash-number &optional add) "Display the Scheme value associated with HASH-NUMBER (a number or string). With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "nHash number: \nP") (si-expression (format "#@%s" hash-number) add)) (defun si-expression (expression &optional add) "Display EXPRESSION and its pretty-printed Scheme value for inspecting. With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "sExpression: \nP") (let ((value (si-value (if (string-match "^'?#@" expression) (let ((hn (substring expression (match-end 0)))) (format "(or (object-unhash %s) \";Invalid hash number %s\")" hn hn)) expression)))) (scheme-inspector) (si-replace expression value add))) (defvar si-structure-regexp "#\\[[-:A-Za-z0-9]+ \\([0-9]*\\)") (defun si-jump (&optional add) "View the Scheme structure under point. With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "P") (let* ((here (point)) (hash (or (save-excursion ;; if we are on a number, use it (skip-chars-backward "0-9") (and (looking-at "[0-9]+") (si-match-string 0))) (save-excursion (if (looking-at "#") (forward-char 1)) (if (looking-at "\\[") (forward-char 1)) (if (and (re-search-backward "#\\[\\|\\]" nil t) (string-equal "#[" (si-match-string 0)) (looking-at si-structure-regexp) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (>= (point) here))) (si-match-string 1))) ;; If we're after a #[], the above finds it instead of ;; what we're actually in. (save-excursion (if (and (re-search-forward "#\\[\\|\\]" nil t) (string-equal "]" (si-match-string 0)) (progn (backward-sexp 1) (backward-char 1) (<= (point) here)) (looking-at si-structure-regexp)) (si-match-string 1)))))) ;; If we are in scheme interaction mode when the eval occurs, lest ;; extraneous CR's will be inserted. (scheme-inspector) (if hash (si-unhash hash add) (error "No structure at point.")))) ;;; ;;; Versions with default add behavior ;;; (defun si-add-unhash (hash-number &optional replace) "Display the Scheme value associated with HASH-NUMBER (a number or string). With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "nHash number: \nP") (si-unhash hash-number (not replace))) (defun si-add-expression (expression &optional replace) "Display EXPRESSION and its pretty-printed Scheme value for inspecting. With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "sExpression: \nP") (si-expression expression (not replace))) (defun si-add-jump (&optional replace) "View the Scheme structure under point. With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "P") (si-jump (not replace))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Mouse support ;;; (if (string-match "^19" emacs-version) ;; Emacs 19 (progn ;; Yuck. Is there a better way to deal with mouse-1? I need to shadow ;; both of these bindings (as of Emacs 19.15). (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [down-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-point) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-2] 'si-mouse-add-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-3] 'si-mouse-delete) (define-key scheme-interaction-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) (defun si-mouse-jump (click) "View the Scheme structure clicked upon." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-jump nil)) (defun si-mouse-add-jump (click) "View the Scheme structure clicked upon, adding a new entry." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-jump t)) (defun si-mouse-delete (click) "Remove the entry clicked upon." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-delete)) ) ;; Emacs 18 (progn (defvar mouse-map) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-left) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-middle) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-right) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-left (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-left)) (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-middle (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-middle)) (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-right (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-right)) (defun si-scheme-window-p (arg) (save-window-excursion (save-excursion (x-mouse-set-point arg) (memq major-mode '(scheme-inspector-mode scheme-interaction-mode))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-left (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-left arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-jump))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-middle (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-middle arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-jump t))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-right (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-right arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-delete))))))) Article 515 of comp.lang.scheme.c: Xref: comp.lang.scheme:8454 comp.lang.scheme.c:515 gnu.emacs.sources:3252 Path:!!!MathWorks.Com!!world!!spdcc!!grapevine!mernst From: (Michael Ernst) Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme,comp.lang.scheme.c,gnu.emacs.sources Subject: Scheme inspector (runs under Emacs) Date: 18 Mar 94 11:41:19 Organization: MIT Lab for Computer Science Lines: 496 Distribution: comp Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: When I want to examine a Scheme data structure, I get tired of continually typing (pp form) to see its subparts. This Emacs Lisp code lets me