

0. Prerequisite
1. How to use the matchmaker
1.1 Create Advertisement
1.2 Load Advertisement
1.3 Create Request
1.4 Load Request
1.5 Browse Advertisement
1.6 Remove Advertisement
1.7 Matchamaker Control
2. How to use Sample Services
2.1 Services and Ontology for Vehicle Quoting Service
2.2 Services and Ontology for Parts Quoting Service
2.3 Sample Services and Ontology for Toys Quoting Service

Appendix. Matchmaking Mechanism
A.1 Matchmaker Archtecture with UDDI Registry
A.2 Matchmaking Engine
A.3 Parsers Diagram

0. Prerequisite

To fully utilize this matchmaking engine, you should know about the following topics in advance.
A DAML-based Web Services Description Language
A Description Logic for DAML-based Ontology
RuleML (if you want to use constraints)
A Rule Markup Language based on RDF

1. How to use the matchmaker

After getting the prerequisites, it's easy to learn how to use this matchmaker. What you need to know are just two functions: advertisement and request. In the basic sence, the advertisement means to register a service to our database, and the request means to search services to match a service you provide.

In this matchmaker, we provide two ways for each function: Create and Submit, and Load and Submit.

1.1 Create Advertisement

Here you can create a new DAMLS Profile description as an advertisement even if you don't know much about the DAMLS Profile. Please provide the following information which will compose your own service. Note that marks(*) are mandatory fields.

Each field name is identical to a DAML class or property in DAMLS Profile. If you want to know definitions of those field, please click the field name at Create Advertisement. Also, to see an actual service example, please click "Show Sample" button at the upper left corner.

provider* Name of service provider
phone Telephone number
email Email address
physicalAddress Postal address in free format
webURL URL to the provider's web site

serviceName* Name of this service
textDescription Brief description of the service. It summarises what the service offers, or to describe what service is requested.
parameterName* Name of parameter
restrictedTo* Type of parameter, i.e., any kind of DAML+OIL class (Thing)
refersTo Reference to DAMLS Process Model
constrainedBy References to constraints on this parameter, i.e., any kind of RuleML rule. To put more than one rules to a parameter, type them in this field with separators ";".
parameterName* Name of parameter
restrictedTo* Type of parameter, i.e., any kind of DAML+OIL class (Thing)
refersTo Reference to DAMLS Process Model
constrainedBy References to constraints on this parameter, i.e., any kind of RuleML rule. To put more than one rules to a parameter, type them in this field with separators ";".
parameterName Name of condition
restrictedTo Reference to the actual condition description in any rule language. Note that this is for service planner, and the matchmaker does not use this information.
refersTo Reference to DAMLS Process Model
parameterName Name of condition
restrictedTo Reference to the actual condition description in any rule language. Note that this is for service planner, and the matchmaker does not use this information.
refersTo Reference to DAMLS Process Model
geographicRadius One of attributes of this service. Select a country from Country.daml.

Submitter Email* Email address of submitter. Please keep it to remove this advertisement.

Show a service example. You can submit this as it is by putting your email address on Submitter Email field.
Click here to make sure that your entered url is correct.
Clear all fields.
Show the actual DAMLS Profile description generated by the above information you provided.
Submit this service to the matchamaker as a new advertisement.

1.2 Load Advertisement

This is an another way to submit an advertisement. If you already have your service description, you can just load it, or copy&paste it on text area. You can see an example by pushing "Show Sample" button as well. The marked(*) fields are mandatory.

DAML-S Profile* DAML Service Profile description
Submitter Email * Email address of submitter. Please keep it to remove this advertisement.

Show a service example. You can submit this as it is by putting your email address on Submitter Email field.
Enter a file name of a DAMLS Profile on your local disk to the left field, and click here. You will see content of the file in the text area below.
Clear all fields.
Submit this service to the matchamaker as a new advertisement.

1.3 Create Request

In Create Request, necessary information is almost the same as the above Create Advertisement. However, you don't need to specify Bussiness Information and Contact Information because the matchmaking process will be done only by Service Information.

Show a service example. You can submit this as it is by putting your email address on Submitter Email field.
Click here to make sure that your entered url is correct.
Clear all fields.
Show the actual DAMLS Profile description generated by the above information you provided.
Submit this description to the matchamaker as a search request.

Also, you can set your own strategy of this service request on Matchmaker Control panel. Please look at Matchmaker Control section below.

1.4 Load Request

In Load Request, necessary information is almost the same as the above Load Advertisement. However, you don't need to specify Bussiness Information and Contact Information because the matchmaking process will be done only by Service Information.

Show a service example. You can submit this as it is by putting your email address on Submitter Email field.
Enter a file name of a DAMLS Profile of your local disk to the left field, and click here. You will see content of the file in the text area below.
Clear all fields.
Submit this description to the matchamaker as a search request.

Also, you can set your own strategy of this service request on Matchmaker Control panel. Please look at Matchmaker Control section below.

1.5 Browse Advertisement

In addtion to the above advertisement and request, you can look at the list of all the registered advertisements on Browse Advertisement. It also provide a simple keyword search. If you can enter a word in serviceName field, only the advertisements whose name has the word (case sensitive) will be returned.

serviceName Portion of service name

Clear all fields.
Return all the advertisements in a list.

1.6 Remove Advertisement

Remove your advertisements here. You need to provide submitter's email address you entered at the advertisement, and the exact same serviceName you entered. You can confirm the deletion on the above Browse Advertisement.

serviceName* Name of service.
Submitter Email* Email address of submitter.

Clear all fields.
Remove the advertisement.

1.7 Matchamaker Control

In Matchmaker Control panel of Create Request and Load Request, you can specify the strategy of your service matching.

