04-22-05– Ed Bardsley

  1. updated directions for submission of the final project and contest entry

04-14-05– Debabrata Dash

  1. changed the ack spec to return LastPacketRcvd rather than NextPacketExpected.

04-3-05 – Debabrata Dash

  1. Added the restriction that sequence numbers always start from 0.

04-1-05 – Debabrata Dash

  1. Fixed some small bugs in chunk.h, thanks to Kelvin Lim for reporting them.

03-31-05 – Debabrata Dash

  1. Added get chunk file format to the file format list.
  2. fixed example/B.haschunks file bug.

03-30-05 – Debabrata Dash

  1. Made all the ids consistent. All the chunk ids are now in decimal, the hashes are in hex.

  2. Removed Data and Connection-Id field from GET message.

  3. Removed the -o option from peer command line, and added the -f option to specify the master-chunk-file.

  4. Added the example section to explain simple usage of the peer command.

  5. The sliding window figure and description inconsistency has been fixed.

  6. Checkpoint dates have been updated. Checkpoint 1 description is also updated.

  7. Renamed hex2ascii to binary2hex and ascii2hex to hex2binary. The names reflect purpose of the functions. If you have been using the old names, they will still work.

  8. Removed server.c from the skeleton as it was not necessary.

  9. Removed the sample, sample.chunks file and added an example directory was added with the files described in Section 5 of the project specification.