
There will be four programming projects and four written homework assignments.

All homeworks and he first programming project are to be done individually. The remaining programming projects will be done in groups of two students.

The projects are done in groups for two reasons. The first is the size of the class. The second and more important reason is that this is an opportunity to experience the joys and frustrations of working with others. It's a skill you only get better at with practice.

Since 15-441 fulfills the project-class requirement of the CS degree, you will be expected to learn and practice good software engineering, as well as demonstrate mastery of the networking concepts. Both partners in a project group will need to fully understand the project and your solution in order to do well on those exam questions relating to the projects. For example, a typical question might be: "When you implemented X, you came across a particular situation Y that required some care. Explain why this simple solution Z doesn't work and describe how you solved it." We'll pick questions such that it will take some effort to figure out Y. If you didn't take the time to work the problem yourself and just relied on your partner, you won't have enough time during the test to figure it out. Be careful, the insights you'll need will come only from actually solving the problem as opposed to just seeing the solution.


Topic Assigned Due Other Info Solutions
P1: Mini Web Server 9/04/2002 09/23/2002 Directory  
Homework 1 9/09/2002 9/18/2002 Answer sheet, hints, figure 10 solution, comments
Homework 2(ps) (pdf) 9/25/2002 10/7/2002 Answer sheet Solution (ps) (pdf)
P2 : TCP Analyzer 9/25/2002 10/14/2002 Directory Distribution
P3: MPEG Protocols 10/18/2002 11/8/2002 Directory  
Homework 3(ps) (pdf) 10/23/2002 10/31/2002 Solutions.pdf
Document Routing (ps) 11/12/2002 12/02/2002 Directory, Hints  
Homework 4(ps) (pdf) 11/18/2002 11/25/2002   Solution (ps, pdf)