Here we briefly explain about each filter. For further detail, please look at Publications page.

Namespace Filter
Pre-checking filter which determine two services have at least one shared namespace (pointer to an ontology). If no common ontology, those two services would have high possibility of no relationship. The default is on.
Text Filter
Pre-checking filter for human-readable service explanation parts such as comment and textDescriptions. It utilizes well-known IR (Infomation Retrieval) technique called TF/IDF (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) method. The default is off.
Similarity Filter
A filter which is for inputs and outputs. It's relatively similar to the next IO Type Filter. The main difference is that this filter is more relaxed and encompasses all the classes within the specified distance. The default is off.
IO Type Filter
One of the most important filter which is for inputs and outputs. In DAML Services, types of inputs and outputs are defined DAML+OIL ontology classes instead of XML Datatypes in WSDL. This is like a method call by objects in Java instead of primitive types like boolean, int, String, etc. This filter basically determines inputs of a requested service description can be subsumed by inputs of an advertisement, and outputs of the advertisement can be subsumed by outputs of the requested service description. The default is on.
Constraint Filter
Another most important filter which is for constraints of inputs and outputs (if any). As well as the above subsumption determination for input and output types, subsumption relationship for each constraints are logically determined in this filter. The default is on.

Consider Limit Max number of advertisements to be considered (inputted) at each filter (Infinite | Limit).
Accept Limit Max number of advertisement to be accepted (outputted) at each filter (Infinite | Limit).
Return Limit Max number of the result to be returned from this matchmaker (Infinite | Limit).
Filter Selection Check the filter you want to use (Namespace | Text | Similarity | IO Type | Constraint). Each filter will be applied in this order.
Text TF/IDF Threshold Threshold of cosin angle of TF/IDF vectors at Text filter (default=0.2).
Similarity Scope Distance to be searched in ontology tree at Similarity filter (Infinite | Limit).
Subsumption Scope Distance to be searched in ontology tree at Subsumption filter and Constraint filter (Infinite | Limit).
Subsumption Mode Direction to be searched in ontology tree at Subsumption filter and Constraint filter (Exact | Plug-In | Relax). Plug-In means the ontology tree will be searched to downward direction, that is, the subsumption relationship will be determined. Relax means the ontology tree will be searched to downward and upward direction, that is, the subsumption relationship or the close relationship but not subsumption will be determined. Exact determines whether two classes are equal or not.

2. How to use Sample Services

We also provide three examples of Web Services for reference purposes. Please look at the following sections.

To try to use them, go to Sample Services and click one of them. You will see the actual DAMLS Profile desription. Select "view source" command of your browser and copy all the text which will appear on your desktop. Then, go back to Load Advertisement or Load Request, and paste it to the text area. Please don't forget to put your submitter's email address before submission.

2.1 Services and Ontology for Vehicle Quoting Service

This is the simplest one which is for vehicle quoting service. Each service here is a single shot, and no tansaction. Therefore, we don't describe any DAMLS Process Model for this example (it would be an atomic process, anyway). Also, an input of each service is just a class of vehicle ontology which means description of a type of vehicle, and an output is a quoted price.

Please see this figure for the concept of the example.

Related files are:
o Quoting Service for Vehicle
o Quoting Service for Car
o Quoting Service for Bus
o Quoting Service for Sedan
o Quoting Service for Ginger
o Quoting Service for Dog
o Quoting Service for Car in Japan
o Quoting Service for Car made by GM
o Quoting Service for Car made by Isuzu
o Simple Ontology for Car
o Simple Ontology for Car Makers
o Simple Ontology for Animal
o Mathematical Ontology
o Sample Rules

2.2 Services and Ontology for Parts Quoting Service

Examples of industrial parts quoting service. The basic concept is similar to the above one, but it utilizes some more constraints (RuleML rules) on inputs and outputs.

Please see this figure for the concept of the example and logical form of those rules.

Related files are:
o Quoting Service for Parts1
o Quoting Service for Parts2
o Quoting Service for PartsA
o Quoting Service for PartsB
o Quoting Service for PartsC
o Quoting Service for PartsD
o Quoting Service for PartsE
o Simple Ontology for Industrial Parts
o Simple Ontology for Parts Makers
o Mathematical Ontology
o Sample Rules

2.3 Sample Services and Ontology for Toys Quoting Service

Example of toys quoting service. It illustrates the relationship between Restriction properties of DAML classes and constraints (RuleML rules) on those classes. You can find the same thing described in both formats.

Related files are:
o Quoting Service for Toy1
o Quoting Service for Toy2
o Simple Ontology for Toys

Appendix. Matchmaking Mechanism

For users' better understainding, we briefly provide the internal mechanizm of this matchmaker. Please look at Publications page for further information.

A.1 Matchmaker Archtecture with UDDI Registry

Matchmaker has been developed as an additional search function to UDDI Registry. It provide semantics service matching based on inputs, outputs, constraints, and other attributes, which are currently described in DAMLS Profile (but, WSDL is also in our scope). In DAMLS Profile, ontology is described in DAML+OIL and rules are described in RuleML. Firstly, advertisements are parsed and stored in UDDI Registry at CMU through the matchmaker. Then, when a request comes, the matchmaker retrives similar advertisements and collect the entire information of those advertisements from UDDI Registry.

Please refer to this figure for the matchmaker archtecture with UDDI Registry.

A.2 Matchmaking Engine

Matchmaking engine has a filter approach which is adjustable for defferent needs for each search and trade-off of speed and accuracy.

Please refer to this figure for the matchmaking engine archtecture.

A.3 Parsers Diagram

Here we also provide the architecture of Parsers Diagram.

Copyright 2002 © The Intelligent Software Agents Group The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University
We welcome your comments and suggestions.