Speaker: Nina Balcan Time: Wednesday 12-1pm Place: NSH 1507 Title: Mechanism Design via Machine Learning Abstract: In this work, we make an explicit connection between machine learning and mechanism design. In doing so, we obtain a unified approach for considering a variety of profit maximizing mechanism design problems, including many that have been previously considered in the literature. In particular, we use techniques from sample-complexity in machine learning theory to reduce problems of incentive-compatible mechanism design to standard algorithmic questions. We apply these results to a wide variety of revenue-maximizing pricing problems, including the problem of auctioning a digital good, the attribute auction problem, and the problem of item-pricing in unlimited-supply combinatorial auctions. It is worth noting that from a learning perspective, these settings present several unique challenges: the loss function is discontinuous and asymmetric, and the range of bidders' valuations may be large. This is joint work with Avrim Blum, Jason Hartline, and Yishay Mansour, to appear in FOCS'05.