mouse on a structure to have it pretty-printed into an inspector buffer, which can contain the representations of multiple structures simultaneously. It works under Emacs 18 or 19, but has only been tested with MIT Scheme. -Michael Ernst ;;; scheme-inspector.el -- View and navigate among Scheme values under Emacs ;;; Michael D. Ernst ;;; 6/30/93 ;;; Process code and Emacs 18 mouse handling corrected by Roger Crew, 7/1/93. ;; This mode lets you pretty-print the values of Scheme expressions and ;; navigate among them using keystrokes or mouse clicks. An arbitrary ;; number of Scheme values may be displayed at a time. It is somewhat ;; reminiscent of the Inspector that came with the Lisp Machine and other ;; Lisp systems and is very useful for examining structure values. ;; To invoke, type M-x scheme-inspector RET. ;; For more details, see the documentation for scheme-inspector-mode. ;; Install this file in your load-path and add the following to your .emacs: ;; (autoload 'scheme-inspector "scheme-inspector" "Scheme inspector" t) ;; Perhaps also do this: ;; (autoload 'si-jump "scheme-inspector" "Scheme inspector" t) ;; and, in your xscheme-start-hook: ;; (define-key scheme-interaction-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) ;; Currently I add an expression to the history when it is obscured from ;; the buffer rather than when it is displayed. Is this the right thing? ;; Note also that the entries killed by si-last are gone forever; I don't ;; see how else to do this, though, so it seems like the right thing. ;; It would be nicer if there was a full history list which could be ;; traversed in both directions. ;; This package works under Emacs 18 and 19. Currently it supports only ;; MIT Scheme; extensions to other Schemes would be welcomed. ;; LCD Archive Entry: ;; scheme-inspector|Michael Ernst|| ;; View and navigate among Scheme values under Emacs| ;; 16-Mar-94|1.1|~/interfaces/scheme-inspector.el.Z| ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Utilities ;;; ;;; Lifted from util-mde.el (defun si-match-string (n &optional source) "Return the string matched by parentheses number N. If there is a SOURCE string, return the substring of that string; else, return substring of the current buffer." (cond ((stringp source) (substring source (match-beginning n) (match-end n))) (t (buffer-substring (match-beginning n) (match-end n))))) ;;; This assumes that the entire region can fit onscreen, not necessarily a ;;; true assumption; no serious ill comes if it can't, however. (defun si-make-region-visible (begin end) (cond ((save-excursion (move-to-window-line 0) (> (point) begin)) (goto-char begin) (recenter 0)) ((save-excursion (move-to-window-line -1) (end-of-line) (< (point) end)) (goto-char end) (recenter -1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Scheme inspector mode ;;; (defvar si-history '()) (defvar scheme-inspector-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (defun scheme-inspector () "View Scheme values, especially structures. See documentation for `scheme-inspector-mode'." (interactive) (pop-to-buffer "*Scheme-inspector*") (scheme-inspector-mode)) (defun scheme-inspector-mode () "Major mode for viewing and traversing Scheme values, especially structures. This mode lets you pretty-print the values of Scheme expressions (usually structures) and navigate among them using keystrokes or mouse clicks. An arbitrary number of Scheme values may be displayed at a time. Type e or v to display the value of an expression or variable. Type #, h, or n to display the value associated with a hash number. Type SPC or mouse-1 to display the value of the structure under point. The above arguments replace the current entry by default. With a prefix argument or capital letter, they insert a new entry at buffer end instead. \(mouse-2 is the \"capital\" of mouse-1.\) Type l or p to display the most recently obscured entry. Type d or mouse-3 to delete an entry from the buffer. Ordinary movement commands work. Use TAB to move to the next entry and Shift-TAG to move to the previous entry. Type q to bury the buffer. Type ? or C-h m to see this help. Turning on Scheme inspector mode calls the value of the variable `scheme-inspector-mode-hook', if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (if (not (eq major-mode 'scheme-inspector-mode)) (progn (message "Welcome to Scheme inspector mode. Type ? or C-h m for help.") (kill-all-local-variables) (make-variable-buffer-local 'si-history) (setq si-history nil) (setq buffer-read-only t) (use-local-map scheme-inspector-mode-map) (setq mode-name "Scheme inspector") (setq major-mode 'scheme-inspector-mode) ;; (setq local-abbrev-table scheme-inspector-mode-abbrev-table) ;; (set-syntax-table scheme-inspector-mode-syntax-table) (run-hooks 'scheme-inspector-mode-hook)))) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "#" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "h" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "n" 'si-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "e" 'si-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "v" 'si-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "H" 'si-add-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "N" 'si-add-unhash) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "E" 'si-add-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "V" 'si-add-expression) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map " " 'si-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "\C-i" 