Australian Critics of Scientology
This page maintained by David Gerard.

Hints and Tips for Demonstrating against Scientology

"It was Bill Franks walking up and down across the street from the Fort Harrison with a sign 'SCIENOS STOLE MY CHURCH!' after he escaped from being held prisoner in Hemet by the poodle, that made a huge impression on me when I was at Flag." - Dennis Erlich

[Steve A with bogseat clam prop]

The Value of Picketing

How To Hold A Picket

Demeanour for picketing

CoS Strategy and Tactics at pickets

Signs for picketing

Ideas on what to do with leaflets

Xemu, Xemu, Xemu

Dealing with legal troubles from the Org

Video recording of your picket

Disposable cameras for picketing

"The advantage is that in case of Trouble(tm), you're not risking your real camera ... The picture quality is pretty mediocre-OK, but that's why God gave us Photoshop."

Props at pickets

[Demonstrations against Scientology]