The Intelligent Software Agents group at Carnegie-Mellon University have designed the A-Match system to be a web interface to their Matchmaker.

A matchmaker acts similar to a yellow pages service; it collects advertisements from service-providing agents and offers a mechanism for service-requesting agents to search its database.

A-Match is a web interface to the RETSINA Matchmaker. In the RETSINA multiagent system, the Matchmaker serves as a liaison between agents that request services and agents that provide services.

Within the RETSINA multiagent system, agents automatically communicate their advertisements and requests to the Matchmaker with KQML messages. A-Match provides an interface for human users to advertise their agents, find agents with the desired capabilities, query and customize agents.

Site Map:

Brief introduction to the A-Match system and site map.
Form for constructing an agent's advertisement to the matchmaker.
Find Agent
Form for searching the matchmaker based on particular preferences. A listing of agents meeting the criteria will be returned. Agents with web interfaces will have links to query pages.
Listing of all currently advertised agents allowing for selection and the removal an agent.
Listing of all currently advertised agents allowing for selection of an agent whose advertisement is to be modified. The advertisement is then placed in the registration form for ease of editing.
Show Agents
Listing of all currently advertised agents. Agents with web interfaces will have links to query pages.
Listing of all currently available domains used by the planner to find the best match between an advertisement and a request.
Known Bugs
Current problems with the A-Match system.
Directions for possible future development of the A-Match system.
Direct feedback to .

Intelligent Software Agents Group
Home page for the Intelligent Software Agents group.