A list of top-level namespaces

Here is the current list of recognized top-level namespaces. Namespaces are described in more detail elsewhere.

This top-level list is administered by John Ockerbloom (spok@cs.cmu.edu)

For types deemed "essential" to the operation of the system. This namespace covers only a few frequently used types in the administration of the type system. New names are assigned by the administrator, John Ockerbloom (spok@cs.cmu.edu).

For types considered to be "standard"; that is, those types that are widely used throughout the system. Types in this namespace often have longer names in other namespaces as well. New names are assigned by the administrator, John Ockerbloom (spok@cs.cmu.edu).

A special namespace for "constructed" typenames; that is, those that can be described by a rule applied to the name. (For example, the type for "sequence of objects of type X" is named "c:seq:X".) Types in this namespace are named by a set of construction rules. This set of rules is subject to expansion, and is administered by John Ockerbloom (spok@cs.cmu.edu).

For types with formats described in the MIME system. These names cannot be assigned automatically, since MIME and TOP use slightly different design principles, but most MIME formats of the form "type/subtype" will eventually have corresponding TOP types with names of the form "mime:type/subtype". New names are assigned by the administrator of this namespace, John Ockerbloom (spok@cs.cmu.edu).

For types defined at any point on the Internet. Every type oracle maintains its own portion of the "net:" namespace, and new names are assigned at the oracle where a type is first registered, according to the standard rules for the "net:" namespace.

spok@cs.cmu.edu (Last updated 28-Dec-94)