Unofficial Guide to the Vatican Web Site

NOTE: I am no longer at CMU, and am no longer updating these pages. Since the Vatican has recently reorganized their site, many of these links no longer work. You can still reach the top-level Vatican homepage at This page will be going away entirely after August 2000.

The Vatican has unveiled a new Web site with lots of information, at Some Web browsers may have a problem with the site as it stands now, due to its dependence on frames and its bandwidth requirements. This page is designed to give quick, frameless access to many of the important English-language pages on the site.

This guide is not officially sponsored by the Vatican, but is simply meant to provide more convenient access to some of their pages. For definitive information and the most up-to-date links, use their site directly.

(Quick jumps: The Holy Father - The Roman Curia - News Services - The Vatican Museums - Jubilee 2000 - Archive)

New: The TOM Frame Service (TFS) is now used for certain links to 'unroll' the frame-oriented display into single, frameless HTML documents. You can even use it to browse the entire Vatican website. Let me know if you find it useful. The service is still under development, and may be unavailable at certain times.

This guide is edited by John Mark Ockerbloom, editor of Catholic Resources on the Net.
John Mark Ockerbloom <>