Alexis Lozada
Faculty Advisor: M. Bernardine Dias

Title: Project HATCH: Helping Advance Technology, Communication, and Health in Haiti


Alexis Lozada attends Carnegie Mellon University’s H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management for a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management degree. Alexis Lozada has nine years of experience working as a financial analyst for various multinational corporations, an IT outsourcing company and a boutique investment banking firm in the U.S. and Venezuela.  Mr. Lozada holds a Master in Finance from Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA) and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology/Anthropology from Ohio Wesleyan University.

Project Synopsis

The Helping Advance Technology, Communication, and Health in Haiti (HATCH) project endeavors to find cost-effective communicatioin and scheduling technologies that help empower rural community health centers, affiliated with the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) in Haiti, to provide better healthcare outcomes for their constituents.   By leveraging the personal experiences and skills of the project group members, our team represents a unique partnership between the H. John Heinz III School for Public Policy and Management, TechBridgeWorld, and HAS.