Airborne Surveillance Technologies

When monitoring facilities such as depots, warehouses or parking lots, sensor placement can be planned in advance to get maximum usage of limited VSAM resources. However, the battlefield is a large and constantly shifting piece of real-estate, and it may be necessary to move sensors around in order to maximize their utility as the battle unfolds.  Airborne sensor platforms directly address this concern. During this program, the Sarnoff Corporation developed automated surveillance technology to detect and track individual vehicles from a moving aircraft, to keep the camera turret fixated on a ground point, and to multitask an airborne sensor between separate geodetic ground positions.

Airborne Platform

The airborne sensor and computation packages are mounted on a Britten-Norman Islander twin-engine aircraft operated by the U.S. Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate.  The Islander is equipped with a FLIR Systems Ultra-3000 turret that has two degrees of freedom (pan/tilt), a Global Positioning System (GPS) for measuring position, and an Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) for measuring orientation.   Video processing is performed using the Pyramid Vision Technologies PVT-200, a specially designed video processing engine.  Video and symbolic detection results from the Islander are integrated into the ground-based VSAM testbed system via microwave transmissions captured by a large receiving dish on the ground.
NVESD's Islander aircraft 
NVESD air support "bread truck" and receiving dish.


Airborne Object Tracking

Object detection and tracking is a difficult problem from a moving sensor platform, since it is hard to detect small blocks of independently moving pixels when the whole image is shifting due to self-motion. The key to success with the airborne sensor is characterization and removal of self-motion from the video sequence using the Pyramid Vision Technologies PVT-200 real-time video processor system. As new video frames stream in, the PVT processor registers and warps each new frame to a chosen reference image, resulting in a cancelation of pixel movement, and leading to a "stabilized" display that appears motionless for several seconds.  Object detection and tracking is then performed by applying three-frame differencing to the stabilized video.
Tracking from airborne SPU using real-time image stabilization.


Camera Fixation and Aiming

It is well known that human operators fatigue rapidly when controlling cameras on moving airborne and ground platforms.  This is because they must continually adjust the turret to keep it locked on a stationary or moving object.  Additionally, the video is continuously moving, reflecting the self-motion of the camera.  The combination of these factors often leads to operator confusion and nausea.  Sarnoff has built image alignment techniques to stabilize the view from the camera turret and to automate camera control, thereby significantly reducing the strain on the operator.  In particular,  real-time image alignment to a reference mosaic is used to keep the camera locked on a stationary point in the scene, and to aim the camera at a known geodetic coordinate.  More details can be found in Wixson, 1998.
Acquisition of a reference mosaic and its use in sensor fixation on a geodetic point.

Air Sensor Multi-Tasking

Occasionally, a single camera resource must be used to track multiple moving objects, not all of which fit within a single field of view.  This problem is particularly relevant for high-altitude air platforms that must have a narrow field of view in order to see ground objects at a reasonable resolution. Sensor multi-tasking is employed to switch the field of view periodically between two (or more) target areas that are being monitored.  This process is described in Wixson, 1998.

Footprints of airborne sensor being autonomously multi-tasked between three geodetic scene coordinates.