[yapc 99 talks]
YAPC | talks

Mike Fletcher

45-minute talk


o/` *HUH* Good God! What is it good for? Absolutely everything! o/`

A whirlwind tour of the marvel which is mod_perl, hopefully providing answers to such questions as:

( Well, maybe not that last one. )

Fletch is a quasiregular denizen of #perl. He currently works for a most excelent employer (Internet Security Systems) doing software development related things. Fletch lives in Atlanta, GA, with his wife Cathy, dogs Phydeaux and Reauxvur, and far too many computers for the liking of the aforementioned wife (no opinion has been expressed yet either way by the dogs). Fletch once wrote several chapters about Java for three editions of Java Unleashed (ISBN 1-57521-298-6; look for it in fine remainder bins everywhere), but he has long since repented this folly and returned to his dark master Perl.

Kevin Lenzo
Last modified: Fri May 7 16:35:28 EDT 1999