I am going to propose a genetic-programming approach to the invariant generation problem. This is a work in progress. Wonchan Lee, Heejae Shin, two SOAR lab members, and I are currently involved in. The motivation of this work is based on the observations about how we solve the same problem with algorithmic-learning-based approach: 1) Information about invariants can be delivered to the algorithmic learning only through the form of answering queries. This limited power of intervening can make the system less efficient. 2) Algorithmic-learning-based approach solely relies on the randomized mechanism when it cannot solve the queries. Can we do better than a simple randomized mechanism? 3) Parallelization is not possible due to the serialized querying-answering process. I believe that genetic-programming-based approach can be an answer to the above problems of algorithmic-learning-based approach because of the following reasoning: 1) In genetic programming, we can directly manipulate the solutions (formulae). 2) With properly defined fitness function, genetic programming and genetic algorithm have outperformed naive randomized mechanism in various real-world examples. 3) Parallelization is inherently easier in genetic programming approach because there are no dependencies between two manipulation of solutions. I am going to focus on the key idea of fitness function design which plays a key role in genetic programming. When an invariant candidate turns to be not an invariant. We quantize how bad the candidate is by measuring the difference in abstract space which is obtained by predicate abstraction using SMT solver.