'si-next-entry) (if (string-match "^19" emacs-version) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [S-tab] 'si-previous-entry)) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "d" 'si-delete) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "l" 'si-last) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "p" 'si-last) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "q" 'bury-buffer) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Process munging ;;; (defvar si-process-output) ; quiet the byte-compiler (require 'xscheme-proc) (if (not (fboundp 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output)) (if (not (fboundp 'xscheme-process-filter-output)) (error "You must load xscheme.el before scheme-inspector.el") (fset 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output (symbol-function 'xscheme-process-filter-output)))) (defun si-xscheme-process-filter-output (&rest args) (setq si-process-output (append si-process-output args))) ;; Returns a string, the pp description. (defun si-value (expression) (let* ((si-process-output '()) ; list of strings result ; single string (si-done nil) ) (fset 'xscheme-process-filter-output 'si-xscheme-process-filter-output) ;; When Scheme writes ESC E exp ESC, Emacs evaluates expression exp. ;; A similar thing could probably be done by having ;; si-xscheme-process-filter-output set si-done when it sees ;; ";No value" as an argument, and omitting that string from the output. (setq xscheme-silent-value t) (xscheme-send-string (format "(begin (pp %s)(write-string \"\eE(setq si-done t)\e\"))" expression)) (unwind-protect (while (not si-done) (accept-process-output (get-process xscheme-process-name))) (fset 'xscheme-process-filter-output 'si-orig-xscheme-process-filter-output)) (setq result (apply (function concat) si-process-output)) (if (string-match "\C-G" result) (error "Scheme error in %s: %s" expression (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))) result))) ;; (progn (setq foo (si-value "#@15")) (describe-variable 'foo)) ;; (progn (setq foo (si-value "#@62")) (describe-variable 'foo)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Internals for displaying entries ;;; ;; The space between entries belongs to the previous entry. ;; Beware: the end of one entry is the beginning of the next! `si-end' ;; belongs to the next entry, so always call it after `si-beginning'. ;; Go to the beginning of the current entry. (defun si-beginning () (forward-line 2) (if (search-backward ":\n\n" nil t) (beginning-of-line 1) (goto-char (point-min))) (point)) ;; Go to the end of the current entry. (defun si-end () (forward-line -1) (if (not (search-forward "\n\n\n" nil t)) (goto-char (point-max))) (point)) ;; Insert a formatted value at a particular buffer location. (defun si-insert (expression value begin end) (let ((buffer-read-only nil)) (delete-region begin end) (goto-char begin) ;; VALUE begins with a newline. (insert expression ":\n" value "\n\n\n") (si-tighten-region begin (point)) (si-make-region-visible begin (- (point) 3)) (goto-char begin))) ;; Get rid of extraneous vertical whitespace. Leave point at end of region. (defun si-tighten-region (begin end) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region begin end) (goto-char begin) (while (re-search-forward "(\\(define-global-macro\\|lambda\\|if\\)\n" nil t) (delete-indentation)) (goto-char (point-max)))) (defun si-current-exp-to-history () (si-beginning) (if (looking-at "\\(.*\\):$") (setq si-history (cons (si-match-string 1) si-history)))) (defun si-replace (expression value &optional add) "Replace the current entry with EXPRESSION and VALUE. With optional argument ADD, insert at the end of the buffer instead." (or (si-goto expression value) (if add (si-insert expression value (point-max) (point-max)) (progn (si-current-exp-to-history) (si-insert expression value (si-beginning) (si-end)))))) (defun si-location (expression) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward (concat "\\(\\`\\|\n\n\n\\)" (regexp-quote expression) ":$") nil t) (match-end 1)))) ;; Return t if successful. (defun si-goto (expression value) (let ((loc (si-location expression))) (if loc (progn (goto-char loc) ;; The value might have changed since it was last displayed. ;; (si-make-region-visible loc (- (si-end) 3)) ;; (goto-char loc) (si-insert expression value (si-beginning) (si-end)) t)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Miscellaneous ;;; (defun si-next-entry (arg) "Go to the beginning of the next entry. With a prefix arg, go forward that many entries." (interactive "p") (si-beginning) (while (< arg 0) (if (bobp) (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -1)) (si-beginning) (setq arg (1+ arg))) (while (> arg 0) (si-end) (if (eobp) (goto-char (point-min))) (setq arg (1- arg))) (let ((begin (point))) ;; Don't check for end of buffer because there are three newlines at the ;; end of the buffer. (re-search-forward "\n\n\n") (si-make-region-visible begin (match-beginning 0)) (goto-char begin))) (defun si-previous-entry (arg) "Go to the beginning of the previous entry. With a prefix arg, go backward that many entries." (interactive "p") (si-next-entry (- arg))) (defun si-quit () "Bury the current buffer." (bury-buffer)) (defun si-last (arg) "View the Scheme value previously viewed. With a prefix arg, go back that many values, discarding intervening values." (interactive "p") (let ((pared-history (nthcdr (1- arg) si-history))) (if (null pared-history) (error "No previous Scheme value to edit.") (setq si-history pared-history))) (let ((last (car si-history))) (si-expression last) ;; Get rid of two expressions, the restored one and the clobbered one. (setq si-history (cdr (cdr si-history))))) (defun si-delete () "Remove the entry under point." (interactive) (let ((buffer-read-only nil)) (si-current-exp-to-history) (delete-region (si-beginning) (si-end)) (if (and (eobp) (not (bobp))) (si-next-entry 0)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; User interface for viewing values ;;; (defun si-unhash (hash-number &optional add) "Display the Scheme value associated with HASH-NUMBER (a number or string). With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "nHash number: \nP") (si-expression (format "#@%s" hash-number) add)) (defun si-expression (expression &optional add) "Display EXPRESSION and its pretty-printed Scheme value for inspecting. With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "sExpression: \nP") (let ((value (si-value (if (string-match "^'?#@" expression) (let ((hn (substring expression (match-end 0)))) (format "(or (object-unhash %s) \";Invalid hash number %s\")" hn hn)) expression)))) (scheme-inspector) (si-replace expression value add))) (defvar si-structure-regexp "#\\[[-:A-Za-z0-9]+ \\([0-9]*\\)") (defun si-jump (&optional add) "View the Scheme structure under point. With prefix argument, add a new entry instead of replacing the current one." (interactive "P") (let* ((here (point)) (hash (or (save-excursion ;; if we are on a number, use it (skip-chars-backward "0-9") (and (looking-at "[0-9]+") (si-match-string 0))) (save-excursion (if (looking-at "#") (forward-char 1)) (if (looking-at "\\[") (forward-char 1)) (if (and (re-search-backward "#\\[\\|\\]" nil t) (string-equal "#[" (si-match-string 0)) (looking-at si-structure-regexp) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (>= (point) here))) (si-match-string 1))) ;; If we're after a #[], the above finds it instead of ;; what we're actually in. (save-excursion (if (and (re-search-forward "#\\[\\|\\]" nil t) (string-equal "]" (si-match-string 0)) (progn (backward-sexp 1) (backward-char 1) (<= (point) here)) (looking-at si-structure-regexp)) (si-match-string 1)))))) ;; If we are in scheme interaction mode when the eval occurs, lest ;; extraneous CR's will be inserted. (scheme-inspector) (if hash (si-unhash hash add) (error "No structure at point.")))) ;;; ;;; Versions with default add behavior ;;; (defun si-add-unhash (hash-number &optional replace) "Display the Scheme value associated with HASH-NUMBER (a number or string). With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "nHash number: \nP") (si-unhash hash-number (not replace))) (defun si-add-expression (expression &optional replace) "Display EXPRESSION and its pretty-printed Scheme value for inspecting. With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "sExpression: \nP") (si-expression expression (not replace))) (defun si-add-jump (&optional replace) "View the Scheme structure under point. With prefix argument, replace the current entry instead of adding a new one." (interactive "P") (si-jump (not replace))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Mouse support ;;; (if (string-match "^19" emacs-version) ;; Emacs 19 (progn ;; Yuck. Is there a better way to deal with mouse-1? I need to shadow ;; both of these bindings (as of Emacs 19.15). (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [down-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-point) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-2] 'si-mouse-add-jump) (define-key scheme-inspector-mode-map [mouse-3] 'si-mouse-delete) (define-key scheme-interaction-mode-map [mouse-1] 'si-jump) (defun si-mouse-jump (click) "View the Scheme structure clicked upon." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-jump nil)) (defun si-mouse-add-jump (click) "View the Scheme structure clicked upon, adding a new entry." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-jump t)) (defun si-mouse-delete (click) "Remove the entry clicked upon." (interactive "e") (goto-char (posn-point (event-start click))) (si-delete)) ) ;; Emacs 18 (progn (defvar mouse-map) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-left) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-middle) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar x-button-right) ; quiet the byte-compiler (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-left (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-left)) (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-middle (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-middle)) (defvar si-orig-x-mouse-right (lookup-key mouse-map x-button-right)) (defun si-scheme-window-p (arg) (save-window-excursion (save-excursion (x-mouse-set-point arg) (memq major-mode '(scheme-inspector-mode scheme-interaction-mode))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-left (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-left arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-jump))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-middle (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-middle arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-jump t))))) (define-key mouse-map x-button-right (function (lambda (arg) (if (not (si-scheme-window-p arg)) (funcall si-orig-x-mouse-right arg) (x-mouse-set-point arg) (si-delete)))))))