The Concepts and Similarities pages allow you to browse and query the set of semantic relationships that constitute the matchmaker's taxonomy, the device it uses to evaluate the similarity between a request and an advertisement. In turn, you can use the taxonomy engine to find the best set of words with which to advertise your agent or to query the matchmaker. To greatly increase the likelihood of a correct match, verify words with the taxonomy before using them to advertise or find an agent.

The taxonomy engine on the Concepts page can be used to check if a word belongs to a domain. For example, using this engine, you could determine whether "pamphlet" belongs to the "possession," "book" or "diversion" domain. The taxonomy engine will also provide you with a term's definitions, synonyms, and its position in the semantic hierarchy relative to other terms and concepts. You can both personally browse the taxonomy according to individual domains, or search the taxonomy with a search engine.

The Similarities page allows you use the taxonomy engine to determine the degree of similarity between two words. When the two words are similar (if they are synonyms, for instance) the value returned is "1". Values lower than one (".334") indicate lower degrees of similarity, and a value of "0" indicates that the words are unrelated. Negative values (-1) indicate that one or both of the words are not in the taxonomy.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The only relation used in the taxonomy is an "is - a" correlation that shows that two words are of the same kind. For instance, book and dictionary are similar because a dictionary is a type of book. In contrast, book and author, although obviously related, are judged unrelated by the taxonomy because an author is not a type of book.