18:42:13 From Anon1 : wait... so a format of proof can expose a lot of bugs? 18:49:19 From Anon2 : In general the verifier still reads all of x, right? 18:49:27 From Anon3 : is q independent on L? 18:49:33 From Anon4 : Do we just assume access to some arbitrary amount of random bits? 18:50:45 From Anon2 : And is it proven that q cannot be less than 3? 18:50:46 From Anon1 : so the probability of checking will be independent of l as well? 18:50:52 From Anon5 : And is the 1/3 related to the q = 3, or independent and true for other q? 19:14:15 From Anon1 : Does it work if the verifier randomly chooses a clause and look at those q bits? 19:14:22 From Anon6 : I mean 3 bits 19:18:40 From Anon7 : so couldn't you also have prob = 1/2 with q = 3 19:19:13 From Anon6 : This proof requires a bigger q to get prob >= 1/2 19:19:51 From Anon5 : (And really it would require q > 3 even to get 1/3 if we’re using 99%, no?) 19:19:58 From Anon6 : Yeah 19:19:58 From Anon7 : yeah ^