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CreateResampledStack creates a spin-image stack from two surface meshes representing the same surface. Oriented point bases are taken from the vertices of one surface mesh and the accumulated points come from the vertices of the other surface mesh. This program is the first step in creating a model library for use by RecognizeMesh.



By typing 'CreateResampledStack -' the following options (format description default) are printed:

Usage: CreateResampledStack (See CreateResampledStack for complete usage)

Detailed Usage

%S accumulation mesh filename [required]

%S basis mesh filename [required]

%S set output stack filename [required]

-genStack %F %d %d %F set spin-image generation parameters


To create a stack from two different samplings of a duckie model use


The VMR Lab is part of the Vision and Autonomous Systems Center within the Robotics Institute in the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.