Virginia Vassilevska Nondecreasing Paths in a Weighted Graph or: How to Optimally Read a Train Schedule Abstract: A travel booking office has timetables giving arrival and departure times for all scheduled trains, including their origins and destinations. A customer presents a starting city and demands a route with perhaps several train connections taking him to his destination as early as possible. The booking office must find the best route for its customers. This problem was first considered in the theory of algorithms in 1958 by George Minty, who reduced it to a problem on directed edge-weighted graphs: find a path from a given source to a given target such that the consecutive weights on the path are nondecreasing and the last weight on the path is minimized. Minty gave the first algorithm for the single source version of the problem, in which one finds minimum last weight nondecreasing paths from the source to every other vertex. In this talk we present the first linear time algorithm for this problem. The algorithm uses some nice data structures and is surprisingly simple and elegant. Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the CSD Speaking Skills Requirement.