
ISBN 0-521-42708-8, Canto.

What is Life by Erwin Schrödinger, 1944.

chapters 1-5 make a number of interesting conclusions about DNA before it was discovered.

the \\sqrt{n} rule is good to know:

chapter 6 Order, Disorder and Entropy is where it gets fun:

in the epilogue On Determinism and Free Will he goes all the way:

see Huxley's Perenial Philosophy.

see William James on monotheism vs polytheism in The Varieties of Religious Experience.

Mind and Matter, 1958.

he relates consciosness to learning:

see Turchin, Zygon.

on Ethics he says:

Hesse Steppenwolf

i think he's missing that cultural/technological evolution has taken over and is moving so fast that biology is standing still: eucaryotic cells haven't changed much compared to the organisms made up of them.

the eugenic overtones make me wonder about a connection with the Nazis (he fled when Hitler took over).

see the Unabomber and New Technology: Society, Employment, and Skill seem to make similar errors.

The Principle of Objectivation: Neither can the body determine the mind to think, nor the mind determine the body to motion or rest or anything else (if such there be) - Spinoza's Ethics Pt III, Prop 2.

Sir Charles Sherrington's Man and Nature ... The Arithmetical Paradox: the Oneness of Mind ... Aziz Nasafi the 13th century Persian mysic ... Plato's theory of forms, the origin of abstraction ... Science and Religion.