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C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)

Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)

2001/12/2 19:00 EST This sketch was made at Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, with an 8"/f6 Dob and 25mm eyepiece. It seems to have grown a little brighter, and there is a hint of tail.

2001/11/15 21:15 EST This sketch was made at Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, with an 8"/f6 Dob and 25mm eyepiece. Probably due to the light pollution, the comet looked like a dim, large round patch of nebula. The nucleus was visible like a faint star, but no tail was detected.

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C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)

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All images by Jerry Xiaojin Zhu unless noted otherwise. Feel free to use them for your personal enjoyment. For other usage please contact the author at jerryzhu@gmail.com