
Here are several public graph data.

Name |V| |E| Node id range Description Download Reference
Kronecker 177,147 1,977,149,596 0 ~ 177,146 Synthetic Kronecker graph with diameter 2 Kronecker Generator

59,049 282,416,200 0 ~ 59,048
19,683 40,333,924 0 ~ 19,682 edge file(compressed, 50M)
Erdos-Renyi Synthetic Erdos-Renyi random graph Erdos-Renyi Generator

DBLP Prolific Authors 2,879 22,652 0 ~ 2,878 edge file(404 KB)
nodeid to author name map
Number of papers co-authored among prolific authors who have more than 50 papers in DBLP. The format of the edge file is
	<Author 1> <Author 2> <# of co-authored papers>