Programming Assignment 5 - due Monday, July 14 by 9:00AM


For this assignment, you will create a Python source file (that is, a text file containing Python code) for each of the problems below. You should store all of these files in a folder named pa5, which you will zip up and submit.

As you will discover this semester, computer programs are rarely correct when they are first written. They often have bugs. In addition to writing the code, you should test your code on multiple inputs, for which you independently know the correct output (e.g., by plugging the inputs into a calculator).

Remember to comment your code, choose appropriate variable names, and use consistent spacing and indentation!

Note: You are responsible for protecting your solutions to these problems from being seen by other students, either physically (e.g., by looking over your shoulder) or electronically.

Recursive Functions

  1. [2 points] Recall that n! (n factorial) is defined as follows:

    n! = n × (n-1) × ... × 2 × 1

    for n ≥ 1. When n = 0, 0! = 1 by definition.

    The following recursive function computes the factorial of n, assuming n is a non-negative integer:

    def factorial(n):
        if n == 0:
            return 1
            return n * factorial(n-1)

    In the file sum.py, write a recursive function sum_positive(n) for n ≥ 0 that computes the sum S of the first n positive integers:

    S = n + (n-1) + ... + 2 + 1

    If n = 0, then the sum is 0 by definition.

    Your function must be recursive. It should not use a loop nor use lists. Hint: Your function will look very similar to the factorial function above!


    >> python3 -i sum.py
    >>> sum_positive(1)
    >>> sum_positive(5)

  2. [2 points] Printing selected strings from a list:

    In print_x.py, define an function print_x(lst) that takes a list of strings called lst and prints out each string that starts with the character "x" in list lst. Use the following recursive algorithm:

    1. Return None if lst is empty (the simple statement return will return None).
    2. Print the first element in lst if that first element starts with an "x". (See String Hint below.)
    3. Using a recursive call, print the strings starting with "x" in the tail of lst. (See List Hint below.)

    String Hint: a string s starts with "x" if and only if s >= "x" and s < "y". (Why?)

    List Hint: The tail of the list is the list containing everything except the first element of the original list, in the same order. If L is a list, its tail can be specified using L[1:], (i.e., the list Lfrom index 1 to the end).


    > python3 -i print_x.py
    >>> print_x(["xantis", "weasel", "yak", "xiphias", "dog", "xenopus"])
  3. [2 points] Towers of Hanoi revisited

    Recall the solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem given in class, which prints out all of the instructions for the required moves for a given number of discs, n:

    def towers(n, from_peg, to_peg, using_peg):
        if n >= 1:
            towers(n-1, from_peg, using_peg, to_peg)
            print("Move disc from " + from_peg + " to " + to_peg)
            towers(n-1, using_peg, to_peg, from_peg)

    We can modify this function so it also returns the total number of moves made in the problem. Complete the following revised function, so that it prints out the required moves, and also returns the total number of moves made. Assume that n is always greater than or equal to 0. Store your function in towers.py.

    def towers(n, from_peg, to_peg, using_peg):
    # prints moves for Towers of Hanoi with n disks
    # and returns total number of moves required
        if n >= 1:
            nummoves1 = towers(n-1, from_peg, using_peg, to_peg)
            print("Move disc from " + from_peg + " to " + to_peg)
            nummoves2 = towers(n-1, using_peg, to_peg, from_peg)
            return _________________________
        else:  # what must n be? how many moves does this n require?
            return _________________________


    >> python3 -i towers.py
    >>> towers(4, "A", "C", "B")
    Move disc from A to B
    Move disc from A to C
    Move disc from B to C
    Move disc from A to B
    Move disc from C to A
    Move disc from C to B
    Move disc from A to B
    Move disc from A to C
    Move disc from B to C
    Move disc from B to A
    Move disc from C to A
    Move disc from B to C
    Move disc from A to B
    Move disc from A to C
    Move disc from B to C
    >>> towers(2, "A", "C", "B")
    Move disc from A to B
    Move disc from A to C
    Move disc from B to C
  4. [2 points] Shuffling lists:

    In shuffle.py, you will write a Python function shuffle(list1, list2) that takes two lists list1 and list2 as parameters and returns a list where the elements from list1 and list2 are shuffled together into one list.

    The elements in the output list must be drawn alternately from list1 and list2. If one list is longer than the other, the extra elements should appear at the end of the output list.

    Write shuffle(list1, list2) as a recursive function. Here is the general algorithm:

    1. If list2 is empty, then return list1 as the shuffled list.
    2. Otherwise, if list1 is empty, then return list2 as the shuffled list.
    3. Otherwise, do the following:
      1. Create a new list that is empty.
      2. Since we know that list1 and list2 are both not empty, append the first element of list1 to your new list and then append the first element of list2 to your new list.
      3. Next, make a recursive call to this function, passing the tail of list1 and the tail of list2 as the arguments. Append the shuffled list that is returned from this recursive call to your new list. (See hint below.)
      4. Return your new list as the shuffled list.

    List hint: To append a whole list to another list, use the + operator instead of the append function:

    >>>L1 = [1,2,3]
    >>>L2 = [4,5,6]
    >>>L1 = L1 + L2


    >> python3 -i shuffle.py
    >>> shuffle([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
    [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]
    >>> shuffle([],[4,5,6])
    [4, 5, 6]
    >>> shuffle([1,2,3],[])
    [1, 2, 3]
    >>> shuffle([1,3],[2,4,5,6,7])
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> shuffle([1,3,5,7],[2,4,6])
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  5. [2 points] Lists of lists!

    In Python, you can test whether a variable references a list or not using the isinstance function. Here's an example:

    >>> a = [1,2,3]
    >>> b = 4
    >>> isinstance(a, list)
    >>> isinstance(b, list)

    In this problem, we will see that elements of a list can also be lists. For example [[1,2], [3,4,[5]], 6] is a list whose first element is the list [1,2] and whose second element is the list [3,4,[5]], and whose third element is the number 6. The lists [1,2] and [3,4,[5]]] are said to be nested in the list [[1,2], [3,4,[5]], 6]. The list [5] is nested in [3,4,[5]].

    In nested_sum.py, write a recursive function nested_sum(numlist) that returns the sum of all the numbers in the numlist, including all numbers nested inside of the numlist. You may assume this list does not contain strings. That is, all data in the list, or nested within, is numerical. Implement nested_sum(numlist) according to the following recursive algorithm:

    1. Set total equal to 0.
    2. For each element x in numlist, do the following:
      1. If x is a number (i.e. not a list), then add x to total.
      2. If x is a list, then
        1. Set nested_list equal to x.
        2. Recursively compute the sum of this nested_list and store this result in nested_list_sum.
        3. Add nested_list_sum to total.
    3. Return total.


    python3 -i nested_sum.py
    >>> nested_sum([[1,2], [3,4,[5]], 6])


You should now have a pa5 directory that contains the files sum.py, print_x.py, powers.py, shuffle.py and nested_sum.py each containing the corresponding function. Zip up your directory and hand it in.