
Class Summary
Ndirect Introduction
Provides an interface to the Nomadics Technologies control library for a Nomad 150 robot.
Nomad150GripperNeutral Introduction
This application is for placing the nomad's gripper in a neutral position.
Nomad150TestGripper Introduction
This application is for testing Nomad 150 servo control hardware.
Nomad150TestPanTilt Introduction
This application is for testing Nomad 150 servo control hardware.
Nomad150TestSensors Introduction
This application is for testing Nomad 150 sonar and bump sensor hardware and the Ndirect class.
Nomad150TestServos Introduction
This application is for testing Nomad 150 servo control hardware.
Nomad150TestTriangle Introduction
This application is for testing Nomad 150 translation and steering hardware and the Ndirect class; WARNING: this program will drive the robot at maximum speed.