[yapc 99 talks]
YAPC | talks

Benjamin Holzman

Repent Ye Sinners: Avoid Syntax Hell; Use XML

45 minute talk

When Tim Bray spoke about XML at The Perl Conference 2.0, he suggested that XML could help regularize the profusion of syntaxes used in configuration files. To emphasize his point, he showed the insanity in some of the Linux configuration files.

By a curious coincidence, I had already started to use XML to build configuration files for applications written in Perl, using XML::Parser to turn the XML into a perl data structure. I'd like to share with you some tips and tricks that you can make use of the next time you need to drive a program with a configuration file.


Ben is with Matthew Bender, Inc., an improvisational pianist, and founder of Albany.pm.
Kevin Lenzo
Last modified: Fri May 7 15:36:43 EDT 1999